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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The plugin allows scripts to he run. To keep everything in sync you need to issue a spin up command prior to sleeping and a spin down after sleeping. Look in its support thread
  2. I know... Except that kinda hard to enforce that... Been meaning to bring it up for awhile now, but just got a notification that took me to a completely wrong post and it popped back into my head. An annoyance (and probably only to me)... Now if some moderator ever happened to delete a post from one of the FAQ then
  3. AFAIK, this is a semi-recurring problem endemic to Plex where a reinstall on any platform results in the same thing. If no one here offers up any help, then you're going to be best looking on Plex' own support threads as this has definitely happened more than once.
  4. Annoyance - If (for some reason) a post in the middle of a thread happens to get deleted, then any and all links within other threads to a post following the now deleted post wind up displaying the wrong post (or going to the wrong page) when clicking on them.
  5. Assuming that you didn't passthrough the NIC to the VM, did you install the virtio drivers within Windows for the ethernet (and some other devices). You'll find them on the virtioISO drive that's mounted to the VM.
  6. Unfortunately, there is no current way to install the nVidia drivers on Unraid 6.8.3 except for the nVidia Kernel Builder container from @ich777. IMHO, there's no problems with installing 6.9.0-beta33+, and then utilizing the official method of getting the nVidia drivers onto your system (I've been running the beta series on all my servers for months now), but it's all up to your own personal comfort level. Yes. The normal upgrade procedure will automatically upgrade the OS and revert the changes the plugin made to the boot files. If you really want to revert back to the stock 6.8.3, then it's easiest to simply download the zip file from https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.8.3-x86_64.zip, and then overwrite the bz* files on the flash drive with the ones in the zip (10 files total)
  7. Yeah, except that I'm in the same boat as you and can never find them in the new setup, and I'm the one who moved them to the dropdown to begin with , but it makes more sense there and unifies the interface between the dashboard and the docker tabs. I'm actually starting to think that maybe "Basic" view should be removed, as the two views are now very close to each other.
  8. It's working for me on my server (no VMs though on it). Do you happen to have one of the plugins installed (eg: Docker Folders) that modifies the dashboard?
  9. Yup. It's a false reporting of a hardware error. Basically, some combinations of hardware will report an MCE when initializing the processor at boot time
  10. If either /tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/backupInProgress or /tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/restoreInProgress exists then a backup / restore is running
  11. Switch to advanced view on the docker tab. There's a startup delay option that pauses before the next app in the list is started up.
  12. Should be noted that if you have your drives set to spin down then unraid can spin them all up simultaneously for a parity check, if another drive goes down etc.
  13. Set the template up as normal. After it's all done, edit the file /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-mailcow.xml on the flash drive and at the bottom will be a section of all the <Config entries Find the appropriate line and edit it to reflect the "z" or "Z" flag in the mode <Config ... Mode="rw,z" ..
  14. They're 100% identical (assuming they're from the same author). Difference being where they are being pulled from
  15. By design, any request made by the GUI that doesn't complete in exactly 120 seconds will never complete (as far as the GUI is concerned). Using a share as a destination (any of the default shares will be used: system, appdata, iso, domains) does impose another penalty as the drive(s) may need to spin up to accomplish this. BUT, there are good things coming in the hopefully near future regarding flash backups.
  16. I did a PR to have them collapsed. Maybe in the future I'll swing around and re-look at it to show the range instead.
  17. Docker will recreate that path everytime the container starts up
  18. Actually, what's going on is that the chevron doesn't appear in advanced view...
  19. Switch to advances and show more settings. Theres going to be another path
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