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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Post the diagnostics showing this Sent from my NSA monitored device
  2. My bad... Serves me right for giving advice off the top of my head...
  3. 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O-R-- 200 200 000 - 1 The SMART error is a CRC error (count of 1) You can just acknowledge that by clicking the thumbs down. For everything else, you should post the diagnostics
  4. You can't do that anymore with 6.8 unless you edit Krusader and check off the "privileged" box
  5. Presumably you're using root as the username Also ensure that cookies are enabled in the browser. Did you have a password set for root? I seem to recall some other people having problems if a password wasn't set
  6. At one point during the SQLite problems, @limetech suggested to add that line into (i believe) shfs-extra.cfg. you need to delete that file
  7. Can you install any other random app via apps?
  8. You will also see this if you built the container yourself and are hosting it yourself, or in the unlikely situation of the container no longer exists on dockerhub
  9. Auto updates aren't handled by CA itself but by the auto update plugin. It doesnt care how the plugin was installed.
  10. Just delete it and recreate it in the new location. Docker FAQ has the easy step by step
  11. Tags go after the repository entry ie: instead of linuxserver/booksonic you would use linuxserver/booksonic:whateverTag The appropriate tags are listed in the dockerHub page link on the OP Should be noted though that once you add a tag to the repository, all updates to the app will cease when updating the docker container until such time as you remove the tag
  12. Main difference between 6.8 stable and most of the 6.8 rc's is the Kernel version reverted to 4.9 instead of 5.x You can review all of the change logs for each RC in it's threads and compare it to the change log for stable.
  13. What are the causes of unclean shutdowns? (Why does a parity check happen whenever I power on my server?) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86385-docker-containers-have-the-be-off-when-you-power-off-the-array/?tab=comments#comment-801379
  14. Enable UEFI boot on the stick and select that in the BIOS (or legacy mode if already using UEFI). Just something to try...
  15. Yeah, it didn't happen The only way this can trigger an unclean shutdown is if the system has to forcibly kill processes because they refused to shutdown normally
  16. https://www.kingston.com/en/usb-flash-drives/datatraveler-se9-usb-flash-drive
  17. Purchased how? Already licenced from someone else? You can't Blacklisting happens because of the following The device does not present a unique GUID (you'll see this under the Tools - registration page. If the GUID is something like all zeroes, or 1234567, then it's obviously not unique and needs to be changed) The licence attached to the flash has been transferred to another flash
  18. it is what it is... In this day and age, the absolute last thing that any given developer of any given software for any random OS worries about is it's storage space consumption. You're using Radarr correctly and for what it's designed for, but what you want is a feature req (or a larger cache drive), but if you want its behaviour to change, best to raise an issue on radarr's own project page (or alternatively delete the MediaCover folder on a schedule)
  19. Enable Mirror to Flash on syslog server settings, then try to shutdown the array without disabling the containers. After it comes back up, post the resulting syslog file (logs folder on the flash drive), and disable mirror to flash. There's nothing wrong with what you are attempting to do.
  20. Ultimately, no one will be able to give you the answer without posting your diagnostics. This is a configuration error on your server, and will impact far far more than simply installing CA
  21. Radar is always going to download it's own art for its own use on its own GUI. Not much you can do about that. But, why are you (apparently) storing appdata onto a flash drive. Extremely Bad idea for any app (not just radarr).
  22. I'm of the 100, and don't run emby therefore nothing of any value to add. But, seems to me that since you've specified that your use is to run Emby on the server, the answer is to simply research how much memory does emby require / able to make use of.
  23. You shouldn't have seen that popup. Error on my part, now fixed. But the net result was the same. CA could not download the appfeed due to whatever reasons existed at the time on the WAN
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