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Super Confusing USB issue


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Okay, granted...this is a weird setup.  I have two internal SSDs for my cache array and 2 external SSDs in a USB3.0 caddy also in my cache array.  I ran out of internal ports... this has worked for the last year with no issues.  Today, I dismantled the server to add 2 fans, replace a Sata Cable (not due to a problem, just aesthetics), and clean out some very light dust.  I also took the time to do some cable management and route my CPU power around the back of the board rather than the front.  All connections checked and rechecked for mounting etc.  I plug everything back in and BOOM my cache is invalid.   My internal SSDs are showing up properly as sde and sdg. My USB3 devices are nowhere to be found on one of the USB3 jacks.  If I move it to the second USB3 jack they all show up, but now my external drives replace my internal drive letters with sdc and sdg on my external drives again invalidating my cache array.  I have double checked all connections and cables for issues and none can be found.   File system on the cache array is btfs and usually consists of the 4 discs.  Any way to save this??

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Where are your USB3 jacks? On the motherboard shield or are they connected by a cable from the motherboard to someplace on the case? If the jacks are on the case, then it's time to check the cable. Is it firmly connected on both sides - and also check that you some sharp parts of the case hasn't damaged the cable. 

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bonienl is correct.  I have seen Linux can start up consistently ordering USB ports (and network ports for that matter) 99% of the time, and then one day, it wakes up and decides to shuffle ports- for no discernible reason.  It can be maddening.  (Not actually speaking of Slackware- but I've experienced it in my work environment)

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