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Everything posted by Squid

  1. [ { "Name": "br0", "Id": "7e01ecc035eb80d293b93cb4626897b4138cbd445ed9243f3e7839cb35bf8033", "Created": "2020-09-05T08:35:02.505937085-04:00", "Scope": "local", "Driver": "macvlan", "EnableIPv6": false, "IPAM": { "Driver": "default", "Options": {}, "Config": [ { "Subnet": "", "Gateway": "", "AuxiliaryAddresses": { "server": "" } } ] }, "Internal": false, "Attachable": false, "Ingress": false, "ConfigFrom": { "Network": "" }, "ConfigOnly": false, "Containers": { "8bb778f66e0ba6389c53b06621c32a8b1792f99c8160c77687722d268b38c77d": { "Name": "pihole-template", "EndpointID": "eae3ab31bb8cd7631c98c82ea6873cdeb081a9458c5c7028da7cea8c2605bdd2", "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:01:4a", "IPv4Address": "", "IPv6Address": "" } }, "Options": { "parent": "br0" }, "Labels": {} } ] But all you need to do is enable the option in docker settings (advanced view with the service disabled)
  2. Your server is not being able to reach the internet. Try setting static DNS addresses of / Sidebar: I'm working on why you're seeing this particular error, and not the one which is supposed to be appearing 🤔
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/96271-bootparity-check-loop-issue/?tab=comments#comment-887382
  4. You haven't added a port to the template for the webUI (8866)
  5. Docker Folders plugin will do this for the time being
  6. This is the wrong URL. It should be $caPaths['application-feed-last-updated'] = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Squidly271/AppFeed@master/applicationFeed-lastUpdated.json"; And what is the update frequency on that CDN? If it's live (or nearly live), then I can work on adding these alternative links into CA
  7. You'll need to add that syslog you've been grabbing, along with a set of diagnostics.
  8. You'll need to add that syslog you've been grabbing, along with a set of diagnostics.
  9. You'd have to fork the project and rebuild it yourself. (Trying a pull of it right now, and it does certainly appear to be rather ignorantly large)
  10. So just use /mnt/cache/appdata/... and be done with it. The odd container for some reason does have problems with /mnt/user...
  11. You would probably need to post the /etc/rsyslog.conf file
  12. I would rename /config/network.cfg to something else (restores default network settings) and try it again.
  13. What app? If it's simply the size of the layers etc and not the app storing data into the image, I wouldn't particularly worry about it as storage is cheap.
  14. Set up pi hole to be on it's own dedicated IP address
  15. Can almost guarantee your flash drive dropped offline use a different port ideally USB2. A reboot will also be required
  16. You're talking about reinstalling the app itself. It sounds like you reinstalled from a regular search in CA (which uses default settings on the app) vs the Previous Apps section (which uses the last saved template)
  17. If nothing shows up on the local monitor (ie: can you even get into the BIOS), then you've got to start with that issue and then go from there as it implies serious problems with your system's hardware
  18. Most of the linux server containers are issued updates every Friday @2300GMT These are usually updates to the containers themselves (security patches etc) and the odd update to the actually app if/when they are available. LSIO does not publish changelogs. If the app itself was updated, then a changelog would probably show up on the Project's webpage
  19. Container Size button will tell you why its that huge
  20. /mnt/user/... does impose some overhead that isn't present when using /mnt/cache/... If everything is all set up correctly (the appdata share is cache only, etc), then there's absolutely no problems with using /mnt/cache/appdata...
  21. That's the same link that I sent you to originally.
  22. Assuming that it's the proxy causing the problem (and not a reboot being required as the message states), then I'll have to work out a script tonight for you to run to let me know how the coding needs to be adjusted in CA to handle your needs. I will need you to post (or PM) your go file (/config/go on the flash drive)
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