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Everything posted by Squid

  1. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?tab=comments#comment-480421
  2. You're getting the warning because the app exists within CA, and you didn't use the template and installed it completely manually yourself. You won't get the warning if you simply modify any given template CA comes up with to suit your needs. But there is no real downside to having FCP fix it for you. Just if there's any ports not defined in your template, but defined in the template, any update will bring them down automatically. To avoid this, edit /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-firefly....xml and set the line <TemplateURL>.....</TemplateURL> to be <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL>
  3. Both of the errors are telling you that you have another browser tab (or device) actively sitting on the GUI for Unraid. csrf is an important security feature, and are assigned randomly at each reboot of the server.
  4. Very few authors still publish the URLs to any of the plugins, etc because Community Applications (Apps) removes that complexity away from the user.
  5. If it's 8182:8182, you deleted and re-added, so the update will re-add 8181 to the template. The workaround is to manually edit /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-tautulli.xml (or whatever it's called) and remove the line stating <TemplateURL>someURL</TemplateURL>
  6. You've removed the port mapping and then added another one. Don't do that. Just change the host port instead. Any ports that you remove are added back in automatically during updates (to handle when an update requires a new port). There is however a work around to prevent this behaviour if needed.
  7. All else being equal, then yes. But highwater will fill the drives to 50% before moving on. After everything else is equal, then season 1, 2, 3 etc will all stay on the drive it was created on.
  8. What size drives and how full are they?
  9. By complaining to https://www.netdata.cloud/
  10. Absolutely. Seems to me though that anytime a loopback is used, there's always going to be a write penalty. The other changes significantly reduced the writes. The folder option should only remove them down to the absolute minimum. It also solves some other problems (namely the image filling up if users have no idea how to properly configure a container)
  11. How did you move it? Plex makes extreme usage of symlinks, and if the files all got expanded to their full size you'd see what you're seeing.
  12. You had an unrecoverable read error happen on the cache drive. You can try https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  13. Might be good to post your diagnostics. Since you've moved, chances are good there are other problems (loose cabling) that *may* be causing this
  14. There used to be, but not for a while now. Probably the least amount of excess writes is instead of using a docker image file, you utilize a docker folder instead. Avoids any overhead involved in the loopback. But you need the beta to utilize either an XFS formatted image or a directory system
  15. Because there's no real way for me to determine that. Plugins are easy to determine the date they were released. Not so much for containers
  16. I don't run custom networks, but on your Adguard (br0), there is no port mapping at all, so the [IP]:[PORT:8080] will always resolve as [IP]:8080 regardless if you change the port mapping (since port mappings are ignored). I've tested simply changing the WebUI entry, and it does pick up changes no problems on br0 (6.9.0-beta31)
  17. Are you overclocking? Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz Stepping: 7 CPU MHz: 4019.685 Overclocks are never recommended when stability is required. Also would be a good idea to run a memtest (at minimum a single pass)
  18. Can you post your diagnostics so that I can see why my tests are failing for you.
  19. Can you show me a screen shot of that...
  20. Probably best to ask in the Let's Encrypt / SWAG support threads so that other users who do use Unraid like this can see and possibly help.
  21. Tested this on 6.9 Beta 30 (ish) and it works perfectly. Looks like you've done two things here The template shows <WebUI>redacted.duckdns.org/</WebUI> and the applicable config line shows <Config Name="WebUI" Target="8080" Default="8080" Mode="tcp" Description="WebUI - Default 8888" Type="Port" Display="al> Now, the complete line isn't there (you've cut off the end of it), but what you did is that at some point, you edited the app, switched to advanced view, and then edited that URL to be what you've got above. You can change the port all day long when you edit the Port, but because the actual URL you've changed previously to the duckdns address doesn't include a reference to either the IP or the Port, nothing is ever going to happen. The appropriate line for WebUI is http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] Set up like that, the system will properly adjust the webUI in the drop down to reflect the IP address and the Port number you've selected. or, if you want it to go to a particular reverse proxy, then http://redacted.duckdns.com:[PORT:8080] Note that the 8080 IS correct in the above lines, regardless of whatever you change the port to be. It refers to the CONTAINER port, and when changing the port mapping you're adjust the host port.
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