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unRAID Reports unclean Shutdown after Clean Shutdown

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I dont often have to shut down my server, but lately have had to do so for a few reasons, including once to update to 6.8.3.


Since then, everytime I do shutdown my server (I do this via the GUI (After shutting down my VMs and Docker Containers from the UI) and just let it do its thing), it always comes back up and says that an unclean shutdown was detected, the first few times I just let it run the parity check thinking something may have happened, but no parity errors were found. However it keeps happening and I did it again the other day, and watched it shutdown safely, and it still insists it was not shutdown cleanly, this time I have canceled the parity check.


I need to replace one of the Disks in my Array and so I need to shut it down, and the idea is to let it rebuild once the new disk is in, but given that it thinks there are errors with the Shutdown and potentially the parity not being correct. I don't want to do this just yet.


Attached are my diagnostics (Disk 3 is the one to be Replaced, so I am aware of the SMART issues on it).


Also worth mentioning (but could be unrelated) the last 2 shutdowns, I have seen random Docker Containers disappear, and need to be manually installed again from the (CA) Apps Tab.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Edited by timethrow
Clarify Shutdown Process
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23 minutes ago, timethrow said:

everytime I do shutdown my server (I do this via the GUI (After shutting down my VMs and Docker Containers from the UI) and just let it do its thing), it always comes back up and says that an unclean shutdown was detected

This suggests it has some problem writing to flash when shutting down. Here is how unclean shutdowns are detected:



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