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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Post your diagnostics at a start. But, if the system can't detect the drives via the HBA's BIOS, then zero chance that Unraid will see them.
  2. Those screen shots I assume are from deluge. You're telling it to move to /mnt/cache/..... Except that you haven't mapped /mnt in the template (docker tab) on deluge. What you need to do is move it to /data/..... See here for how path mapping works https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54834-video-guideall-about-docker-in-unraid-docker-principles-and-setup/ Followed by https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086 for what most people have problems with afterwards
  3. Squid

    DS Apps alternative

    Plex I believe accomplishes this (Not sure about the music though). You really shouldn't be opening 80 / 443 directly to the server. Plex you open up 32400.
  4. If you're utilizing the GPU for a VM, then you don't use it for any docker container (and vice versa)
  5. It does by attempting to download a file from github. But you shouldn't have your DNS of the server pointed at piHole. No ads within it to block
  6. Go to CA settings, enable debug mode apply and then done. When that message reappears, hit debugging then upload the file generated here
  7. Looks like your memory is completely full (specifically /tmp) Diagnostics would confirm. Easiest recovery would be to reboot, but the underlying cause would get lost in that case.
  8. Auto update plugin is your best bet. Ser it to automatically update everything except for Plex, then forget that the Update Button even exists
  9. Is Unraid running through piHole? If so, then best to not have it do so as that introduces a whole other layer of complexity, and there's no real reason to run it's internet through it in the first place.
  10. Is this still continuing? Based upon a clean syslog, I'd be inclined to initially say that it's a blip on dockerHub
  11. The logs are everything that is output by the script. And there's a download button that grabs them. Other things This is going to come across as a bit bitchy, but I truly don't mean anything by it. This plugin was simply designed to run a quick and dirty script here and there. It has definitely morphed into something else. And yes there are issues with Certain script naming will crash the plugin Sub processes spawned off of the initial script have issues being stopped Priorities are everything. While I do understand and appreciate the comments and suggestions, time doesn't always play along with supporting of code changes (or as probably needed here a complete rewrite of the plugin - which isn't an inconsequential time investment) and/or fixes. My priorities are as follows: CA, application feed, related items. They trump everything else Actual real-world work Fix Common Problems (Any false positives that may pop up as new versions of Unraid are released) Unraid GUI bug fixes etc Alexander Keith's Dogs Sleep Family Doom (Hopefully the wife doesn't read this , but that order does keep me sane) So far as time permitting after all of that, the priorities that I see plugin related (time permitting) are Autoupdate. I've noticed some oddities that I'm not sure if its a bug or not and need to investigate Backup / Restore - restart order doesn't match what's been utilized in the docker tab Cleanup Appdata - needs a big revamp to make it functionally work without probable timeouts happening if/when the deletions take more than 120 seconds Backup / Restore - Longstanding req to separate the archives by folder, and selectively restore them This plugin lags behind because it still is 100% functional within its original design considerations. Problem with it is that the code is ancient, and a rewrite is basically required to bring it into line with everything else, and make it maintainable. Unfortunately due to priority #2, my time is extremely limited until Christmas, and what time I do have may be filled up with priority #5 when the situation may change. I will get to it. I, like everyone else around here am a volunteer. In the meantime if anyone has any PRs, then they will get merged after testing.
  12. A recent firmware update to my Deco's pretty much trashed everything that they do. The tip off for me was that my internet speed dropped down to 10% of what I was normally seeing. My solution was to switch the Decos to instead be in AP mode (default is Router) and everything fixed itself. (And if you even do a cursory glance at the TP Link forums, you will very quickly find out that the Deco firmware in router mode is completely bug ridden, and every fix of theirs merely serves to introduce more)
  13. If settings, notifications settings, check for OS updates is enabled you will not see the button
  14. I have always had the button, and still do on both beta and stable
  15. Can you navigate through disks 1-5 via the webUI? Are the files there or not (Main, click the folder icon at the right right of each disk)
  16. Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: Community Applications appData Backup Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: Applications will be unavailable during Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: this process. They will automatically Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: be restarted upon completion. Oct 2 03:00:08 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Oct 2 03:04:40 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: Influxdb set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping Oct 2 03:55:14 UnHump Docker Auto Update: Community Applications Docker Autoupdate running Oct 2 03:58:16 UnHump Docker Auto Update: Installing Updates for Influxdb sonarr-TVPrograms jackett netdata Oct 2 04:29:02 UnHump Docker Auto Update: Restarting Influxdb Oct 2 04:50:35 UnHump CA Backup/Restore: appData Backup complete Doesn't look like it "disappeared" Simply that an update was being installed for it at 3:58, which finished at 4:29 Ideally you don't want the times for backup and autoupdate to overlap, because the appdata may be in a state of flux because of that. YMMV
  17. I personally like UnFire myself. Certainly better than UnOven, UnCool, UnBBQ, UnLava et al. Either way, this plugin may become the UnSun hero for some people in 2020/2021
  18. Unraid will send you a daily status report (basically array good or not good) if you set it up. For SMART however the monitored attributes (Settings Disk Settings, with overrides also per disk) are sent out on as as needed basis (checked every minute). Personally, I'd much prefer when something goes wrong rather than a daily report on SMART which IF something goes wrong, or is beginning to go wrong that notification gets lost in a sea of emails saying Please disperse, Nothing to see here. For graphs etc, look at the scrutiny app, but it only graphs once per day. Alternatively, the project Ultimate Unraid Dashboard may also do what you want.
  19. Confirmed to work. Might want to update the OP and add to the append line in syslinux.cfg mpt3sas.max_queue_depth=10000
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