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Minio + duplicati (Crashplan Home replacement)


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I just posted a request on the linuxserver.io forums (you can find it here https://forum.linuxserver.io/thread-585.html) about getting a Minio docker created.


I found a blog article discussing the use on Minio and duplicati to mimic Crashplan Home.


I will likely be combining duplicati with an Amazon S3 service to get the cloud backup portion taken care of; but that does not cover the Crashplan server I had running locally and was also backing up to.  I believe I can get Minio and Duplicati to work together so that it will function the same or very close to how my local crashplan server did.


I found a blog article talking about using these 2 apps together here (http://blog.quindorian.org/2017/08/diy-cloud-backup-replacing-crashplan-home-family-diy-style.html/)


Thoughts and comments welcome.

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You can just use the official docker container from minio and import it into unRaid.  You'll have to manually set a few things here and there to get the container going but it isn't that hard if you read the Minio docker quick start guide to see what parms it wants.  Let me know if you need a hand.  

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1 hour ago, adoucette said:

Did you end up getting Minio docker to work on unRAID? What is the process /configuration you used?

I have not had a chance to play with getting the docker up and running on my unRAID machine.  I plan to play with it sometime this week and will be sure to do a writeup after I get it going.

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I had a chance to play with this yesterday and installed the Minio docker fairly easily.

So far I'm happy with how it works but have not yet pushed it out to my friends / family to allow them to back up to it.
Also, is there anything else I would need to do to "harden" this - since it now opens a port on my unRAID box to the internet - to prevent port scans and hacking?
One thing I'm concerned about is whether the credentials to get into Mino are passed in clear text over the internet. If so, how would I set this up to be encrypted (e.g. LetsEncrypt)?
Edited by adoucette
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35 minutes ago, digiblur said:

I can post some screenshots of the options I added to the container screen after importing it from docker hub.


Thank you -- screenshots of working unRAID Minio docker configuration  were included in post referenced above.

At this point I'm thinking of how (whether?) to harden it against attacks.

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4 hours ago, adoucette said:

Thank you -- screenshots of working unRAID Minio docker configuration  were included in post referenced above.

At this point I'm thinking of how (whether?) to harden it against attacks.


Gotcha, I must have missed them.  Glad people got it going.  


I haven't done mine outward facing yet so it's only viewable on my internal network for now, but I do plan on doing it via this link:  https://docs.minio.io/docs/setup-nginx-proxy-with-minio


But it should be pretty secure with those two decently long keys and possibly pointing fail2ban at the logs.  Not to mention the project is on github for everyone to dig through and fix any security issues.


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On 4/6/2018 at 2:08 AM, prostuff1 said:

I believe I can get Minio and Duplicati to work together so that it will function the same or very close to how my local crashplan server did.

I took this and went another way with it after looking into Minio. I didn't like the single user instance aspect of minio, and I already have nextcloud up and running, so I connected duplicati to nextcloud webdav, and presto, easy user management, where each nextcloud user can have multiple pc's each with duplicati backing up to their own single account in nextcloud. Multiple users with individual storage limit quotas on the server.


Thanks @prostuff1 for the push, I was dreading the end of crashplan and putting off migration, and your post was the impetus to get me working on the replacement that works for me and my friends and family.


This implementation feels almost robust enough to actually offer it as a paid service. Unraid+LE+Nextcloud+Duplicati=profit?

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I took this and went another way with it after looking into Minio. I didn't like the single user instance aspect of minio, and I already have nextcloud up and running, so I connected duplicati to nextcloud webdav, and presto, easy user management, where each nextcloud user can have multiple pc's each with duplicati backing up to their own single account in nextcloud. Multiple users with individual storage limit quotas on the server.
Thanks [mention=474]prostuff1[/mention] for the push, I was dreading the end of crashplan and putting off migration, and your post was the impetus to get me working on the replacement that works for me and my friends and family.
This implementation feels almost robust enough to actually offer it as a paid service. Unraid+LE+Nextcloud+Duplicati=profit?

How did you do the nextcloud config in Duplicati? I have nextcloud setup already and it should work as the files are under the threshold size of nextcloud. I'd didn't see an option though in Duplicati to connect it or are you doing some sort of local backup and the Nextcloud app on the computer picks it up?
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3 hours ago, digiblur said:

How did you do the nextcloud config in Duplicati?


On 4/20/2018 at 8:25 PM, jonathanm said:

I connected duplicati to nextcloud webdav,


Set your storage type to Webdav, fill in your nextcloud server address and port, set path on server to remote.php/webdav/backup-folder-you-want-to-use (NOTE!!! - NO pre or post /) for this backup set. Each backup MUST have a unique folder. Nextcloud user credentials each have their own tree, so as long as you have unique users for your backups, each one could be at remote.php/webdav/duplicati or something, but if you use the same nextcloud credentials for 2 backups, make SURE you have different paths on server defined for each duplicati backup set.


If you reverse proxy your nextcloud instance, be sure your file size is set correctly in your reverse proxy as well.

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Thanks for the NextCloud suggestion, and I may consider this in the future.

For now, Minio seems simpler to set up, less to break or maintain, and I don't need the extra features of NextCloud.

If all I want is a secure place for myself and relatives to connect to over the internet in order to back up Duplicati to, Minio fits the bill for now. (Again, Nextcloud looks great, and may consider its expanded feature set in the future.)

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I did notice recently that the Minio instance I'm running changed its required login info (Access Key and Secret Key) every time the docker container was restarted.

In order to remedy this, I set the Access Key and Secret Key as environment variables in the docker container settings. Per the instructions here: https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-docker-quickstart-guide

Here are some screenshots to help out other noobs like me.







Then I can see that the Access Key and Secret Key are the values I set them to be in the container's log.

Hopefully that helps.



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1 minute ago, adoucette said:

For now, Minio seems simpler to set up, less to break or maintain, and I don't need the extra features of NextCloud.

If all I want is a secure place for myself and relatives to connect to over the internet in order to back up Duplicati to, Minio fits the bill for now.

I agree whole heartedly. Minio is simplistic, and if the only thing you use it for is a destination for encrypted Duplicati backups, the single login password really isn't much of an issue.


For people with existing Nextcloud installs, or the desire for easy multi user quota management and credentials, Nextcloud works great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am doing some testing of Duplicati to see how I like it.


I've run two tests to see how Minio performs vs. SMB. Something has to be seriously wrong with my config/setup because Minio is capping out at only 2 KB/s !




On the same system, I did the same backup but instead targeting a SMB folder - it went reasonably fast (7-10MB/s).


Both tests were run in identical environments (over wifi, same location, same backup set, same filters in Duplicati, etc.) - the only thing different was the backup target.


Any thoughts on starting to investigate where the problem is?



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Following up here... I let the Minio + Duplicati backup run to completion, and it completed in nearly the same time as the same test to the SMB destination. So, I'm just going to conclude that the KB/s reporting while it's backing up is just wrong because calculating the actual speed is closer to 7-10 MB/s on both configurations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'd like to install Minio but so far I haven't installed any dockers that didn't have entries/pages in Community Applications.


How do I install this on unRAID?


(I've tried the docker pull from this docker's github page, but that didn't seem to do anything.)



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57 minutes ago, ksignorini said:

So I'd like to install Minio but so far I haven't installed any dockers that didn't have entries/pages in Community Applications.


How do I install this on unRAID?


(I've tried the docker pull from this docker's github page, but that didn't seem to do anything.)




Here's how I installed it.



Hope this helps.


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