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I'm a new Unraid user and currently testing the Unraid OS (latest stable release) on my HP Microserver GEN8 .


The problem I have is with encrypting the array disks.

After a reboot only the first disk get unecrypted.

I have to reformat the remaining disks each time after a reboot.



Maybe a experienced user can help me out?


Edited by Hussie
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Very unclear from your description exactly what you have done.

13 minutes ago, Hussie said:

encrypting the array disks (1xparity 3xarray)

Parity does not get encrypted because it has no filesystem and contains no data.


The normal way to encrypt array data disks in Unraid is to assign them to the array and format them to an encrypted filesystem.


How exactly are you selecting the filesystem to use for formatting?


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Sorry I know that it's not possible to encrypt the parity disk.


1. Stop the array.

2. I change the format of each disk to xfs encypted, apply.

3. Passphrasse generated by ASCII password generator.

4. start array

5. Formatting the disks

Edited by Hussie
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All disk formated back to XFS and mounted.


 Then I formated disk 1 to XFS-Encrypted.

See screenshots and attachment for diagnotics.


Thank you for your time.



Schermafbeelding 2020-12-07 233650.png



Schermafbeelding 2020-12-07 233725.png



Schermafbeelding 2020-12-07 233916.png






Update: I even tried it with a keyfile but still the same issue, only the first drive gets de-encrypted and the other two shows wrong encryption key. 

Edited by Hussie
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11 minutes ago, Hussie said:

Not very much information about encryption user cases.


I will contact the support team.


Thank you.

If you get anything useful then please provide the details and I can look into adding it to the information provided here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.

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Hi, can you try something very basic for me?  Go through the steps you did again, but for the password, just use password123 for the password and see if that works.  I'm wondering if because of special characters in the encryption phrase it's messing up parsing or something simple like that.  Let's verify if its a bug like that before we go any further.


All the best,



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Ok, this is definitely abnormal behavior.  I will need to take a look at the logs again in the morning.  Nothing jumped out at me on a quick scan, but I want to double-check a few things.  So you're 100% sure there is nothing abnormal about your setup?  It's very odd to me that one drive is unlocked and the rest aren't.  This is doubly true considering you tried just 'password123' without any special characters.

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