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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/17 in all areas

  1. You won't. Syslog is all stored in RAM and lost with every reboot. Install the fix common problems plugin, pop it into troubleshooting mode, then make your system crash / hang again, and upload the resulting files.
    2 points
  2. unRAID 6 DevPack - Dev tools Assorted tools for unRAID development, mostly for compiling packages. For 6.3 and 6.4+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-DevPack/master/plugin/DevPack.plg Everything is set to install when toggled On and applied. Toggling Off and Apply will just toggle off and delete the package from the flash drive. There's no uninstall since some of these are default packages built in to unRAID. To remove: Toggle Off, Apply and reboot. Anything set to On will be installed at unRAID boot also. Change Log ###2018.10.23 - fix only include headers for inherent unRAID packages - add autov to css and js - remove support link from readme ###2017.10.12 - plugin version still 2017.10.01b - fix libunistring package, include symlink for libunistring.so.0 - added full glibc package - removed everything but headers for all preinstalled unRAID packages ###2017.10.01b - fix stickyheaders for new themes - update tablesorter to 2.29.0 - add status for installed and not installed packages ###2017.07.02 - fork Nerdpack to create DevPack - add all dev packages and descriptions - rename all variables and file names to reflect fork - remove all non relevant code ###2017.06.17 - combine delete and uninstall switch - add cleanup of old packages - add support for azure and gray themes - change to separate repo - update tablesorter ###2017.02.06 - fix support link - add perl toggle for vim ###2017.01.31 - move local tablesorter to cdn - add support link to readme ###2016.10.20 - fix: php7 compatibility ###2016.10.09 - fix: not creating package directory ###2016.10.08 - fix: false positive of installed packages - fix: packagemanager bug if cookies are missing ###2016.09.18 - fix: packagemanager array errors ###2016.09.16 - fix: empty package list on new install or upgrade - update tablesorter to 2.27.6 ###2016.09.10 - add: popup for unRAID version change or empty downloads folder - add: always compare package checksums - fix: remove corrupted packages - fix: remove failed downloads - fix: add package desc and json to scandir filter ###2016.03.15 - enable apply button if update ready - fix: remove old package settings from config after package update - create separate package repos for 6.1 and 6.2 - update plugin for unRAID 6.2 compatibility - update packages for 6.2 ###2016.02.23 - fix: search for a partial match of packages used in other plugins ###2016.02.17 - remove curl progress bar - separate plugin depends by comma - only show update status of selected packages when processing ###2016.02.15 - update tablesorter - fix spacing of processing messages - remove array start event package install - move initial package install to plugin install ###2016.02.08 - fix permissions on event script ###2016.02.02 - add check for other plugin dependencies on uninstall ###2016.01.25 - Merge eschultz pull request - tweaks to tablesorter to restore saved filters - minor optimizations ###2016.01.24 - Merged eschultz's package repo and following fixes - Fixed first time running warnings about missing packages.json / desc files - Fixed bug preventing Select All from being toggle-able - Fixed bug in Select All and dependent package checkboxes / race condition - Eliminated vertical space gap between page header and table ###2016.01.16a - add metric parser to sort units ###2016.01.16 - minor diplay changes - add tablesorter as a separate package ###2016.01.15 - fix filter save - add filter reset button ###2016.01.10a-c - fix name of package description file ###2016.01.10 - added dynamic package description tootips - updated tablesorter to v2.25.0 - add tablesorter widgets (filter, saveSort, stickyHeaders, hover-highlight) - added cli options to packagemanager script ###2015.12.30 - create packages directory on install ###2015.12.15a - remove command output ###2015.12.15 - minor fixes ###2015.12.14 - add update functions - add delete package function - fix some minor bugs ###2015.12.13 - initial commit of wrapper plugin for packages in repo
    1 point
  3. You should probably have a look at this post in the Preclear Plugin thread: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/54648-preclear-plugin/?page=59#comment-574447
    1 point
  4. I can add it to my todo list
    1 point
  5. It looks more like a disk problem, though SMART is still OK for now, swap cables with another disk, if there are more errors in the near future it may be a bad disk.
    1 point
  6. Hi - i assume you are using drives you already have, but if not I would encourage you to buy larger drives. The cost per TB is lower on on 3 and 4TB drives, typically. Personally I'd go with 6 and 8 TB drives these days.
    1 point
  7. Alright now please take everything I have as a guideline cause I may have set it up all wrong or not in an "optimized way" but hey, it works! Alright I also did stuff over a period so prob some stuff in stupid ways, I'm also going to assume you have your drives mounted with rclone, additionally I did not encrypt, its esentially the same just point to your encrypted folders. create a google API key? or whatever its called, google that. -Created a folder in appdata called "plexdrive" -created a folder in there called "tmp" -I copied plexdrive from starbix's plugin into the plexdrive folder, and called it "plexdrive" (additionally could just install it from plexdrive github, this was one of those things that when I started I didnt know) -chmod -755 /mnt/user/appdata/plexdrive/plexdrive -create a file in your plexdrive folder called "config.json" and in it put your client ID and secret from google API { "clientId": "ID goes here", "clientSecret": "Client Secret goes here" } So you should now have a folder /mnt/user/appdata/plexdrive and inside it should be the file plexdrive and config.json and the folder tmp then here are my mounting scripts /mnt/user/appdata/plexdrive/plexdrive -o allow_other -c /mnt/user/appdata/plexdrive -t and /mnt/user/appdata/plexdrive/tmp /mnt/disks/plxdrive/ & That should get you a working plexdrive, mine mounts to /mnt/disks/plxdrive And here is my rclone mount for my google drive so I can access it outside of plexdrive's read only. rclone mount --allow-other --allow-non-empty plexdrive:/ /mnt/disks/plexdrive/ & So at this point you should have a fully working plexdrive (read only) and a read/write google drive Add these to your SMB [plexdrive] path = /mnt/disks/plxdrive comment = browseable = yes # Public public = yes writeable = yes vfs objects = [plexdriveRW] path = /mnt/disks/plexdrive comment = browseable = yes # Public public = yes writeable = yes vfs objects = To easily wrose your folders. And then (if you wish) your gonna want to make a union mount so that plex will see local and cloud data as the same. So for me I make a folder: /mnt/user/Media/Plex/TV (this folder was empty when I started) I created a new folder in disks /mnt/disks/plexdriveunion/ And then I merged those 2 and my plxdrive all together I installed starbix's union plugin but I also went to the nerdpack plugin and installed fuse that way. unionfs -o cow,allow_other /mnt/user/Media/Plex/=RW:/mnt/disks/plxdrive/Media/Plex/=RO /mnt/disks/plexdriveunion/ & So now your /mnt/disks/plexdriveunion folder will have some data in it. Add SMB [plexdriveunion] path = /mnt/disks/plexdriveunion comment = browseable = yes # Public public = yes writeable = yes vfs objects = Your /mnt/user/media/Plex/TV folder will now have a hiiden folder in it. Point everything, plex, sonarr, etc to /mnt/disks/plexdriveunion and off you go, they will try to write to your local copy and then you simply rclone to the cloud. I'm personally using rclone move --transfers 10 --exclude .unionfs/** --min-age 30d /mnt/user/Media/Plex/TV/Adult plexdrive:/Media/Plex/TV/Adult Sorry this jumps all over the place but hopefully it poitns you in the right direction, feel free to ask follow up questions.
    1 point