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Community Apps hangs and some dockers cant connect anymore

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Having issues connecting to dockers and plugins. Deluge stopped responding Community Apps hangs I have to press back on the browser.


Issue started after I setup my nextcloud with the turotial "How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt & NGINX"

Nextcloud is working great and can be accessed using my domain. But some internal applications are unreachable. Plex works if I use plex.tv but not if I go using the IP.


Setting a custom network type for Nextcloud shouldn't affect my other dockers that use bridge should it?




Edited by sendas
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Interesting line being logged for CA.  I know why it's there, but it in my testing, it never affected anything (or even returned an error on my system at all)  Check for an update to CA in about an hour and see if that makes any difference on it.



EDIT: You've probably got tips&tweaks set to display php errors

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Checking for plugin updates hangs.


I saw a clock unsynchronized error in the syslog. I did change my bios clock to the correct date yesterday.


Jan  2 06:40:00 Tower root: Fix Common Problems Version 2019.11.22
Jan  2 06:40:18 Tower ntpd[2662]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Plugin Update Check not enabled
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Update Check not enabled
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to communicate with GitHub.com
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Scheduled Parity Checks are not enabled
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Could not check for blacklisted plugins
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Could not perform unknown plugins installed checks
Jan  2 06:41:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Multiple registration keys found
Jan  2 06:41:05 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Could not perform docker application port tests
Jan  2 08:18:42 Tower emhttpd: req (1): cmd=/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin&arg1=checkall&csrf_token=****************
Jan  2 08:18:42 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin checkall

Edited by sendas
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noticed my unraid time was incorrect. corrected it but still no internet access to alot of unraid features. I can ping to the outside fine.


root@Tower:~# ping yahoo.com
PING yahoo.com(media-router-fp1.prod1.media.vip.bf1.yahoo.com (2001:4998:58:1836::10)) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from media-router-fp1.prod1.media.vip.bf1.yahoo.com (2001:4998:58:1836::10): icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=70.0 ms

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Not the expert (very far from it), but it looks like you've got in Network settings "bond0" set to include eth0, 1, 2, & 3 and br1 including eth1


to my way of thinking that's a conflict.  But I could be completely wrong.  Bond0 though isn't getting an IP address.  This is all 100% network related.

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I deleted the network.cfg


Booted up with only eth0 plugged in, at this point its all I really care about.

I was able to get a address from my router's DHCP but no internet. all the internal networking seems to work, like accessing plex from the IP. but nothing with the internet works. Like opening CA or Ping outside like yahoo.com doesn't resolve anything


I tried different static DNS addresses, no change



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I dont want to start fresh but If I decide to, if I backup the unraid license file, wipe and reinstall the USB stick along with the old license file. Does that work for a fresh start without having to contact support for a new license?

Edited by sendas
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On 1/3/2020 at 8:23 PM, sendas said:

if I backup the unraid license file, wipe and reinstall the USB stick along with the old license file. Does that work for a fresh start without having to contact support for a new license?

Yes. As long as you have the license file that corresponds to the GUID of the stick, it will stay activated.

  • Thanks 1
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10 minutes ago, sendas said:

how do I change the gateway.

No need, it is already correctly set to your router

10 minutes ago, sendas said:

I havnt made any progress getting the box back onto the internet.

See Settings -> Network Settings

Change to static DNS and use and as DNS servers

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