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somthing writes *.tmp files and spins up my drives


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Hi there community,


I've got the problem that all of my drives spin up on unregular basis. With the "File acivity" Tool I could see that some task creates *.tmp files on all disks, opens them and deletes them one second later. Does anyone know, what task could do that?


I've added a screenshot to show you what it does.


Thank you for answers in advance and have a nice day!

2018-11-22 17_34_36-dringenet-MS_FileActivity.png

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These files are getting created at the top level of these disks? Do you allow access to the disks over the network (not recommended)?


If you aren't sharing the disks then my guess would be some docker, but if so, it shouldn't be configured to write files that aren't in any user share. The user shares are simply the top level folders on all disks, and any file at the top level and not in a folder isn't in a user share and not normally accessible.

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12 minutes ago, Squid said:

Fix common problems is writing them (on the schedule which you've set) and then deleting them turn on avoid disk spin ups to alleviate this

Sent via telekinesis

You are the man! Thank you very much. Especially because you answer questions, no matter how dumb and trivial they are. I love this community so so much! Thank you!

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8 hours ago, pappaq said:

Is there a way to PM the diagnostics to one of you? I don't wanna post them here.

I know you already posted them and got your solution. But I just wanted to take this as an opportunity to explain why PM isn't a good way to get support, and this thread is a good example. I don't know everything, and you shouldn't rely on one person since others may have another perspective, such as Squid did here.


Here is the relevant excerpt from the Need Help post pinned near the top of this same subforum:


PLEASE do not privately ask the moderators or other users for personal support!  Helpful moderators and users are just users like yourself, unpaid volunteers, and do not provide official support, so it is better to ask support questions on the forum instead.  That way, you get the benefit of having answers from the whole community, instead of just one person who may or may not know, or may be wrong, or may be unavailable.  Plus, you will probably get faster help.  And, other users in the community can benefit by learning from your problem and its solution.


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13 hours ago, trurl said:

I know you already posted them and got your solution. But I just wanted to take this as an opportunity to explain why PM isn't a good way to get support, and this thread is a good example. I don't know everything, and you shouldn't rely on one person since others may have another perspective, such as Squid did here.


Here is the relevant excerpt from the Need Help post pinned near the top of this same subforum:


Got it! And it's all true. Got my answer real quick! I appreciate your help!

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