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What is the Unraid Raid Software?


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Thanks for the link - I'm actually not trying to understand more details of how it works - I understand enough I think, it's just I was wondering if it's proprietary or not and if so (or if not) what is it called?  So in standard raid on linux you have mdadm and probably some others.  What is the Unraid binary that does this and is it open source / closed source?  I wouldn't have thought it was fuse, that's usually something completely different, but perhaps not in this case.  So not the GUI.



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1 hour ago, Marshalleq said:

So in standard raid on linux you have mdadm and probably some others.  What is the Unraid binary that does this and is it open source / closed source?

I'm pretty sure limetech wrote his own version of the md driver stack, and it's closed source. One reason I think I remember this is questions about mounting standard software linux raid arrays in unassigned devices, and the use of btrfs RAID levels for the cache pool instead of allowing standard linux md raid arrays.


I could be totally wrong though, the memory is far from clear on the details.

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When you install Unraid there is a ‘/usr/src/drivers folder that contain files unraid.c and md.c that probably contain the contain the code that does the parity calculations and does the low level disk driving.   However without detailed examination of these I am not sure.     These files are made available as Open Source.


The whole of the GUI code is also freely available (albeit something it takes some effort to work out how it operates).    There are other parts of Unraid (in particular the emhttp daemon) that are closed source.

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