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Im trying to setup the sftp, I get it to work but its so slooow.
When using Filezilla as an client, I get pop-up that asks for what I want do with existing file (even if the file was not there in the first place) so to me it seems the sftp connection tries to upload the same file over and over.

Anyone else has similar experience?

Ok this happens over the default ssh in Unraid too, strange

edit2: Figured it out! It was because the tailscale client was on and my unraid box announced itself as an subnet-router over tailscale. I guess that made some kind of loop

Edited by isvein
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Another problem now :(
If I try to use rclone from windows to this sftp container, I get the error:
"Failed to calculate dst hash: failed to calculate md5 hash: failed to run "md5sum"

I guess this has something to do with the ssh path config in the rclone setup, but not sure what the right path here would be.
If I try with the built in ssh, it works with nothing special set in the rclone config.

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