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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Interesting line being logged for CA. I know why it's there, but it in my testing, it never affected anything (or even returned an error on my system at all) Check for an update to CA in about an hour and see if that makes any difference on it. EDIT: You've probably got tips&tweaks set to display php errors
  2. Looks like a CPU problem Dec 29 04:30:09 AncientValeMkII root: MCA: Generic CACHE Level-2 Data-Write Error If you're overclocking, then don't, and maybe reseat the chip... The error though is being corrected for the time being
  3. You can't directly run scripts on the flash with 6.8+ (security measure) You could just bash /boot/utt/scriptname Beyond that, there's a multitude of changes in 6.8 that largely negates this script, and in theory 6.8+ is self-optimizing on read speeds
  4. Oh, and since I hate people installing plugins via the URL, this is available in CA
  5. Interesting. I'm using 3 x SFF8088 -> 4 Sata from a 9201-16e at 1.5m with no problems. I guess YMMV
  6. Mount the SMB share with Unassigned Devices, then add another path mapping eg /2ndServer -> /mnt/disks/2ndServer with an access mode of RW slave
  7. Network failed when installing a plugin implies that your Network settings are messed up. A typo on one of the entries, invalid octet and the like.
  8. Plex doesn't require hardware passthough in order to utilize hardware decoding when running as a docker container Are there even multiple NICs on that board for using a VM as a router?
  9. What are you looking to even passthrough? Not too much on that board
  10. I can't find a manual for that motherboard. Sometimes it's labelled as IOMMU, or under very rare circumstances as Vandenberg Technology
  11. That option you took a screenshot for is VT-x. There's another option (hopefully) buried in the BIOS options that's labelled VT-d
  12. Host is right You only need to forward port 32400 to the server The manual for the router might help or possibly https://portforward.com/
  13. It's the plugin not accepting the value, not cron itself
  14. Fixed... Depending upon what value FCP has currently set as the templateURL, you may need to apply the fix one last time
  15. It will only appear if your're running unRaid 6.7+
  16. Not much suggestion on this fine and glorious night other than a reboot. No idea atm what went went wrong here. But, do there happen to be anything luke quotes in the name of the script?
  17. Generally, when I uninstall something, I wouldn't expect to still be able to switch to it....
  18. Being cheeky here, but something like this is another option https://www.newegg.com/p/0JC-003X-000N4?Description=monochrome monitor&cm_re=monochrome_monitor-_-9SIADA59612858-_-Product
  19. Assume 2A max startup current for the drives, which the P/S has to be able to handle. 24x2A = 48A on the 12V line. The 700W supply linked can only handle 52.5A, excluding that damn near everything else (CPU, vid cards if installed) also run off of the 12V rail. I'd go larger. (And supplies as they age will also lose the maximum current they can handle) Beyond that, personally, I'd only go with supplies from manufacturers that you know and trust. Antec, Corsair, Seasonic, ThermalTake et al. Way too many other manufacturers that cut corners on what is actually far and away the most important component in any system. Don't cheap out. You get what you pay for.
  20. doubt if it can without css changes on that subsystem.... I wouldn't hold your breath
  21. Just FYI, but if it takes exactly longer than 120 seconds, it will never finish. I believe you'd still be able to download the appropriate files manually, though others @ lsio would be able to assist.
  22. Give it more of a delay before startup? I don't use custom networks, so can't offer much else in assistance though...
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