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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That's what v1 of the plugin did. Worked for some people, but a fair proportion of users would wind up having their servers basically lockup while XFS / BTRFS chewed through the massive amount of changes caused by copying potentially a million files at a time. You can still get it by enabling Show Deprecated Apps within CA's Settings
  2. Semi recurring problem for some users. Is it an actual problem? Probably the vast majority of unraid installations are set to the command prompt and all management is done via a browser on another system
  3. The only "reason" that I can see to remove the port mapping for the webUI is that you are running the container on it's own IP address. In this case, it's more or less irrelevant whether or not that port mapping is present or not, as it's ignored anyways. Ideally you shouldn't be removing the mapping, but if you do want to remove it and have that survive updates do this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-894170
  4. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    Why does Unraid keep adding ports that I've removed from the template back to the application when I update? One of the nice features of Unraid installing updates for any of your installed applications is that if the template author / maintainer has added a new port mapping for the application Unraid will automatically add that port mapping to your template. More often than not, this is a good thing and is required for proper operation of the application. There are however certain use cases where you want to remove port mappings from a template. If you do this, then with every update of the application that port mapping will get added back in, necessitating you to remove it again. In order to stop this behaviour, within the /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user you will see all of your templates. Edit the appropriate one with a text editor and change the line that states <TemplateURL>https://.....</TemplateURL> to instead be <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL>
  5. Try this. Approximately 13:40 into the video https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1P5411b7ca?from=search&seid=123670921688295069 试试这个。 视频中大约13:40
  6. Update CA. That version 2020.02.13 doesn't support languages 更新CA。 该版本2020.02.13不支持语言
  7. You probably can't without getting pictures / serial numbers of the exact card you'd be purchasing and then asking Dell or Broadcom themselves. But, If it seems way too cheap compared to others it's probably fake If it comes via China, the odds that it's counterfeit increase significantly (not a guarantee though)
  8. You need to be running Unraid 6.9-beta25+ for multi-language support 您需要运行Unraid 6.9-beta25 +以获得多语言支持
  9. root:root vs nobody:users doesn't matter. Under either scenario, the permissions on files for access need to be either 666 or 777 Use the chmod command in the script if you can't get rsync to set permissions correctly
  10. They are meant to be running. /var/lib/docker... is the docker.img file, and will always have files open so long as the service is enabled (Settings - Docker). This won't however cause all drives to be spun up, as the image file itself will be contained onto a single drive (usually the cache drive)
  11. There's some problems with the docker.img file. Easiest solution is to delete and recreate. 5 minutes, no hair loss... https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  12. Same instructions work for edge. Just make sure you select "Console" on the window that appears
  13. They are the addresses for OpenDNS. There's many DNS servers around the world, and those 2 I find are great. Generally speaking, the standard DNS addresses that your ISP tries to choose are terrible.
  14. lol I meant the support forum for CA with a screen shot of CA's statistics screen. But, on a re-read of the banner, I can see where the confusion lies. Net result is that your server is unable to reach the internet. Usual answer is to reboot modem / switches, and use static DNS addresses of and in Settings - Network settings As an aside, I am unable to replicate why this message shows up. If I disconnect my server from the internet, I get the proper error message (which basically states the above). If you are so inclined, I would love if you could (assuming Chrome as a browser) Go to the Apps Tab Hit F12 on your keyboard (This loads the developer console) Something like this will appear (make sure that you're on "user messages" on the left hand side) Hit the arrow next to every "Result", and also the arrow next to every "Object" that appears (don't hit the arrow next to ___proto___) Right Click anywhere on the wall of text and hit save-as. Upload the resulting file here. (This is CA's logging of what is going on, and only a record of CA's communication back and forth to the server - No personal info is present, and nothing relating to any settings on any templates, etc is present) While this won't solve your problem (unable to hit the internet), it will help me figure out WTF you guys aren't seeing the proper message
  15. Those messages are normal for when the apps are starting up. This however Sep 15 21:21:22 NAS-Jonas kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdb1): corrupt leaf: root=5 block=481189888000 slot=7 ino=11841754, dir item with invalid data len, have 32 expect 0 is more worrisome, and should have @JorgeB advise Sep 15 21:26:01 NAS-Jonas sshd[21566]: error: kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host This I would guess is the probably cause of what you're actually seeing. Best I can offer is to delete the contents of /config/ssh and /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot to regenerate the keys
  16. Try renaming the file to something else. Reboot and then see if it'll let you change the schedule
  17. Can you post the contents of /config/plugins/dynamix.cfg from the flash drive?
  18. Where? That is exactly what happens...
  19. No. For something like that, you're better off with Netdata from the Apps Tab
  20. All of the linuxserver containers automatically build themselves. This happens if/when a new version of the application contained within has an update available, or if the underlying OS has an update (bug fix / security updates, etc). Only when rebasing the container, or major changes does LSIO update the versions section (or the changelog for the template itself).
  21. Something else is going on. Sab doesn't care whether the browser is open or not.
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