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Everything posted by Pepreal

  1. Yes for now its working but the folder is not on the cache, its a separate SSD so its something like /mnt/gaming/... I have now installed it on the cache. That works.
  2. Oke found the problem. We had Icarus and steamcmd folder on a different folder called appdata_gaming (ssd). Now i let it install to appdata folder itself and it seems to start normally again. Its weird because we starten like this with appdata_gaming with no problems until today.
  3. I do not have a Intel based system. both server that i can test/use are AMD based Yes i have tried what you described. Stop the container Go into the directory for Icarus (usually in your appdata) Remove the directory "WINE64" and the file "runtimes" Start the container again and wait <- this could as said take some time and the log probably won't move but its still not working why would for weeks the docker work fine and since today not anymore. The docker image it self hasn't got a update for a month and we have not changed anything to the server itself.
  4. When the docker did not work i removed everything, the Icarus folder in the appdata folder, the steamcmd folder and the docker image, went to the appstore downloaded the latest Icarus template, started the docker waited for long time and when it was finished it started to restart constantly. and my screenshot from above is al what its doing. So this is a clean docker, appdata folder and steamcmd folder. Sorry English is not my main language.
  5. CPU is AMD R5 5600G and yes it supports AVX. We played yesterday with no problems. When start to play we start the docker and when we are done we are stopping the docker thats it. Both server doing the same thing.
  6. Just tried it on a different Unraid server which is on a different location with a clean Icarus docker but it does exactly the same.
  7. Having the same problem with Icarus. Yesterday everthing was working fine but since today it stops everytime. We change nothing. I have removed everything in appdata and the steam folder went to CA and grabbed a fresh template but with the same result. The log of the docker is the same as @SlyFox
  8. Same problem with Surfshark. http seems to work but https wont resolve. anyone has a solution to this?
  9. Hi, I have changed VPN providers and the new provider has the option to create wireguard config. I can import the config into Unraid and it works fine. I always used `binhex-privoxyvpn` but what is the more secure better way. Unraid wireguard or the vpn docker?
  10. Have the same problem with Firefox and version 6.12.3. Sometimes i even see big black bar, resizing the windows help a bit but doesn't fix the problem. Windows 10 and 11 both do the same.
  11. Every time i boot this warning pop-up. Using balance-rr giving me the same warning. Did i forget something in a config file or so?
  12. I have a problem with the S3 Sleep plugin wth balance-rr and balance-xor. It seems when i use one of the 2 that Wait for host inactivity (IP address) is ignored and probrebly also Network idle threshold. Normally when i have the webinterface open on my pc the server stays on but this is not working since using balance-rr and xor. Before using balance-rr or xor this worked fine. I already tried Ethernet interface on bond0 but with no luck. What can i try to fix this?
  13. RC3 giving me error on the app plugin. This didn't happen on RC2. Tried refreshing the page, clearing browser cache, rebooted the server, tried chrome. what do i need to do to fix this.
  14. Thanks it seems to fix my problem with rc2. All drive are spinning down
  15. I don't use zfs and i didn't make a new config i just upgrade from 6.11.5 to rc2. I can try to make a new config and upgrade to rc2 again to see if that makes a different.
  16. I have the same problem with rc2 but i didn't make a new config or using zfs, just upgraded and the drives are not spinning down anymore. Even when forced with a minute or so there up again. Went back to 6.11.5 and the problems is gone drives are spinning down again.
  17. I have 2 questions, We want to use Windows server 2019 in a VM for our company with 4 users so that we can work remotely. Question 1 is can I register Windows server 2019 with a license and also a CAL license. Question 2 is, we plan to upgrade the hardware from unRaid by the end of the year, will this affect the license of the VM?
  18. Was looking for this as well. Any update?
  19. Thanks, my laptop scales the screen to 125 so didn't see it. Making the page smaller in the browser works.
  20. Probably blind but i dont see the edit icon on the top right. I use custom tabs does this interver with the plugin? Tried different themes as wel.Checked the other themes as well.
  21. Was wondering about this update as well, I do like the docker very much but waiting for an update for pihole.
  22. Thanks for the replay. Have changed what was not needed. Have also added some more variables and changed the descriptions of it <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>teamSpeak-officialdocker</Name> <Repository>teamspeak:latest</Repository> <Registry></Registry> <Network>bridge</Network> <Shell>sh</Shell> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support></Support> <Project></Project> <Overview>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker. For importing an existing database and/or license key put the database and license in the 'AppData' folder and start the docker. The docker will set the permissions in the 'Host Path' on every start/restart.</Overview> <Category>Network:Voip</Category> <TemplateURL></TemplateURL> <Icon></Icon> <Description>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker. For importing an existing database and/or license key put the database and license in the 'AppData' folder and start the docker. The docker will set the permissions in the 'Host Path' on every start/restart.</Description> <Config Name="AppData Config Path" Target="/var/ts3server/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the database is stored." Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config> <Config Name="UDP - Voice Port" Target="9987" Default="9987" Mode="udp" Description="UDP voice port. Default=9987" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">9987</Config> <Config Name="TCP - Query Port:" Target="10011" Default="10011" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP query port. Default=10011" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">10011</Config> <Config Name="TCP - File Transfer:" Target="30033" Default="30033" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP filetransfer port. Default=30033" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">30033</Config> <Config Name="License Agreement" Target="TS3SERVER_LICENSE" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set to 'accept' if you agree with the license agreement." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_LICENSEPATH" Target="TS3SERVER_LICENSEPATH" Default="/var/ts3server/" Mode="" Description="Sets the path where the TeamSpeak server is looking for the licensekey.dat. This variable is the path to the directory where the licensekey.dat is supposed to be located. Defaults to /var/ts3server/." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">/var/ts3server/</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Default="9987" Mode="" Description="This variable controls the default UDP voice port." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">9987</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Default="10011" Mode="" Description="This variable controls the default TCP query port." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10011</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Default="10022" Mode="" Description="This variable controls the default SSH query port." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10022</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Default="raw" Mode="" Description="Comma separated list of protocols that can be used to connect to the ServerQuery. Possible values are raw and ssh. If raw is specified a raw or 'classic' ServerQuery is opened on 10011/tcp. If ssh is specified an encrypted ServerQuery using SSH is opened at 10022/tcp. Any combination of the aforementioned values can be specified in this parameter, including leaving it empty, which would disable ServerQuery altogether." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">raw</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_QUERY_TIMEOUT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_TIMEOUT" Default="300" Mode="" Description="Number of seconds before a query connection is disconnected because of inactivity. If value is set to be zero or negative, the timeout will be disabled. The default timeout is 300 seconds." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">300</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Default="30033" Mode="" Description="This variable controls the default TCP filetransfer port." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30033</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Target="TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Default="30" Mode="" Description="This variable is the amount of days that the TeamSpeak server will keep unused user identities. Users that have been added to a group will not be pruned, but guests will be." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_LOG_APPEND" Target="TS3SERVER_LOG_APPEND" Default="0" Mode="" Description="If this variable is set to 1, all new log entries are written into a single file per virtual server. If this set variable is set to 0, every time the server starts/restarts a new log file is created. We suggest setting this variable to 0." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">0</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_LOG_QUERY_COMMANDS" Target="TS3SERVER_LOG_QUERY_COMMANDS" Default="0" Mode="" Description="If this variable is set to 1, every query command that is sent to the server will be logged." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">0</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_DB_PLUGIN" Target="TS3SERVER_DB_PLUGIN" Default="ts3db_sqlite3" Mode="" Description="This variable controls what kind of database the TeamSpeak server is using." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">ts3db_sqlite3</Config> <Config Name="TS3SERVER_DB_PLUGINPARAMETER" Target="TS3SERVER_DB_PLUGINPARAMETER" Default="/var/run/ts3server/ts3db.ini" Mode="" Description="The content of the this variable is sent as 'parameter' to the db plugin." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">/var/run/ts3server/ts3db.ini</Config> <Config Name="Teamspeak 'ini' Config Path" Target="/var/run/ts3server" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the ts3server.ini and ts3db.ini files are stored." Type="Path" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config> </Container> Is it oke to make a new topic in docker engine? was thinking of teamspeak-officialdocker template done, hope link is oke