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Plex-Docker issues


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Hey guys,


Short point: Plex disappeared off my docker list randomly. When I tried to recover it using a current AppData folder, everything shows but can't connect.


Long Point: It started when my computer would shut down all the time. Normally only when I am home. I assumed the dog would touch the machine and shock it to shut down. It turns out there was a bad RAM stick. Once I took the bad ram stick out I got some errors which would not let me boot the machine. After some tricks and such I remade a new flash drive and converted my GUID as well as Copied my config folder. This seemed to work fine on my shares, dockers, and everything really.  Currently, most of the dockers appear fine when one and work. They open, show nothing different.


However, the plex was fine too. It ran and I watched. Then about 2 days in it drops off the face of the planet. So I add a new container using the AppData folder which seemed to fix it but once I go to play something it would say to make sure the files haven't been renamed or moved. Moving ahead in time, the folders do not show the cached files anymore (I did delete the AppData folder in hopes to start from scratch). So currently I have an empty Plex that won't recognize the shared Videos folders. It just comes up empty when I do a scan.




                                                                     /Tv Shows





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Hey MrBilky,

I just tried it and it failed. I did check to see if the appdata folder was there and it does exist. 


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Plex2' --net='host' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'TRANS_DIR'='/config/transcode' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -v '/mnt/user':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Docker/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/':'\\\Docker\PlexMediaServer\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/PlexMedia/':'/mnt/user/PlexMedia/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-plexpass' 
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: invalid bind mount spec "/mnt/user/Docker/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/:\\\Docker\PlexMediaServer\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\:rw": invalid volume specification: '/mnt/user/Docker/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/:\ SupportPlex Media ServerPlug-ins:rw': invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: '\ SupportPlex Media ServerPlug-ins' mount path must be absolute.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.


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I did reinstall that docker from scratch and the data is showing up again. However when I try to play or edit something it gives me this error: Please check that the file exists and the necessary drive is mounted.

I did try to add Host Path 1 to the share folder but it did not make any changes.


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21 hours ago, JonesCKevin said:

I did reinstall that docker from scratch and the data is showing up again. However when I try to play or edit something it gives me this error: Please check that the file exists and the necessary drive is mounted.

I did try to add Host Path 1 to the share folder but it did not make any changes.


Based upon this, and your previous docker run command posted where you were referencing a smb share (which you can't do BTW), you need to mount your remote share via Unassigned Devices, and then reference that.  You were directly trying to reference the smb share.

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Hey Squid,


So I created the /mnt/disks/ share created with Unassigned devices and added it a Host Path.

As well I removed /MNT/USER/PLEXMEDIA as a host path.


Results: shows up in the Libray options with no subfolders to choose from

Result L2: The share /mnt/User/PlexMedia has been removed from the Library Options - Scan to update makes no changes.

(Re-adding the /mnt/user/PlexMedia does the same and shows no subfolders- It use to) 


Something I did try was to create a new Share and adding some footage to that folder and changing the media destination to that folder. This made all the files disappear with no results showing up in the library. Switching back does not bring them back.


It feels like there is something internally wrong. I dont mind spending the hours to almost start from scratch but I did .old the Docker image and create a new set, this did not affect anything and continued to not work.


PS. PiHole doesn't seem to work with no changes to the Docker. Does not register clients. It worked before this whole flash drive and Ram change.



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I think I may slightly undereducated on UnAssigned Devices. And I may be lost with Unassigned Devices.


Once I create an SMB / NFS or create a new - Access Mode is not an option


I have added a picture of one of the transfer rates moving to a different folder. (Everything counts when troubleshooting)



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59 minutes ago, JonesCKevin said:

Access Mode is not an option

When you edit the Plex app.



Write speeds are at best 4x slower than the raw write speed of the drive due to parity.


Now, if both the source and destination files happen to be on the same drive, then that zig-zag effect you're seeing is quite possible.  Add to it that you're going over a network (with its own overhead), what you're seeing is probably expected.

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4 hours ago, JonesCKevin said:

As well I removed /MNT/USER/PLEXMEDIA as a host path.


Results: shows up in the Libray options with no subfolders to choose from

Result L2: The share /mnt/User/PlexMedia has been removed from the Library Options - Scan to update makes no changes.

(Re-adding the /mnt/user/PlexMedia


You seem to be really sloppy with upper/lower case.


/MNTUSER and /mnt/User (which don't exist unless you accidentally create them in RAM) and /mnt/user (which is where the unRAID user shares are) are NOT the same thing.

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Possible solution found. Not sure if this is the actual solution though.

I was trying to work out the issue after looking at both replies.

There are probably other factors involved.


What I did was:

- Add the Unassigned Device Shares (/mnt/disks/

- Remove the Plex server without removing image

- Removed my Grafana dockers that I was working on.

- Go to Apps

- Search for binhex plexpass - This is the one I use

- Installed as default ( I did add Host Path 2 as /mnt/user/PlexMedia but I don't think this part is relevant)[This is still set as Read/Write)

     - Name: Host Path 2

     - Container Path: /mnt/disks/

     - Host Path: /mnt/user/PlexMedia

     - Access Mode: Read/Write

- I logged into Plex web gui

- Went to my empty Library that was already made

- Edit

- Add folders

- Browse for media folder

- Click (which finally showed my subfolders and click the one I needed)

- Add

- Save Changes

- Scan Library files and it started re-adding them in


Attached is my Post-Fix Tower Diagnostics


Now to find out why Pi-Hole isn't registering my nodes.

Update: Still no idea why it wasn't working but I deleted the container without deleting the image. changed appdata to .old and reinstalled from scratch. Changed to a different IP and it worked.



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9 hours ago, JonesCKevin said:

- Add the Unassigned Device Shares (/mnt/disks/



9 hours ago, JonesCKevin said:

     - Container Path: /mnt/disks/

     - Host Path: /mnt/user/PlexMedia


9 hours ago, JonesCKevin said:

- Click (which finally showed my subfolders and click the one I needed)


br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast

Why are you involving Unassigned Devices? There is zero need to mount a local share via SMB.   In the end, what you're doing does work, but it's working by luck since you're probably not understanding path mappings properly on docker containers, and the naming of your container path reflects that.


I would suggest to review https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564306 and @gridrunner's video



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19 minutes ago, Squid said:

you're probably not understanding path mappings properly on docker containers, and the naming of your container path reflects that.


The container path is just something you make up and then refer to inside the container. So that container path, while it looks like it refers to the Unassigned Device, is really just a path you have invented that happens to be named like that. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Unassigned Device. If you were going to refer to the Unassigned Device, it would be with the Host Path, since it is only the host that knows about the Unassigned Device. The mapping you have is just making the docker container use that IP-named-but-not-really path inside the container reference the Host path /mnt/user/PlexMedia.


You really need to understand volume mappings or you will just continue to be shooting in the dark.

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