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Good morning,


I just built a new unraid server and am having some issues. I installed Unraid and then installed a couple dockers. Everything worked great (Plex, openvpn). I rebooted the server and now I am getting an "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" when trying to access Plex WebUI. I did not make any changes other than rebooting the server.


I am able to access the server directly via my Macbook on the same network. However, I am unable to directly access any dockers... Any suggestions.







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11 minutes ago, Squid said:

Not that it should affect your ability to connect to Plex's UI, but even if you could, you wouldn't be able to access any media, as there is no mappings directing it to your media files on the server.  Post the logs for the Plex container (as per my previous link above)

His screenshot for the docker page shows a mapping but his docker run command doesn't.




Did you make any changes between taking those screenshots?


Post another screenshot of your docker page.


Also, please don't post html files, rtf files, etc when a simple plaintext file will do. Logs are much easier to read and work with as .txt files.

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7 minutes ago, Bkess84 said:

I just started paused and restarted the plex docker

It really looks like you did change / remove a mapping for /data


What I would do in order of things to try.



  • Remove the container on the docker page
  • On the apps tab, previous apps, reinstall it.  (re-add /mnt/user/MyPlexMedia mapped to /data if it's not already there)
  • See what happens.


  • Same steps as number 1, but edit the /config mapping (show more settings) and point it to say /mnt/user/appdata/PlexTest
  • See what happens


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Awesome!  Number 2 did the trick. Not sure what that did but everything came up perfectly. I appreciate everyones assistance. 



Same steps as number 1, but edit the /config mapping (show more settings) and point it to say /mnt/user/appdata/PlexTest



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