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[unraid 6.5.3] WebGUI Log popup isn't loading


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My problem The top right log button loads an "about:blank" popup.


Tested on Chrome, Edge, IE

Output of cat /var/log/syslog is as expected.

Nothing changes by disabling antivirus and adblocker.

Running the following line outputs properly html formatted tail of syslog:

/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog

Edit: When clicking the button I get this in syslog:

Aug 10 19:09:31 Tower emhttpd: req (11): csrf_token=***************&title=System+Log&cmd=%2FwebGui%2Fscripts%2Ftail_log&arg1=syslog
Aug 10 19:09:31 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog

Opening other popups such as docker logs doesn't log anything, it seemed odd and worth mentioning. The "(11)" increments at each request.


Edit2: The issue occurs with VM logs as well.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by kyis
Added log
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  • 1 year later...
25 minutes ago, mrforsythexter said:

This appears to still be an issue in 2020, start to regret paying for this software, no support. Might as roll your own if you can't rely on anything working.

Not particularly helpful, and without diagnostics and what browser you're using there's not much anyone can do to help.

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43 minutes ago, mrforsythexter said:

This appears to still be an issue in 2020, start to regret paying for this software, no support. Might as roll your own if you can't rely on anything working.

Nobody else seems to be having this problem so it sounds like it is something specific to your system.    The issue is going to be to track down the cause.   Providing any more information you can and a copy of your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) might help with spotting something amiss.

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To update on my situation since this is getting attention, I had been using ssh to track my logs while trying to figure out what was going on and popup logs began working again one day, I don't have an explanation for it unfortunately.

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I did have add block, however it made no difference, I debuged the open window code to :-


openWindow('/webGui/scripts/tail_log&arg1='+log, 'Log for:'+name, 600, 900)


The link is..



However, this URI doesn't work in a new window either.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Same issue in 2021 - > Kaspersky security cloud (free) , Web antivirus was causing log file pop up not to work (showed a spinning icon, but log file wont display)

https scanning was disabled (and dont have https running on unraid) without effect. Had to disable protection -> web antivirus.


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