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Didk migration failure


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I`m an absolut newbie - came from OMV, but I wan`t to change my setting and have found unRaid

Looks great and very simple, but I have a big problem: If I setup my 10 Data-disks and klick on Start, all says: unmountable, unsupported partition layout and Green Led- so normal operation.

The disks are mixed formats: 2 and 4 TB and in xfs, ext4 and ntfs. Also a single SSD with VMs.

What is the problem, or is it normaly that I must all disks reformated and no migration is possible?




unraid disk error.jpg

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3 minutes ago, peru3232 said:

The disks are mixed formats: 2 and 4 TB and in xfs, ext4 and ntfs. Also a single SSD with VMs.

The only file systems unRaid supports in the array are XFS, BTRFS, and ReiserFS (not recommended).  Additionally, there are certain partition requirements that your existing disks in XFS may not have.


Your best bet would be to mount those disks using the unassigned devices plugin (it will mount them) and then copy the contents one at a time to a new blank drive formatted by unRaid

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1 hour ago, peru3232 said:


I`m an absolut newbie - came from OMV, but I wan`t to change my setting and have found unRaid

Looks great and very simple, but I have a big problem: If I setup my 10 Data-disks and klick on Start, all says: unmountable, unsupported partition layout and Green Led- so normal operation.

The disks are mixed formats: 2 and 4 TB and in xfs, ext4 and ntfs. Also a single SSD with VMs.

What is the problem, or is it normaly that I must all disks reformated and no migration is possible?




unraid disk error.jpg

You may have ready caused yourself a problem (do you have backups) if you were trying to migrate disks with data on them to unRAID.   When you start the array then the first thing that happens is that unRAID examines each disk to see if it is partitioned according to unRAID’s standard.   If not it rewrites the partition table to conform to unRAID’s standards.    This can result in data that was previous;ly on the disks no longer being accessible unless you run a recovery tool that can reconstruct the partition table to be what it was before you tried to use the disks with unRAID. 


if you do not mind losing the existing contents then at this point you will see that unRAID is offering to format these disks.   Doing so will result in an empty file system being created on each disk (it only takes a couple of minutes) preparing the disks to receive data.


the normal migration process is to start an array with a minimal number of disks, and then gradually copy data onto them from your existing disks.   As the data from each disk has been added to the unRAID array then the disk can be added to the array to provide additional space.    There is a plugin (Unassigned Devices) that can mount disks in a wide variety of formats outside the array ready for the data to be copied to/from these drives.

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10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

When you start the array then the first thing that happens is that unRAID examines each disk to see if it is partitioned according to unRAID’s standard.   If not it rewrites the partition table to conform to unRAID’s standards.


With unRAID 6.4 that doesn't happen anymore. Disks are untouched unless the user starts formatting them. Obviously that will wipe all content of the disk.

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