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High Network Usage When Idle

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Seeing very high, unexplained inbound network traffic, eth0 shows constant inbound 17.6 Mbps and outbound ~7 Kbps. CPU usage is always 2-3%. I have no VMs, no Dockers, all disks are spun down, Active Streams shows empty, I'm the only user, server is idle 99% of the time. Running latest version of UnRaid, all plugins / apps have been updated. Log shows no errors. 


I'm also running a Network Stats plugin which shows network usage over time, and every hour the machine is receiving exactly 7.35 GB. Why? This is so weird.. See screenshot: 


So this has me worried about what's happening, the machine should be completely idle. Please help me understand what's going on and how to resolve this. Thanks!


Edited by avp2306
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The /system/lsof.txt file shows the following activity over SAMBA (smbd) where user mediauser has 36 file updates running over a local IPV4 connection and there's other updates happening over a local IPV6 connection:



smbd       4446 mediauser   36u  IPv4 31900225      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

smbd      14253      root   36u  IPv6 24440816      0t0  TCP [fe80::884:6cff:fe6a:c2e6]:445->[fe80::ecc6:fad3:7f63:5a0b]:51109 (ESTABLISHED)
smbd      15256      root   36u  IPv6 30752540      0t0  TCP [fe80::884:6cff:fe6a:c2e6]:445->[fe80::51aa:719a:4a63:f41e]:49673 (ESTABLISHED)
smbd      15607      root   35u  IPv6 24067072      0t0  TCP [fe80::884:6cff:fe6a:c2e6]:445->[fe80::3807:937a:de20:eb5e]:56566 (ESTABLISHED)



root     12939  0.0  0.0  52152 15188 ?        Ss   Jan02   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
mediaus+  4446  0.1  0.1  60616 20180 ?        S    Jan04   3:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D
root     12942  0.0  0.0  52368  8232 ?        S    Jan02   0:09  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D
root     12943  0.0  0.0  50324  7384 ?        S    Jan02   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D
root     14253  0.0  0.0  52548 15040 ?        S    Jan02   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D
root     15256  0.0  0.1  57504 18748 ?        S    Jan03   0:11  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D
root     15607  0.0  0.1  54048 17372 ?        S    Jan02   0:05  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd -D

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9 minutes ago, BRiT said:

The /system/lsof.txt file shows the following activity over SAMBA (smbd) where user mediauser has 36 file updates running over a local IPV4 connection and there's other updates happening over a local IPV6 connection

Thanks, useful to know how to read that. That was my PLEX VM which runs on another machine. I just shut down PLEX and all other machines that connected to UnRaid but problem still remains, constant Inbound 17.6 Mbps.


What else can I try? 

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@bonienl there is nothing running on his unraid server. Check his diagnostics ps.txt and you'll see nothing running locally. That Plex VM is from a different server.


The only thing related on this unraid server is:


root      8450  0.0  0.4 1048992 69048 ?       Sl    2019  11:35 /usr/bin/dockerd -p /var/run/dockerd.pid --mtu=9198 --storage-driver=btrfs --log-level=error
root      8465  0.0  0.2 559724 32908 ?        Ssl   2019   7:18  \_ containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml --log-level error

Edited by BRiT
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Quick update and thanks to everyone who replied. Since everything possibly connecting to UnRaid was shut down, I figured it must have been UnRaid itself. I did some checking / tinkering with UnRaid's Network Settings and disabled both Bonding and Bridging. I think both of these settings were enabled by default after install as I kept most settings as they were. I only have 1 network adapter on this machine, so figured it was not necessary. 


After disabling both Bonding and Bridging settings, Inbound went down to 19 Kbps and Outbout to 4 Kbps. I'm assuming these non zero values could be attributed to Web UI being opened - pl. correct me if I'm wrong here and if Inbound & Outbound should be zero or close to it


Posting my Network Settings below for reference - pl. let me know if anything else should be changed / optimized. I'm using MELLANOX CONNECT X-2 PCI-E 10G SFP+ network card. 



Edited by avp2306
  • Thanks 2
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