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Core i9-9900 power saveing


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im using a Core i9-9900 (not k version) and a Gigabyte z390 UD Mainboard with unraid 6.8.1 and the cpu does not go in power save mode. In Gigabyte bios all settings for power saving are active but the cpu is not clocking itself down. Also in unraid i have tips & tweaks installed and "CPU Scaling Governor:" set to "Power Save". The cpu is always over 4GHz and only goes down to 1GHz for a second and then again immediately over 4GHz. Cpu usage at all cores are at 0 - 1%. Are there currently problems in unraid 6.8.1 or settings that I need to adjust? I don't know what else I can do. There are no more settings in Bios.


Thanks for any help.



Edited by x-dast
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I have tested this with Windows on the same hardware and Windows does its job correctly. The CPU is not continuously above 4GHz. Windows correctly clocks the CPU down to about 1-2 GHz. This also reduces the power consumption from over 100W down at about 50W. So this must be a bug in Unraid.



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I use same MB with 9700K, Tips and Tweaks for two control, power save and turbo boost also work normal. If Windows haven't problem it is strange.


If I remember correct, lowest freq will be ~3Ghz, won't as your Windows show 1.35Ghz.


Pls don't set all core boost in BIOS.


Edited by Benson
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The lowest possible frequence for i9-9900 is 800MHz. All core boost is disabled in BIOS.


What I don't understand is, that the tips & tweak Plugin has "Governor: Performance" after every reboot but in the settings i have set it to "Power Save". Also the plugin "system profiler" has for the CPU "Max Speed: 8300 MHz" which is not correct.


Is there a unraid 6.9 with Kernel 5.4 what i can test?

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I just tested this on 6.8.1 after rebooting (tweaks CA plugin had powersave set as governor). 

After reboot I logged in and ran “watch lscpu” 

This allowed me to watch CPU frequency and assess it compared to expected fluctuations. The values were higher than I expected. 

Via gui CA plugin I then changed to performance, saved. Noted lscpu output did not change. Set back to powersave and saved. Noted lscpu output now scales back CPU more aggressively. 

This action must be performed each reboot to gain power savings. 



Edited by PeteAsking
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That is correct. The behaviour is the same with me. However, it doesn't explain why unraid doesn't downclock the CPU and run above 4GHz permanently.  Windows on the other hand clocks the CPU down to about 1GHz-2GHz correctly.


Edited by x-dast
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It is strange. It must be some sort of bug. I have also noticed that since doing this and having it set to powersave correctly now, my drive temperatures have dropped 2-3 degrees each so this is something I will have to do each reboot for now. Luckily I dont reboot often. 


Edited by PeteAsking
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7 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Add the required commands to the config/go file on the flash and they will then get run as part of the boot process.

I do not know what commands the ca Tweaks community app runs to set this feature, but that would be a suitable workaround if it is not considered a problem and needing of a fix :)

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Yes, works fine. Looks like a bug in 6.8.1
I tryed to downgrade to 6.8.0 with the same results


Edit: If i leave the ca tweaks plugin installald the cpu throttels down after a reboot. If i uninstall the plugin the cpu stays at boost freq after reboot

Edited by rl2664
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In addition to my tests I have now added "intel_pstate=disable" to the file "/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" and disabled pstate drivers. My i9-9900 now correctly clocks down permanently at 900MHz in idle. I have solved my problem with this change.


Original post:


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I remember this thread. Back in 2016 i had to disable the pstate driver because of the same problems. Later this problem was fixed for my old i3 4170. And now the i5 4690 has the same problems again. Perhaps since i installed this cpu. I never checkd the freq, i thought this is long fixed..

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The only problem I still have is that the power consumption with Unraid is in idle at about 80-90W and 40-50W with Windows on the same hardware. And I don't know why. CPU freq idle with Unraid is at about 800 - 900MHz and 900MHz - 1,5GHz with Windows. What the heck is Unraid doing?

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1 hour ago, Benson said:

It should be PCIe GPU, due to not in powersave mode, but if you removed then no much idea. iGPU shouldn't cause 30w- 40w different.


Does HDD in standby / active for same status if compare in Windows or Unraid.

In Unraid all HDD are in standby.

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On 1/18/2020 at 5:38 PM, rl2664 said:

Edit: If i leave the ca tweaks plugin installald the cpu throttels down after a reboot. If i uninstall the plugin the cpu stays at boost freq after reboot

That is as expected. If you uninstall Tips and Tweaks then it is no longer present to set the appropriate governor when you reboot. If you want to use the plugin you need to keep it installed.

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