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Everything posted by Squid

  1. AFAIK, no OS spins down the drives prior to shutdown (at least my Windows box doesn't)
  2. In *theory* a reboot of unRaid is supposed to run fsck on the flash if it detects problems with it. But I've never once had an issue with my flash drives so can't really answer for what it's success rate is.
  3. It's gotten hung on that last folder. Not really sure why
  4. No. Multiple sources / destinations are not possible
  5. Then let it run after it's finished its thing, grab a set of diagnostics and post them without restarting them
  6. What unRaid version? IIRC 6.7.x had numerous issues with sleep. Beyond that, sleep is not officially supported by unRaid
  7. The alternative though is that you can have your browser (ie: Chrome) automatically translate everything whenever you go to the UI for unRaid. Definitely won't be perfect, but it will probably get the point across of what you're attempting to do.
  8. The mapping for /downloads has to match exactly with all apps exactly, and based upon it I doubt that it does https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  9. The docker run command will tell you exactly what's wrong https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  10. You have Netdata running. This error is expected and normal
  11. You would have to post your diagnostics showing this behavior
  12. Squid


    The XML is part of libvirt.img and therefore is saved with CA Backup
  13. I don't know where exactly you're backing up to, but it's taking 6 hours to do the backup itself (finishes around 9am), and then it looks like its taking 2 odd hours to do the verify that you've got selected, then it does appear to restart the containers ~11am
  14. Is it still running or did it crash abnormally? ps -aux | grep extendedTest
  15. Either you inadvertently deleted the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user or the flash drive dropped offline. If a reboot fixes it, then the flash dropped offline and you should try a different USB port (ideally USB2) Otherwise post diagnostics
  16. No built-in way to do that, but look at the code for the Disk Location plugin, as it hacks its way into it.
  17. Anyone is free to contribute to the webGUI (subject to approval of course) https://github.com/limetech/webgui
  18. That *implies* it's only connecting at 100Mbs on either computer ethtool eth0 Will show the connection speed on unRaid. For a windows box, you can get its connection speed from control panel, network connections, status on the adapter
  19. Squid

    Blank Web UI

    Is there dynamix.plg sitting in /config/plugins on the flash drive? Delete and reboot if it is
  20. Is there dynamix.plg sitting in /config/plugins on the flash drive? Delete and reboot if it is
  21. What is the expression your using? Because it should only be 5 *, not 6
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