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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not all firmware versions on HBA's support trim. ie: on my controllers, the latest is v20, but only v16 supports trim. Does the command succeed if you connect the SSD to the motherboard?
  2. Or just run the auto update plugin and set it to update the containers on the schedule you set. Or base your code off of it's script (updateDocker.php)
  3. What is this line you've added to the go file? curl -o '/usr/bin/runc' -L 'https://github.com/binhex/arch-packages/raw/master/static/x86-64/runc' && chmod +x '/usr/bin/runc' Remove it, reboot and try again.
  4. That hasn't been in CA since 2015, but is coming back soon It's never been there. Complete redesign from top down to implement and instead of showing a URL that is simply https://xxx.unraid.net/Apps would change to https://xx.unraid.net/Apps/AFewHundredCharactersHeres which I absolutely hate as I don't particularly trust that type of URL whenever I see it, and is also a big security risk with certain aspects of what CA is able to do. All consolidated on the home page Why would you want to be able to scroll the main area when the side bar is open? Half of the app icons are covered up by the sidebar to begin with...
  5. You really should update to 6.9+ Alternatively, https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/144/?tab=comments#comment-1047696
  6. After the system actually loaded the page, it took 1 second to display the home page. What is the delay? Simply getting to the page? (ie: was the spinner on Chrome's tab still spinning indicating the Chrome is still grabbing the information prior to CA actually loading?)
  7. hmm. IDK. The test is super simple and simply sees if a write to the image / folder succeeds and tosses up the banner if it fails.
  8. And it's also in that same thread the fix
  9. I can't replicate. Which apps in particular
  10. That makes no sense to me. But, looking at your screenshot that banner looks to me to be what happens if the docker service itself isn't running (or failed to run) in which case that test gets skipped
  11. There's an entire thread related to this already. Or, wait for 6.10-rc2+ to be released
  12. Uninstall the plugin, and then install via this URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/d075fda8b8337c4c6bbd0b6d1d66b80a8870d9ba/plugins/community.applications.plg
  13. Nope, but I can see what the problem is. Thanks.
  14. Mover would work, but you would have to move to the array, and then back to the cache, and mover is super slow. I'd suggest using the appdata backup plugin to backup your appdata share, then create a new share ("fastappdata") and change the source in the backup settings to reference fastappdata and then restore.
  15. Because that's not the correct URL. You should be installing it via the Apps tab
  16. Today's update (doesn't include the docker searches yet) is primarily a Windows 11 compatibility hack. Found an issue with every single browser running on Windows 11 where half the change page buttons do not work at all. Windows 10 they work fine. If you're running Windows 11, and the change pages do not work, scroll down further and they should begin to work.
  17. Woes continue. Sent the PM via a different avenue.
  18. Love to do that @zspearmint, except that I wound up shutting down to rearrange some pools and when it booted back up everything was all good. No uninstall or anything (and I really wasn't imagining anything )
  19. For when mover runs, the file gets written as something like *.partial and then on successful move it deletes and renames accordingly. Stops orphaned files being stranded on array / cache with no easy recourse beyond the command line to delete the duplicate. Should be coming out in 6.10 rc2
  20. @ljm42 Noticed that one of my servers wasn't signed in (shouldn't it automatically renew anyways?) Signing in doesn't do anything and just brings back the same thing. If I go to Settings - Management settings, the page just continually reloads and doesn't let me do anything 6.10-rc2h
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