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Cache not being moved.

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I use Sabnzbd, Sonarr, Emby. 


SAB goes into folder/downloads/not complete/ and then into /downloads once complete.


I downloaded a bunch of stuff via SAB, and it was supposed to go downloads and then moved via Sonarr to the TV folder where Emby can see it. 


The mover is not moving it from cache to the download folder. When I look into the downloads folder, I do not see it there... like it is still in cache but not registering in download. 


I previously transferred a bunch of files from another disk so I disabled cache on /TV


I now have all files saying cache yes


I hit start mover, nothing is happening.


Main says 248 of 250 gb of data is used on the SSD.


I looked in krusader to try to see the cache folder and maybe manually move it... but cant even find the cache folder.


Any ideas how to get cache  to move the files over?


Any idea what is wrong? 


Thanks in advance!





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if you have a 'downloads' share and it is not showing up there then it is not in that location on either the array or the cache.


You should provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) attached to your NEXT post to allow us to get a better view of how you have your system set up.

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57 minutes ago, Renew said:

Any idea what is wrong?

I'm not sure I fully get your workflow, it seems like there may be some unnecessary moving going on. Here is my workflow for example:

  • Download files from internet to share [Processing] which is set to cache prefer
  • Aim Sonarr to read from [Processing] every minute, moving the processed files to share [TV] which is set to cache no
    • If [TV] were set to cache yes then the files would be dependent on mover to move processed files to the array on a schedule
  • Sonarr is set to delete source files so the share [Processing] stays empty

Also note from the unRaid webui regarding cache settings:



Mover will never move any files that are currently in use. This means if you want to move files associated with system services such as Docker or VMs then you need to disable these services while mover is running.

I'm not sure if having Sonarr running would lock the files or not...

Edited by Dissones4U
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On 4/16/2020 at 3:11 PM, Dissones4U said:

I'm not sure I fully get your workflow, it seems like there may be some unnecessary moving going on. Here is my workflow for example:

  • Download files from internet to share [Processing] which is set to cache prefer
  • Aim Sonarr to read from [Processing] every minute, moving the processed files to share [TV] which is set to cache no
    • If [TV] were set to cache yes then the files would be dependent on mover to move processed files to the array on a schedule
  • Sonarr is set to delete source files so the share [Processing] stays empty

Also note from the unRaid webui regarding cache settings:

I'm not sure if having Sonarr running would lock the files or not...


Thanks for  your post!


Would you elaborate on how you get sonarr to read processing every minute? Where is that setting? 


Edited by Renew
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On 4/16/2020 at 2:56 PM, itimpi said:

if you have a 'downloads' share and it is not showing up there then it is not in that location on either the array or the cache.


You should provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) attached to your NEXT post to allow us to get a better view of how you have your system set up.

I tried stopping all dockers, downloaded CA Moving  Tuning, but no luck...


Any ideas?


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You repeatedly talk about the downloads folder, but from your diagnostics it looks like the user share is actually named Downloads. That share is completely on disk1 according to the diagnostics. You have no user shares named download or downloads. And you say you can't locate the downloads anywhere.


Are you sure you have your docker mappings correct? My guess is you are downloading into a folder inside the docker image.


Post your docker run for SAB as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ:




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Not quite sure what your problem is at the moment but some observations:

  • You do NOT have a share called ‘downloads’.   There is one that may be called ‘Downloads’ but I am not sure because of the anonymisation of the diagnostics.   Path/file names are case significant under Linux so check you do not have a case mismatch some where.
  • You seem to be trying to mount and share unassigned disks (in NTFS) using the same share names as on the main array (e.g. TV).   This could get things very confused.

What the diagnostics do not contain is any of the volume mapping you are using in your docker containers.   A screenshot of the Dockers page with the mappings visible might help with understanding how you have the paths inside docker containers mapped to Unraid host paths.

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And if you are downloading into the docker image, that would be due to writing to a path that isn't mapped. You likely have specified the wrong upper/lower case somewhere.


6 minutes ago, itimpi said:

You seem to be trying to mount and share unassigned disks (in NTFS) using the same share names as on the main array (e.g. TV).   This could get things very confused.

Don't do this. It can only be bad. If you have a user share and a UD share with the same name then SMB is only going to show you the contents of one of them.

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For host path 2



for host path 3



But there is nothing in those files/shares.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='sabnzbd' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -p '9090:9090/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/incomplete/':'/incomplete-downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/sabnzbd' 




Yes, I created a share called downloads. It is share.  I moved a lot of files to it before using krusader, and when I did I forgot to turn off cache, but when I hit  move, it moved.


I downloaded a lot of stuff, none of it showed up in downloads or were transferred to the TV share.


My cache disk says 248gb used 2 gig free... so its full.


But it is not moving. 


Also, I can not find it in krusader to manually move it. 

Edited by Renew
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24 minutes ago, Renew said:


This is a share named Downloads.

24 minutes ago, Renew said:

Yes, I created a share called downloads.

Doesn't seem like you are understanding the difference. Linux is case-sensitive, Downloads and downloads are completely different folders, and you don't have a share named downloads.


Your mappings seem to indicate that SAB should see the Downloads share, /mnt/user/Downloads at the container path downloads.


As Squid noted, though, your more immediate problem is full cache.


According to your diagnostics, only appdata, domains, and system shares have anything on cache. Could be your downloads are going into appdata. And this last screenshot you just gave makes me think you are downloading into appdata.


I haven't used SAB in a while, but I'm sure there are settings within the application where you tell it where to download files. Possibly you are sending them to a subfolder of /config, which is mapped to /mnt/user/appdata.


Give us a screenshot of the folder settings for SAB.

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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

This is a share named Downloads.

Doesn't seem like you are understaning the difference. Linux is case-sensitive, Downloads and downloads are completely different folders, and you don't have a share named downloads.


Your mappings seem to indicate that SAB should see the Downloads share, /mnt/user/Downloads a the container path downloads.


As Squid noted, though, your more immediate problem is full cache.


According to your diagnostics, only appdata, domains, and system shares have anything on cache. Could be your downloads are going into appdata. And this last screenshot you just gave makes me thing you are downloading into appdata.


I haven't used SAB in a while, but I'm sure there are settings within the application where you tell it where to download files. Possibly you are sending them to a subfolder of /config (/mnt/user/appdata).


Give us a screenshot of the folder settings for SAB.


Yes, I mis-typed. 


 The share is Downloads with a "D"  not a "d", but the entry in sab is with a "D" so I do not think that is  the problem, I just mis-typed here.


Yes, the problem is a full cache, I am attempting to move it to the proper folder but it is not moving. 


Incidentally, should the file be "visible" in the share folder before it is moved but while it is in cache? In other words, while a file is in cache but destined for folder/share "TV" can sonarr see it and rename it? can emby see it and play it? Because currently they are not seeing it in cache.




Edited by Renew
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You missed what @trurl said.  The appdata share is taking up 247Gig right now.  Only a few reasons I can think of OTOH, and the primary reason is what he said.  Your downloads (or incomplete downloads) are being saved to /config/incomplete or /config/downloads and the like within Sab.  You can tell that within it's settings.


Easiest way to make this mistake is within it's settings for where to download to (incomplete) or move to (complete) is to specify downloads instead of /downloads.  If you look at the top the Sab's screen it says relative folders are based off of /config.

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5 minutes ago, Squid said:

You missed what @trurl said.  The appdata share is taking up 247Gig right now.  Only a few reasons I can think of OTOH, and the primary reason is what he said.  Your downloads (or incomplete downloads) are being saved to /config/incomplete or /config/downloads and the like within Sab.  You can tell that within it's settings.


Easiest way to make this mistake is within it's settings for where to download to (incomplete) or move to (complete) is to specify downloads instead of /downloads.  If you look at the top the Sab's screen it says relative folders are based off of /config.

I am by no means an expert here and value your help... but not sure what you mean. 


 I attached screen shot, it looks like I did it right. But please tell me. 

Is this right? 






And whatever folder it says it is in, the "Main" screen shows  cache device is 248 gig used and 2 gig free.


So.. I may be missing something, well, I know I am missing something... can you see it?




Edited by Renew
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9 minutes ago, Renew said:

should the file be "visible" in the share folder before it is moved but while it is in cache? In other words, while a file is in cache but destined for folder/share "TV" can sonarr see it and rename it? can emby see it and play it? Because currently they are not seeing it in cache.

Cache is always included in user shares just the same way array disks are. So if you have a share named Downloads, and part of it is on cache, then anything that looks at Downloads is going to see all its files whether they are on cache or the array.


This last screenshot isn't what I asked for. It is only showing the same information we already got from your docker run you posted earlier.


What I was asking for was the folder settings WITHIN the application itself. Likely you have exactly what Squid suspects:

9 minutes ago, Squid said:

Easiest way to make this mistake is within it's settings for where to download to (incomplete) or move to (complete) is to specify downloads instead of /downloads.  If you look at the top the Sab's screen it says relative folders are based off of /config.


If you told SAB to download to "downloads" instead of to "/downloads", then it is going into a subfolder of "/config", which is mapped to your appdata share.


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I just found...

Index of /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/Downloads/complete


That is where my files are. 


I find this by clicking explore on cache disk from "Main"


Note, files are in Downloads/complete


There are supposed to go do share /Downloads but they did not. 


When  I go to mnt in krusader, I can not see a cache share or folder.


Any thoughts?


Edited by Renew
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5 minutes ago, Renew said:

I just found...

Index of /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/Downloads/complete

Exactly what we were saying. You have the settings WITHIN the application wrong. You must be telling it to download to "downloads" instead of to "/downloads".


6 minutes ago, Renew said:

When  I go to mnt in krusader, I can not see a cache share or folder.

You would have to give us the docker run for your Krusader before we could even speculate.

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5 minutes ago, Renew said:

I just found...

Index of /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/Downloads/complete


That is where my files are. 

Because of

5 minutes ago, trurl said:

If you told SAB to download to "downloads" instead of to "/downloads", then it is going into a subfolder of "/config", which is mapped to your appdata share.


Although in your particular case your should in Sab's settings tell it to download to /downloads.  Right now it's set to Downloads


ie: it should look like this



9 minutes ago, Renew said:

When  I go to mnt in krusader, I can not see a cache share or folder.

Because the default way of setting up Krusader specifically only includes "Shares" (/mnt/user) and not all the disks and shares (/mnt)

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Oh, and don't just add a slash to what you've already got.  The lower case as I posted is what you want based upon your docker run command.  If you just add a slash, it'll be saved into the docker.img


Confusing as hell.  Yes.  But, if you review @SpaceInvaderOne video on docker basics, it'll make sense.  It's one of those concepts that you can't adequately explain until you understand it, and once you understand it you can't explain it (if that makes any sense)

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Thanks, I am attempting to change the settings inside program.. it will not let me. Says it can not create /Downloads/incomplete


I am guessing it is because the default base folder is /config


I try to browse to folder, can not seem to do it. 


Any suggestions?



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23 minutes ago, Squid said:

the default way of setting up Krusader specifically only includes "Shares" (/mnt/user) and not all the disks and shares (/mnt)

You shouldn't need to worry about seeing cache in Krusader in order to use Krusader to get those downloads out of your appdata. It is appdata you are interested in, some of which (but not all) is on cache.

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