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Cache drive filling up


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I was attempting to encrypt an array of three discs and one parity disc by emptying one disc, reformatting it in the xfs - encrypted format,  and moving data to it from the next disc to be encrypted. On the last disc it gets 708 GB of data (4 TB capacity) then gives a full indication and the rest of the data goes to the cache which intern fills up creating an error. I have taken the disc that is not accepting new data out of the array and used it as an unassigned device to copy data to the remaining array but again the cache fills then gives an error. tried to upload diagnostics file but got error that only 25 files were allowed so here is a link to the zip file. Any help or insights will be greatly appreciated.



Current state.PNG


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You have a stale browser windows open filling the syslog with wrong csrf token errors, making finding any other error very difficult, close that browser window, reboot, try to copy again so you get the out of space error and grab and post new diags, also explain exactly from where to where are you copying.

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5 hours ago, sombersalt said:

tried to upload diagnostics file but got error that only 25 files were allowed so here is a link to the zip file.

The complete zip file is exactly what we want. Please don't post separate files from the diagnostic, or quote long sections of the syslog. Just the zip and only the zip unless we specifically ask for something else.

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