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Change Ethernet Interface Used by Docker Container

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Same request.  This has been a long rabbit trail today.     I have attempted to create a new bridge

that is on eth1 (10. . . address):


1. Stop Docker & VM service with GUI
2. Create a new bridge
2A. $ ip link add new_bridge_name type bridge
2B. $ ip addr add dev new_bridge_name

2C. $ ip link set new_bridge_name up

and that creates the appropriate entry as a bridge with

the correct external ip address and bridge name, etc.

3. Edit /boot/config/docker.cfg, appending:

4. Start docker & VM service with GUI.


The only file I could find to edit is  /boot/config/docker.cfg  - not sure this is the right place...

or that DOCKER_OPTS is the right directive.


But this just makes br1 disappear and the new_bridge_name does not appear, so can't be selected.

Commenting out the #DOCKER_OPTS line and restarting Docker & VM gets br1 back.

I am not using br1 because it is of type macvlan.


Any advice here?


-- Tom, N5EG



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So I've found the following file:   /boot/config/network.cfg.

It appears to be the one that sets up Custom : br0  and Custom : br1


# Generated settings:



One can see how to edit that to add another, however I don't see what parameter tells

the new Custom bridge whether to use macvlan or bridge.  Some posts refer to the network setting page

for configuring the bridges / macvlans, but I don't see any options to add a new bridge, nor to set the parameters.


eth1 (the interface eth1 I'm trying to get one specific Docker container to use) is defined in ipconfig -a

and it has all the correct parameters for the interface (correct ip address, netmask, up, etc.


Is there some definition of the parameters in this file to see how to configure the new bridge into bridge mode?


-- Tom




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This file defines the physical interfaces present in the system. Use Settings -> Network Settings to configure these interfaces.


Docker interfaces are configured under Settings -> Docker. You need to stop the Docker service to make changes.

These are my Docker network assignments (I use both IPv4 and IPv6).



Any physical interface which has an IP address defined under Network Settings (such as eth0 or br0), will have automatic docker network assignments.


You can define physical interfaces without IP address (IPv4 address assignment = None), this allows to add manual docker network assignments to an interface.

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Thanks.  Absolutely no luck.  The eth1 interface is working as I can login in to the management interface on    However when I set Custom : br1 as the network for the Docker container, it assigns

as the IP address (within the pool of 5 available).  Thus I think it is using MACVLANS.   I can successfully ping

and but cannot reach the Docker container on it's defined ports.


When setting the container to use  Bridge, it uses (shared with the management GUI) is pingable at that address

and responds to the appropriate ports.


The port mapping, etc. is the same between using 'Bridge' and 'Custom : br1' then only thing changed is the specific network.


Can one add a custom bridge that is of type bridge and not of type macvlan? Does that even make sense?

I cannot find 'add' anywhere.



-- Tom

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Thank you  again for your patience!     I created my-bridge of type -d bridge with the --subnet=

docker network inspect my-bridge looks good


When selecting Custom : my-bridge in the GUI for the docker container, the displayed mappings are:


App                          to              Host   bridge to


So it's setting the docker app bridge internal IP address to and routing that out to eth0.


If I force the -p  as an additional parameter, the docker container run crashes.


I was able to get the Web GUI to work on eth1 by changing the webgui parameter in the edit panel






Now the container responds with a GUI on both eth0 and eth1.  Progress, sort of.


-- Tom



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So finally got the container to use eth1.  What made this take so long is that the

Docker tab in UNRAID showed the container as mapping to eth0 even when

bridged to eth1.  It is actually bridged to both eth0 and eth1.


Here's my notes (for my own future sanity)



There are multiple uses of the word bridge in docker networking.


1. It's a Linux networking object.  This  can be seen with

root@Tower:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         modem.domain         UG    216    0        0 br0       UG    227    0        0 br1 U     227    0        0 br1     UG    227    0        0 br1   U     216    0        0 br0   U     0      0        0 docker0   U     0      0        0 virbr0


Which shows that the networking bridge br1 is handling the network
to the gateway 


root@Tower:~# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
br0             8000.ac1f6b6c1fc4       no              eth0
br1             8000.ac1f6b6c1fc5       no              eth1
docker0         8000.02421a0073f7       no
virbr0          8000.525400dab422       yes             virbr0-nic

Shows that br1 is using eth1 as it's interface.


2. There is a separate bridge object in Docker that is a virtual Ethernet
switch with ports in the private space (for the first virtual bridge).
Each subsequent bridge gets the next assignment block of internal addresses.


3. A new Docker bridge object needs to be created that uses the Linux br1

This is not to be confused with the UNRAID preconfigured docker br1 bridge
of type macvlan.

root@Tower:~# docker network create -o "com.docker.network.bridge.name=br1" my-net


This creates a new docker bridge named my-net of type bridge (the type you get

when no type is specified with switch  -d ...) that uses the br1 Linux bridge as the
external interface.


Then select the Docker tab, select the Docker Image you want, left-click and select edit.

Choose   Custom : my-net   for the virtual bridge from the Docker drop-down list.

The UNRAID window showing the container mapping doesn't show this, it shows
the host default interface mapping. Both interfaces work in this specific container.


-- Tom


Edited by Tom3
clarify for 'this specific container'
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  • 1 year later...

Hi @Tom3,


I followed your steps as above and I can access my docker container via the IP assigned to the selected interface in my case br2/eth2.


Can I just clarify with you does this mean that if the container needs to fetch something, it will do so via the selected custom interface and not the default docker interface that is connected to br0/eth0?


Thank you.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 2/19/2019 at 11:28 PM, Tom3 said:

So finally got the container to use eth1.  What made this take so long is that the

Docker tab in UNRAID showed the container as mapping to eth0 even when

bridged to eth1.  It is actually bridged to both eth0 and eth1.


Is it possible to bridge a docker container to only one of the available eth interfaces? I know this is possible for the Unraid GUI itself in /boot/config/ident.cfg when setting BIND_MGT to yes.

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