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  • Unraid OS version 6.12.0-rc6 available


    Please refer to the 6.12.0-rc1 topic for a general overview.


    For exclusive shares we made an implementation change.  We found issues using bind-mounts with ZFS pools with internal nested child datasets.  To overcome this problem, symlinks are created in /mnt/user instead.  For example, for an exclusive share named "myshare" which exists only on "mypool" this symlink is generated:


    /mnt/user/myshare -> /mnt/mypool/myshare


    This implementation is actually a little cleaner and provides the same benefits of faster throughput.


    Version 6.12.0-rc6 2023-05-17

    Changes vs. 6.12.0-rc5

    Use symlinks instead of bind-mounts for exclusive shares.

    Fix share rename when share contains space and located on zfs pool.

    Share Edit: allow 1 letter names

    Network improvements:

    • rc.docker - suppress ipv6 link-local address for docker0 and shim interfaces when set as ipv4 only
    • rc.avahidaemon - let service listen on regular interfaces only which have an IP address, this includes the primary interface + set ipv4 / ipv6 support
    • rc.samba - let smb, nmb service listen on regular interfaces only which have an IP address, this includes the primary interface + set ipv4 / ipv6 support (also for wsdd2)
    • rc.ssh - listen on regular interfaces only which have an IP address, this includes the primary interface + set ipv4 / ipv6 support
    • rc.inet1 - add iptables processing to bridge interfaces to make them operate similarly as macvlan interfaces
    • create_network_ini - restart smb when network changes are done

    VMs: fixed notification subject

    TRIM: fix operation when ZFS is not active

    Network settings: fix bug in description field

    bash_completion: version 2.11 docker: version 23.0.6

    Use 'zfs set atime=off' Upon root dataset mount; child datasets should inherit this setting.

    Continue format if blkdiscard command fails.

    Add Pushbits Agent for Matrix/Synapse integration

    Share Edit: warn when invalid zfs name is used

    Lock / unlock button: switch green / red color

    • Green is normal state (page is locked)
    • Red is attention state (page is unlocked)

    Linux kernel

    • version: 6.1.29

    Version 6.12.0 (Consolidated)

    Upgrade notes


    If you created any zpools using 6.12.0-beta5 please Erase those pools and recreate.

    If you revert back from 6.12 to 6.11.5 or earlier, you have to force update all your Docker containers and start them manually after downgrading. This is necessary because of the underlying change to cgroup v2 in 6.12.0-rc1.

    Upon boot, if all PCI devices specified in 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file do not properly bind, VM Autostart is prevented. You may still start individual VMs. This is to prevent Unraid host crash if hardware PCI IDs changed because of a kernel update or physical hardware change. To restore VM autostart, examine '/var/log/vfio-pci-errors' and remove offending PCI IDs from 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file and reboot.

    Linux Multi-Gen LRU is a relatively new feature now included but not enabled by default. You can enable by adding this line to your 'config/go' file:

    echo y > /sys/kernel/mm/lru_gen/enabled

    If you revert back from 6.12 to 6.11.5 or earlier you many need to remove that line.

    Obsolete/Broken Plugins

    There are a few plugins which are known to be incompatible with Unraid 6.12, and upon boot will not be installed. You will get a notification for each plugin that is affected, and can review the list by going to Plugins/Plugin File Install Errors.

    • disklocation-master version 2022.06.18 (Disk Location by olehj, breaks the dashboard)
    • plexstreams version 2022.08.31 (Plex Streams by dorgan, breaks the dashboard)
    • corsairpsu version 2021.10.05 (Corsair PSU Statistics by Fma965, breaks the dashboard)
    • gpustat version 2022.11.30a (GPU Statistics by b3rs3rk, breaks the dashboard)
    • ipmi version 2021.01.08 (IPMI Tools by dmacias72, breaks the dashboard)
    • nut version 2022.03.20 (NUT - Network UPS Tools by dmacias72, breaks the dashboard)
    • NerdPack version 2021.08.11 (Nerd Tools by dmacias72)
    • upnp-monitor version 2020.01.04c (UPnP Monitor by ljm42, not PHP 8 compatible)
    • ZFS-companion version 2021.08.24 (ZFS-Companion Monitor by campusantu, breaks the dashboard)

    Some of the affected plugins have been taken over by different developers, we recommend that you go to the Apps page and search for replacements. Please ask plugin-specific questions in the support thread for that plugin.

    Known issues

    • We are aware that some 11th gen Intel Rocket Lake systems are experiencing crashes related to the i915 iGPU. If your Rocket Lake system crashes under Unraid 6.12.0, open a web terminal and run:

      echo "options i915 enable_dc=0" >> /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf

      then reboot.

      Using this parameter will result in higher power use but it may resolve this issue for these GPUs. When Unraid 6.13 is released it will have a newer Linux kernel with better i915 support, we anticipate that at that point you can revert this tweak with:

      rm /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf

    • If "Docker custom network type" is set to "macvlan" you may get call traces and crashes on 6.12 even if you did not on 6.11. If so, we recommend changing to "ipvlan", or if you have two network cards you can avoid the issue completely: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/137048-guide-how-to-solve-macvlan-and-ipvlan-issues-with-containers-on-a-custom-network/

    ZFS Pools

    For a good overview of ZFS, see https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/05/zfs-101-understanding-zfs-storage-and-performance/

    New in this release is the ability to create a ZFS file system in a user-defined pool. In addition you may format any data device in the unRAID array with a single-device ZFS file system.

    We are splitting full ZFS implementation across two Unraid OS releases. Initial support in this release includes:

    • Support raid0, mirror, raidz1, raidz2 and raidz3 root profiles. Up to 4-way mirror in a mirror vdev. Multiple vdev groups.
    • Support removing single device: if device still present in server, 'wipefs' is used to clear the partition table.
    • Support replacing single missing device with a new device of same or larger size.
    • Support scheduled trimming of ZFS pools.
    • Support pool rename.
    • Pool names must begin with a lowercase letter and only contain lowercase letters, digits, the underscore and dash. Pool names must not end with a digit.
    • Non-root vdev cannot be configured in this release, however, they can be imported. Note: imported hybrid pools may not be expanded in this release.
    • Pools created on other systems may or may not import depending on how the the pool was created. A future update will permit importing pools from any system.

    A ZFS pool has three variables:

    • profile - the root data organization: raid0, mirror (up to 4-way), raidz1, raidz2, raidz3
    • width - the number of devices per root vdev
    • groups - the number of root vdevs in the pool

    At time of ZFS pool creation, the webGUI will present all topology options based on the number of devices assigned to the pool.

    Special treatment for root single-vdev mirrors:

    • A single-device ZFS pool can be converted to multiple-device mirror by adding up to 3 additional devices in one operation.
    • A 2-device mirror can be increased to 3-device by adding a single device; similarly a 3-device mirror can be increased to 4-device mirror by adding a single device.

    To add an additional root vdev, you must assign 'width' number of new devices to the pool at the same time. The new vdev will be created with the same 'profile' as the existing vdevs. Additional flexibility in adding/expanding vdevs will be provided in a future update.

    Pools created with the steini84 plugin can be imported as follows: First create a new pool with the number of slots corresponding to the number of devices in the pool to be imported. Next assign all the devices to the new pool. Upon array Start the pool should be recognized, though certain zpool topologies may not be recognized (please report).

    Mixed topologies are not supported. For example, a pool with both a mirror root vdev and a raidz root vdev is not recognized.

    Autotrim can be configured as on or off (except for single-device ZFS volumes in the unRAID array).

    Compression can be configured as on or off, where on selects lz4. Future update will permit specifying other algorithms/levels.

    When creating a new ZFS pool you may choose zfs - encrypted, which, like other encrypted volumes, applies device-level encryption via LUKS. ZFS native encryption is not supported at this time.

    During system boot, the file /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf is auto-generated to limit the ZFS ARC to 1/8 of installed memory. This can be overridden if necessary by creating a custom 'config/modprobe.d/zfs.conf' file. Future update will include ability to configure the ARC via webGUI, including auto-adjust according to memory pressure, e.g., VM start/stop.

    Top-level user shares in a ZFS pool are created as datasets instead of ordinary directories.

    Share storage conceptual change

    New in this release is a conceptual change in the way storage is assigned to shares. The old concept of main storage being the unRAID array with an optional "Cache" is confusing to many new users, especially since cache has a specific meaning in ZFS.

    Also outlined below, we introduced the concept of an exclusive share. This is simply a share where all the data exists in a single named pool. In this case the FUSE-based User Share file system returns a symlink to the actual share directory in the pool. All operations within the share, including data transfer, therefore bypass FUSE, resulting in greater performance. This feature is primarily aimed at maximizing I/O for large fast ZFS pools accessed via a fast network

    This is front-end change only; existing shares will be viewed with this new structure automatically upon upgrading, and will automatically revert to the previous style if you revert to an earlier version.

    Configuring the storage options for a share is specified using two inputs:

    • Primary storage
    • Secondary storage

    Primary storage is where new files/folders are created. If Primary storage is below the Minimum Free Space setting then new files and folders will be created in Secondary storage, if configured.

    Each input presents a drop-down which lists "array", "none", and each named pool as a selection according to some configuration rules:

    For the Primary storage drop-down:

    • the "none" option is omitted, ie, Primary storage must be selected
    • any named pool can be selected
    • "Array" can be selected (meaning the unRAID array)

    For the Secondary storage drop-down:

    • the "none" option is included, ie, Secondary storage is optional
    • if Primary storage is a pool name, then the only options are "none" and "Array". In the future other pools will be listed here as well.
    • if Primary storage is "Array", then only "none" appears as an option

    When "Array" is selected for either Primary or Secondary storage, a set of additional settings slide in:

    • Allocation method
    • Included disk(s)
    • Excluded disk(s)
    • Split level

    When a btrfs named pool is selected for either Primary or Secondary storage, an additional setting slides in:

    • Enable Copy-on-write

    When a ZFS named pool is selected for either Primary or Secondary storage, there are no additional settings at this time but there could be some in the future. For example, since a share is created as a ZFS dataset, it could have a different compression setting than the parent pool if we need to implement this.

    Mover action

    When there is Secondary storage configured for a share the "Mover action" setting becomes enabled, letting the user select the transfer direction of the mover:

    • Primary to Secondary (default)
    • Secondary to Primary

    Exclusive shares

    If Primary storage for a share is a pool and Secondary storage is set to "none", then a symlink is returned in /mnt/user/ pointing directly to the pool share directory. (An additional check is made to ensure the share also does not exist on any other volumes.) There is a new status flag, 'Exclusive access' which is set to 'Yes' when a symlink is in place; and, 'No' otherwise. Exclusive shares are also indicated on the Shares page.

    The advantage of setting up symlinks is that I/O bypasses FUSE-based user share file system (shfs) which can significantly increase performance.

    There are some restrictions:

    • Both the share Min Free Space and pool Min Free Space settings are ignored when creating new files on an exclusive share.
    • If there are any open files, mounted loopback images, or attached VM vdisk images on an exclusive share, no settings for the share can be changed. As a workaround, create a directory for the share on another volume and restart the array to disable exclusive access and make the necessary changes to the share settings.
    • If the share directory is manually created on another volume, files are not visible in the share until after array restart, upon which the share is no longer exclusive.

    Clean Up button

    Appearing on the Shares page, a button called CLEAN UP, when enabled indicates there are config/share/.cfg files for shares that do not exist. Clicking this button will remove those files.

    Other Improvements

    btrfs pools

    Autotrim can be configured as on or off when used in a pool.

    Compression can be configured as on or off. on selects zstd. Future update to permit specifying other algorithms/levels.


    Autotrim can be configured as on or off when used as a single-slot pool.


    It is possible to configure the Docker data-root to be placed in a directory on a ZFS storage pool. In this case Docker will use the 'zfs' storage driver. This driver creates a separate dataset for each image layer. Because of this, here is our recommendation for setting up Docker using directory:

    First, create a docker user share configured as follows:

    • Share name: docker
    • Use cache pool: Only
    • Select cache pool: name of your ZFS pool

    Next, on Docker settings page:

    • Enable docker: Yes
    • Docker data-root: directory
    • Docker directory: /mnt/user/docker

    If you ever need to delete the docker persistent state, then bring up the Docker settings page and set Enable docker to No and click Apply. After docker has shut down click the Delete directory checkbox and then click Delete. This will result in deleting not only the various files and directories, but also all layers stored as datasets.

    Before enabling Docker again, be sure to first re-create the docker share as described above.

    Other changes:

    • CreateDocker: changed label Docker Hub URL to Registry URL because of GHCR and other new container registries becoming more and more popular.
    • Honor user setting of stop time-out.
    • Accept images in OCI format.
    • Add option to disable readmore-js on container table
    • Fix: Docker Containers console will not use bash if selected

    VM Manager

    If you enable copy/paste for virtual consoles you need to install additional software on the client in addition to the QEMU agent if that has been installed. Here is the location for spice-vdagent for both Windows and Linux. Note copy/paste function will not work with web spice viewer you need to use virt-viewer.

    Other changes:

    • Add Serial option to vdisk.
    • Spice Bug fix for users with non standard GUI ports defined.
    • OVMF for QEMU: version stable202302
    • Fix for bus text.
    • Enable copy paste option for virtual consoles
    • Update Memory Backup processing for Virtiofs.
    • Fix lockup when no VMs are present
    • Add support for rtl8139 network model.
    • fix translation omission
    • added lock/unlock for sortable items
    • Fix for Spice Mouse if Copy paste enabled.
    • let page load even when PCI devices appear missing or are misassigned
    • Make remote viewer and web console options selectable.
    • Option to download .vv file and start remote viewer is browser set to open file .vv when downloaded.
    • Add remote viewer console support
    • Remove-lock-posix='on'-flock='on'/-
    • fix VM marked as Autostart not starting following manual array Start
    • Fix for Max memory > 1TB


    The webGUI Dashboard has been redesigned and it is now possible to move elements (tiles) up and down and between columns. This allows the user to organize the tiles in any way they desire. There is a small lock icon on the menu bar which must be clicked to enable this function.

    Note: The lock icon also appears on the Docker and VM pages and must be clicked to rearrange the startup order.

    Release bz file differences

    Unraid OS is comprised of a set of 5 so-called bz files in the root of the USB Flash boot device:

    • bzimage - the Linux kernel
    • bzroot - the root file system, sans console desktop
    • bzroot-gui - additional files needed for console desktop
    • bzmodules - modules (drivers) associated with the Linux kernel
    • bzfirmware - device firmware required by certain modules

    Starting with 6.12 release, the content of these files has been rearranged:

    • bzimage - the Linux kernel (same as before)
    • bzroot - the root file system excluding the /usr directory tree
    • bzroot-gui - a single file which auto-starts the console desktop (for compatibility)
    • bzmodules - modules (drivers) associated with the Linux kernel and device firmware required by certain modules
    • bzfirmware - the /usr directory and all files contained therein, including console desktop

    The results of this change is to speed up the boot process and free up nearly 1G of RAM. It also permits us to add more "stuff" to Unraid OS in the future without requiring more RAM. Finally, when booted in non-GUI mode, the desktop can be started by logging in at the console and typig the 'slim' command.

    The files bzfirmware and bzmodules are squashfs images mounted using overlayfs at /usr and /lib respectively. Since these files are loopback-mounted, care must be taken if ever you want to perform a manual update.

    What is a manual update? This is a method of updating Unraid OS on your USB flash boot device without using the Tools/Update OS function. Typically one would either:

    • open a Terminal window, wget the release zip file, unzip the release, and then 'cp' the bz files to root of the boot device.


    • export the 'flash' share on your network and drag the bz files from a PC directly to the flash.

    Either method, starting with 6.12 can fail because the bzfirmware file will be overwritten while it is still mounted - not good.

    To get around this, you must first create a temp directory on the flash device and then 'mv' (or drag) all the bz files to this temp directly. Now you can copy the new bz files in place and reboot.

    Change Log

    Base Distro

    • aaa_glibc-solibs: version 2.37
    • adwaita-icon-theme: version 43
    • at-spi2-core: version 2.46.0
    • bash: version 5.2.015
    • bash_completion: version 2.11
    • bind: version 9.18.12
    • btrfs-progs: version 6.2.1
    • ca-certificates: version 20221205
    • cryptsetup: version 2.6.1
    • curl: version 7.88.1
    • dbus: version 1.14.6
    • diffutils: version 3.9
    • dnsmasq: version 2.89
    • docker: version 23.0.6
    • e2fsprogs: version 1.47.0
    • encodings: version 1.0.7
    • file: version 5.44
    • firefox: version 111.0 (AppImage)
    • freetype: version 2.13.0
    • fuse3: version 3.12.0
    • gawk: version 5.2.1
    • git: version 2.39.2
    • glib2: version 2.74.6
    • glibc: version 2.37
    • glibc-zoneinfo: version 2022g
    • gnutls: version 3.7.9
    • gptfdisk: version 1.0.9
    • gtk+3: version 3.24.37
    • harfbuzz: version 7.1.0
    • htop: version 3.2.2
    • iproute2: version 6.2.0
    • iptables: version 1.8.9
    • iputils: version 20221126
    • less: version 612
    • libICE: version 1.1.1
    • libSM: version 1.2.4
    • libX11: version 1.8.4
    • libXau: version 1.0.11
    • libXcomposite: version 0.4.6
    • libXdamage: version 1.1.6
    • libXdmcp: version 1.1.4
    • libXpm: version 3.5.15
    • libXrandr: version 1.5.3
    • libXres: version 1.2.2
    • libXxf86dga: version 1.1.6
    • libarchive: version 3.6.2
    • libdrm: version 2.4.115
    • libfontenc: version 1.1.7
    • libglvnd: version 1.6.0
    • libjpeg-turbo: version
    • libpcap: version 1.10.3
    • libpng: version 1.6.39
    • libpsl: version 0.21.2
    • liburcu: version 0.14.0
    • libwebp: version 1.3.0
    • libxkbcommon: version 1.5.0
    • libxkbfile: version 1.1.2
    • libxshmfence: version 1.3.2
    • lmdb: version 0.9.30
    • logrotate: version 3.21.0
    • lsof: version 4.98.0
    • lz4: version 1.9.4
    • lzlib: version 1.13
    • mc: version 4.8.29
    • mcelog: version 191
    • mpfr: version 4.2.0
    • nano: version 7.2
    • ncurses: version 6.4
    • nginx: version 1.23.3
    • nghttp2: version 1.52.0
    • openssh: version 9.2p1
    • openssl: version 1.1.1t
    • openssl-solibs: version 1.1.1t
    • openzfs: version 2.1.11
    • pango: version 1.50.14
    • pciutils: version 3.9.0
    • pcre2: version 10.42
    • php: version 8.2.4
    • php-libvirt: version 0.5.7
    • php-markdown: version 2.0.0
    • samba: version 4.17.7
    • sqlite: version 3.41.0
    • sudo: version 1.9.13p2
    • sysstat: version 12.7.2
    • tdb: version 1.4.8
    • tevent: version 0.14.1
    • traceroute: version 2.1.2
    • transset: version 1.0.3
    • tree: version 2.1.0
    • usbutils: version 015
    • xcb-util: version 0.4.1
    • xdriinfo: version 1.0.7
    • xf86-video-vesa: version 2.6.0
    • xfsprogs: version 6.1.1
    • xhost: version 1.0.9
    • xinit: version 1.4.2
    • xkbcomp: version 1.4.6
    • xkeyboard-config: version 2.38
    • xorg-server: version 21.1.7
    • xprop: version 1.2.6
    • xrandr: version 1.5.2
    • xset: version 1.2.5
    • xterm: version 379
    • xz: version 5.4.1
    • zstd: version 1.5.4

    Linux kernel

    • version 6.1.29
    • md/unraid: version 2.9.27
    • CONFIG_FS_DAX: File system based Direct Access (DAX) support
    • CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS: Virtio Filesystem
    • CONFIG_ZONE_DEVICE: Device memory (pmem, HMM, etc...) hotplug support
    • CONFIG_USBIP_HOST: Host driver
    • CONFIG_INTEL_MEI: Intel Management Engine Interface
    • CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_ME: ME Enabled Intel Chipsets
    • CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_GSC: Intel MEI GSC embedded device
    • CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_PXP: Intel PXP services of ME Interface
    • CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_HDCP: Intel HDCP2.2 services of ME Interface
    • CONFIG_INTEL_PMC_CORE: Intel PMC Core driver
    • CONFIG_DRM_I915_PXP: Enable Intel PXP support
    • CONFIG_SCSI_FC_ATTRS: FiberChannel Transport Attributes
    • CONFIG_FUSION_SPI: Fusion MPT ScsiHost drivers for SPI
    • CONFIG_FUSION_FC: Fusion MPT ScsiHost drivers for FC
    • CONFIG_FUSION_CTL: Fusion MPT misc device (ioctl) driver
    • CONFIG_FUSION_LOGGING: Fusion MPT logging facility
    • CONFIG_X86_AMD_PSTATE: AMD Processor P-State driver
    • CONFIG_LRU_GEN: Multi-Gen LRU
    • CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=32: Maximum number of 8250/16550 serial ports
    • CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS=4: Number of 8250/16550 serial ports to register at runtime


    • avahi: enable/disable IPv4/IPv6 based on network settings and restrict avahidaemon to primary interface.
    • cgroup2 now the default
    • loopback images no longer mounted using directio
    • newperms script restricted to operate on /mnt/ only.
    • upgradepkg patched to prevent replacing existing package with older version.
    • current PCI bus/device information saved in file '/boot/previous/hardware' upon Unraid OS upgrade.
    • NFS: enable UPD transport
    • emhttp: fix cache pool (null) syslog strings
    • emhttp: fix cache pool display wrong device size for selected replacement device
    • networking: fix nginx recognizing IP address from slow dhcp servers
    • mover: fix: improper handling of symlinks
    • mover: fix: Mover logging syslog entries format different from previous releases
    • plugin: Display Run command retval in error message
    • shfs: igonore top-level hidden directoris (names beginning with '.')
    • terminal: OpenTerminal: change termination signal (hard stop)
    • upgrade Unraid OS: check for earlier upgrade without reboot
    • webgui: support PHP8, increase PHP max memory from 128M to 256M
    • webgui: ManagementAccess: Disable Provision/Renew/Upgrade buttons when no IP on eth0
    • webgui: ManagementAccess: Support wireguard local IP addresses in combination with myservers.unraid.net SSL cert
    • webgui: Move "view" icon on Main and Shares page to the left
    • webgui: Dashboard: fix regression error in "select case"
    • webgui: Dashboard: make items moveable between columns
    • webgui: Keep dismissed banners hidden for a month
    • webgui: Dashboard: API for adding custom tiles
    • webgui: Dashboard: rearrange processor information
    • webgui: Dashboard: rearrange UPS info
    • webgui: Dashboard: rearrange memory info
    • webgui: Dashboard: VPN header rearrangement
    • webgui: Dashboard: header rearrangements
    • webgui: Add jqueryUI touch punch for mobile devices
    • webgui: Changed ID to CLASS for elements occurring more than once
    • webgui: Make header in white and black themes scrollable
      • When more items are present than screen space, the user can now scroll through them (previously these items were invisible)
    • webgui: Dashboard and Docker: introduce lock button for sortable items
      • By default sortable items are locked, which allows mobile devices to scroll the page. Upon request items can be made sortable
    • webgui: Users: add icon to title bar
    • webgui: Tools: new function -> PHP Settings
      • View PHP info
      • Configure error reporting
      • Open LOG to see errors in real-time
    • webgui: System info: fix reading inactive ports
    • webgui: Plugin: Include the actual command, being executed
    • webgui: System info: cache enhancement
    • webgui: System info: memory enhancement
    • webgui: DeviceInfo: disable buttons when erase operation is running
    • webgui: Docker: filetree corrections
    • webgui: Fixed: Dashboard: show heat alarm per pool
    • webgui: Notifications: revised operation
      • Autoclose new notifications after 3 seconds
      • Fix notifications reappearing after closure
    • webgui: DeviceList: add FS type in offline state
    • webgui: Add notification agent for Bark
    • webgui: Main: hide browse icon when disk is not mounted
    • webgui: Diagnostics: add additional btrfs and zfs info
    • webgui: Dashboard: add ZFS memory usage
    • webgui: Revised New Permissions
      • Select either disks or shares (not both)
    • webgui: Add testparm to diagnostics
    • webgui: Support new UD reserved mount point of /mnt/addons
    • webgui: fix issue displaying Attributes when temperature display set to Fahrenheit
    • webgui: Dashboard changes:
      • lock the Dashboard completely: Editing/moving only becomes possible when unlocking the page
      • An empty column is refilled when the respective tiles are made visible again, no need to reset everything
      • added a visual "move indicator" on the Docker and VM page, to make clearer that rows can be moved now.
      • change cursor shape when moving is enabled
      • use tile title as index
    • webgui: fix: Local Firefox account pop-up postmessages not working
    • webgui: SMART test cannot be run on a UD disk because there is no spin down delay selection
    • webgui: status footer stuck on "Starting services" when applying share config setting chagnes.
    • webgui: Fix table layout for orphan images
    • webgui: Plugin: Do not show update button if incompatible
    • webgui: OpenTerminal: limit clients
    • webgui: Context menu: automatic triangle placement
    • webgui: Dashboard: fix pool warnings
    • webgui: Allow SMART long test for UD
    • webgui: Read processor type from /proc/cpuinfo
    • webgui: CSS: solve scrollbar issue in firefox
    • webgui: plugin: Make wget percentage detection more robust
    • webgui: Add share: fix hidden share name check
    • webgui: Display settings: add missing defaults
    • webgui: Array Operation: prevent double clicking of Start button
    • webgui: DeviceInfo: show shareFloor with units
    • webgui: DeviceInfo: added automatic floor calculation
    • webgui: Added autosize message
    • webgui: Shares: added info icon
    • webgui: Updated DeviceInfo and Shares page
    • webgui: Fix network display aberration.
    • webgui: Auto fill-in minimum free space for new shares
    • webgui: feat(upc): update to v3 for connect
    • webgui: Share/Pool size calculation: show and allow percentage values
    • wireguard: add SSL support for WG tunnel IP addresses (myunraid.net wildcard certs only)
    • wireguard: fix nginx issue when partial WireGuard config
    • Like 10

    User Feedback

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    About the new notification system. Now the notifications close automatically before I get a chance to read them all and then it requires a couple of clicks to get them to show again and then some more to ack them. Could they stay on screen until I dismiss them as before? When dismissing they also could be saved as acked.

    Edited by Niklas
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    On 5/17/2023 at 8:40 PM, Misty said:

    Please add CONFIG_FANOTIFY support in Linux Kernel. I'm noticing some strange disk spin ups in recent builds, but without fanotiy it's painful to troubleshoot (can only use inotify recursively, causing disk never spin down).

    Actually, most new kernels have enabled this config (Ubuntu, Debian, recent version of RedHat). As UnRAID is mainly oriented towards storage, there's no reason to keep this option off.

    This is added in next release (rc7), please let me know how you're using this to track down disk spin-up issues 👍

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    rc.samba - let smb, nmb service listen on regular interfaces only which have an IP address, this includes the primary interface + set ipv4 / ipv6 support (also for wsdd2)

    rc.ssh - listen on regular interfaces only which have an IP address, this includes the primary interface + set ipv4 / ipv6 support

    These changes need to be optional, I'm using Tailscale (via Docker) and a Wireguard tunnel to access the server and this has stopped smb and ssh from working.

    Automatically adding the only Wireguard tunnel solves half of my problem as remote users access via Tailscale.

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    30 minutes ago, baujahr said:

    These changes need to be optional, I'm using Tailscale (via Docker) and a Wireguard tunnel to access the server and this has stopped smb and ssh from working.

    Automatically adding the only Wireguard tunnel solves half of my problem as remote users access via Tailscale.

    This is already being worked on:



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    Hello, I'm learning how VPN works with Unraind and I would like to know if there's any way to undo any configuration I've done in VPN Manager in order to get it back to the default initial configuration.
    I missed a delete button or something. If the button exists, I couldn't find it instinctively.



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    4 hours ago, luzfcb said:

    Hello, I'm learning how VPN works with Unraind and I would like to know if there's any way to undo any configuration I've done in VPN Manager in order to get it back to the default initial configuration.
    I missed a delete button or something. If the button exists, I couldn't find it instinctively.



    Toggle from BASIC to ADVANCED on the grey bar corresponding to the Tunnel you want to remove, a DELETE TUNNEL option will appear.

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    Is it expected that writing to a ZFS array drive might be CPU-constrained?  I'm seeing drops to zero while a couple cores on my old Xeon CPUs (weak single-threaded) are pegged at 100% for a bit.  I don't have a parity drive at the moment (did a new config to start using ZFS drives), so I thought I'd have full write performance while filling the drives.  The attached image shows write performance using Krusader, rsync (via LuckyBackup), and a simple copy command.


    If this is not the expected behavior, I'll make a separate thread with more detail.

    Write Performance.PNG

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    Something that might be an issue, if you manually unmount a disk (like for the "clear an array drive" scenario) subsequently stopping the array will loop forever when it tries to unmount disks, treating "not mounted" as something it should retry instead of ignore.


    May 26 09:28:39 Unraid2 emhttpd: shcmd (504): umount /mnt/disk2
    May 26 09:28:39 Unraid2 root: umount: /mnt/disk2: not mounted.
    May 26 09:28:39 Unraid2 emhttpd: shcmd (504): exit status: 32
    May 26 09:28:39 Unraid2 emhttpd: Retry unmounting disk share(s)...
    May 26 09:28:44 Unraid2 emhttpd: Unmounting disks...
    May 26 09:28:44 Unraid2 emhttpd: shcmd (505): umount /mnt/disk2
    May 26 09:28:44 Unraid2 root: umount: /mnt/disk2: not mounted.
    May 26 09:28:44 Unraid2 emhttpd: shcmd (505): exit status: 32
    May 26 09:28:44 Unraid2 emhttpd: Retry unmounting disk share(s)...
    May 26 09:28:49 Unraid2 emhttpd: Unmounting disks...


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    Unwriteable array


    I noticed this issue once with RC5 but on RC6 as of a few days ago, I'm having to restart my server daily because the array becomes un-writable.  When this occurs, I can't even open shares on my mac without getting an error.  I have no idea what the issue is but I certainly hope this will be fixed in RC7.  Also, after the reboot this morning, I received a banner than said my flash drive was corrupted but then disappeared after 20 seconds or so.


    Note, I am running two ZFS cache pools.

    Edited by csimmons
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    36 minutes ago, csimmons said:

    Unwriteable array

    Check to see if your tempfs is filling up.  Use df -h and look for tempfs.  Keep track of the available space over a few hours.  If yes, then something is filling that up, most likely docker.  I have another post in this thread about it.

    Edited by samsausages
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    57 minutes ago, csimmons said:

    I'm having to restart my server daily because the array becomes un-writable. 

    Most likely this is a general support issue but please create a bug report and post the diagnostics after the problem and before rebooting.

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    6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Most likely this is a general support issue but please create a bug report and post the diagnostics after the problem and before rebooting.

    Will do, thanks!

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    7 hours ago, samsausages said:

    Check to see if your tempfs is filling up.  Use df -h and look for tempfs.  Keep track of the available space over a few hours.  If yes, then something is filling that up, most likely docker.  I have another post in this thread about it.

    Got it.  I will take a look.  Thank you!

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    Just upgraded to 6.12-rc6 to take advantage of ZFS, now that my new drives have arrived.

    However, I notice that the Unraid GUI reports the pool size wrong (4.7T), compared to 'zpool list' (5.45T). 
    Its a 6x 1Tb array, Z1.  


    On creation it reported correctly, then I had a hard crash as (I think) the HBA overheated (9207-8i). 
    Let it cool off then jerry-rigged a fan to point at the card for now, and it appears to be behaving again, other than the reported size being wrong in the GUI.  


    Any ideas?

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    On 5/25/2023 at 11:04 PM, baujahr said:

    These changes need to be optional, I'm using Tailscale (via Docker) and a Wireguard tunnel to access the server and this has stopped smb and ssh from working.

    Automatically adding the only Wireguard tunnel solves half of my problem as remote users access via Tailscale.


    I understand that they are working on it for another release but there is a fix or configuration that i can set to make it work in the mean time?

    Maybe in the Samba Extra configuration?

    I use Wireguard to connect two servers in different locations and this will break things

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    7 minutes ago, exico said:


    I understand that they are working on it for another release but there is a fix or configuration that i can set to make it work in the mean time?

    Maybe in the Samba Extra configuration?

    I use Wireguard to connect two servers in different locations and this will break things


    Unfortunately, there's not a simple workaround that I could find based on how the change was done in rc6. I could kind of make it work, but it was super hacky and wouldn't be reliable in some network configurations :(.


    I just figure that we'll have to wait until the fix is released to get a good solution for this one.

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    2 minutes ago, EDACerton said:

    I just figure that we'll have to wait until the fix is released to get a good solution for this one.


    The upcoming rc version has a fix.

    I will write a "how to do" once released.


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    On 5/21/2023 at 6:25 PM, tranterspace said:

    Hi. My Array won't start anymore since 6.12.0-rc6.


    - I updated to 6.12.0-rc6 a couple of days ago, added a Cache ZFS Pool with 1 fresh and 1 used 1TB SSD, and everything was going fine until it did not.

    - Tried rolling back to 6.12.0-rc5 because I read some changes were made to symlinks.

    - Tried disabling Docker / VMs.

    - Starting the array without the ZFS Pool works, i.e., only the Array Devices.


    Every time I try to start the array with the Cache Pool I am stuck in `Mounting Disks...` mode, and I have to do a hard reset to try something else.


    FYI. I tried the same setup (Cache Pool with 2 SSDs) with BTRFS instead of ZFS and ran into the exact same issues. Errors appeared within a day.


    Rolling back to 6.11 solved this. Running error free since 5 days.

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    Regarding the Dashboard customization, is it meant to 'save' any changes you make?

    Keeps reverting back to default for me after a few hours, even after 'locking'.  

    Best I can think of is that its per-browser based, but i just noticed its reverted today too, on my main workstation's browser?

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    It is indeed stored in the browser, do you have any browser extension that might prevent saving/automatically clear cookies?


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    43 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

    It is indeed stored in the browser, do you have any browser extension that might prevent saving/automatically clear cookies?


    None at all. Just standard Chrome.

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    13 minutes ago, frodr said:

    Suddenly some folder are not available from Krusader. I'm adding it here because I think it happened from RC5 to RC6. It is only on folders at Cache pool "Cache". 

    Please create a bug report and add more details, like which folders/shares are not available?

    • Thanks 1
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    Monthly parity check today.


    When done, it alerted me with a warning that it was "Canceled" but the check finished as usual. 






    Got warning in my apps and mail too



    The check before this one was canceled by me but not this one. 

    Edited by Niklas
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    I am not sure if this is 6.12 RC6 related but on restart Unraid thinks my ETH0 is disconnected, It thinks its running through ETH1 and even using the MAC address of ETH1 BUT ETH1 is completely disconnected! I bonded them together and that's a work around for now.

    Edited by Nano
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