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Everything posted by Squid

  1. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/122/?tab=comments#comment-848436
  2. As far as the system is concerned, the docker.img file didn't exist, so it recreated it. Without knowing the exact chain of events, its impossible to know for sure what happened there. But, simply go to apps, previous apps and check everything off you had installed before, hit install, grab a coffee or a beer (depending upon the time of the day) and before you get back to your computer everything will be back as they were.
  3. I recently installed Plex (on Windows box) - for a very specific purpose, as Plex sucks - and found that after a few days it quit allowing transcodes to 1080p, and instead forced everything down to 480p until I picked up a Plex Pass.
  4. Windows won't allow you to create a file (or folder) named "Accounting" and "accounting". It is the shares that aren't subject to this, and that you create yourself on the UI. So, IMO it doesn't particularly matter if you create the share "Accounting" or "accounting". You just can't create both. My shares are a mixture Upper / lower case as the starting character, depending upon what kind of mood I was in at the time.
  5. You're using some container that is using ffmpeg.
  6. Not necessarily. I've seen that a fair amount on server's running Plex et al that do transcoding.
  7. You can't just set it to be UTC +00.00 (Dublin / Edinburgh / London)?
  8. Rebuilding a drive rebuilds it with the same format (ReiserFS) as the original does. Under ideal circumstances, you should switch your drives over to XFS
  9. Did you reset the modem while the server was still on? (at 15:13?) The network went down at that time. If this wasn't when you reset modem, then I'd try a different port on the switch / modem
  10. The ideal method is to cross-flash the controllers into IT mode so that they won't interfere with the drives being passed-through.
  11. Stubbing (install the VFIO plugin via the Apps Tab) will prevent Unraid from using the hardware your select
  12. Easiest way is to pull them out / disable within the BIOS. Or you can "stub" them within Unraid itself on 6.9.0-beta25+ to prevent Unraid from using them. (For 6.8, install the VFIO plugin to accomplish this)
  13. Squid

    LOG 100% use

    Within the first second of opening up a port directly to your server (especially a common one), you will get attacked. Every script kiddie in the world simply continually scans the internet looking for open ports so that they can use and abuse the server. Use a VPN or a reverse proxy or something else rather than opening up FTP to the entire world. Since it's (hopefully) only protected by a username / password, it's only a matter of time (ie: hours / days) before someone actually gains access to your files.
  14. Not a defect, and you should probably post in General Support, but it's either the controller (especially if it happens to be a counterfeit card), or a cabling issue. Reseat the cabling / power connectors
  15. Not a defect, and you should probably post in General Support, but it's either the controller (especially if it happens to be a counterfeit card), or a cabling issue. Reseat the cabling / power connectors
  16. Put it this way. The reason why the GUI mode was first introduced was because there was a user who didn't own a phone or tablet (weird in itself) who borrowed one to set up his server and a Windows VM as his daily driver (also didn't own a laptop or other computer), and couldn't manage the server to replace a failed drive (since the array was stopped).
  17. In a nutshell, the GUI mode (firefox) is only meant for management of unRaid itself. Using it for general surfing etc isn't particularly recommended, and not really any easy way for it to save any settings you make to it, since those settings go beyond it's intended use.
  18. You would schedule it to scan say monthly during off-hours.
  19. While there probably are some extra features in the djaydev flavour, for the most part they would be identical, and no significant differences between the two (although djaydev probably takes up less space within your docker.img file)
  20. This. A virus needs to be executed to have any effect, and that execution is going to happen on the client, and that is where the virus check should happen. That being said, there is ClamAV available within Apps which will scan your server for viruses, but you shouldn't rely upon it exclusively.
  21. That suggests that piHole is running in Bridge mode. Ideally, it should be running on it's own IP address
  22. Certain combinations of motherboards / unraid versions / cpu's (or your kids finding the keys to your liquor cabinet, "borrowing" a few ounces and then refilling it with water) will issue an MCE when initializing the processor. This is what's happening with you, and is nothing to worry about and can be safely ignored.
  23. It's never been there on the startup pages. You can do all apps and then sort it accordingly
  24. Same as above. Startup categories are limited to the 24. Other categories have no such limitation.
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