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server RAM is full after playing 1-2 movies


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I am using unraid 6.5.3 with the emby docker and a raspi as a player. The Unraid server has 12 GB of RAM. In addition, I use the cache dir plugin. In cache dir I have fixed 2 GB. After a server restart are about 2.5 GB occupied by the System.After cache dir read all of my files are almost 3 GB occupied. If I now play several movies or jump in a movie back and forth, the memory requirements increase more and more until the entire memory is full. If I stop the movie, no memory will be released. I've also restarted emby, but that does not release any memory. When the memory runs full, then my cached files by cache are away so my disks are awakened again.

Does the problem know someone and can help?

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If a process (eg: emby) requires RAM, then the entries cached by cache_dirs, will get dropped.  This is expected, and realistically is what you want to have happen.  You do not want a process to run out of memory when there is perfectly usable ram that is simply being used to cache directory entries.


You can however limit any docker container to only utilize a certain amount of maximum memory https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566088


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Thanks for all your answers,


@Constructor as i take the diagnosic, the server starts fresh bevor.



i will try to give every docker a RAM limit. But where i must set the --memory=4G ?



Did you have a recommendation what ram this docker need





mariadb for nextcloud






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the whole day all was fine, but at 7:50 pm from one moment to an other the ram was full, from 7:40 pm to 7:50 pm the free ram goes from 8 GB free to 600 MB free. Here is a new diagnostic file. Could that help to find the problem ?


I set the following RAM for my dockers


emby 3GB

duckdns 1GB

letsencrypt 1GB

mariadb for nextcloud 1GB

nextcloud 1GB

cache dir 2GB




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