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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yeah, I would. In English what's going on is that Your browser loaded CA fine. CA asked the server to download the application feed and also asked it what Categories (Backup, Cloud, etc) are present in the feed. The server would have responded with "Backup", "Cloud", etc Your addon decided to change that message being received from the server and told CA that the categories were actually the source code of part of unRaid's GUI ( and not even the source code of CA ) I'm not into the whole mining / crypto currency thing, but on face value any add on that's intercepting messages between javascript running on your browser (CA) and your server (unRaid) and changing them would be something to avoid at all costs as it would be a HUGE security risk. (Hope you haven't logged into your Bank's website recently). Incidentally, the message that your server would have sent back to CA with the categories isn't even present in there at all... EDIT: In your particular case, the server did return the category list correctly. It was when the autocomplete entries were being populated by the server and then returned back to CA is when your addon decided to intercept and change the message. Net result is the same.
  2. Not a solution to that, but IMO since you're running a high res monitor, you might want to look at installing the CA Dynamix Unlimited Width plugin. I personally don't like how unRaid limits the resolution arbitrarily to 1920px
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/114/?tab=comments#comment-806346 and https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/114/?tab=comments#comment-806358 It's an addon in your browser interfering.
  4. For some weird reason, your flash is actually reporting SMART values. There is one attribute which states "FAILING NOW". I did inquire with @johnnie.black and his opinion is that it's simply a firmware bug and there's nothing actually wrong.
  5. Dec 29 04:30:09 AncientValeMkII root: CPU 1 BANK 6 TSC 19e85cc8ea5f21
  6. Now it seems to be going down in and around 4:30 PM EST ( 1:30 PM PST ) daily
  7. Everything is developed with Chrome as the primary browser. It's got to be an add on or something interfering. It's the one browser I guarantee will always have zero problems.
  8. None of that makes any sense. What browser are you using?
  9. Constant errors about the VM failing to allocate memory for itself. May be possible that it's preclear running amok.
  10. Just pumped out an update that should hopefully give some more information, rather than everything being stuck in an alert
  11. It's failing marking a flag that you've accepted the warning. 100% related to the boot flash. What I'm not understanding though is that your boot media is actually being recognized as a 1.8" SSD (32G) which is rather strange. (Incidentally, the SMART report for it shows that it is FAILING NOW. What happens if you try a different stick as a boot? (Set it up as a Trial, no need to setup any disks or anything -> After hitting the GUI, install CA and then go to the apps tab)
  12. No. IMO "BitRot" is already handled by the massive amounts of error checking that any given hard drive already does.
  13. Most likely reason is that an error was returned when backing up. That prevents any automatic deletion as a safety precaution. What happens when you manually run a backup?
  14. Can you post your diagnostics. What is the entire message in the popup?
  15. Because of this Jan 1 12:10:25 Extraodinary emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected
  16. Are there any errors logged within sonarr?
  17. I personally don't see the point as you can always use include / excludes to confine shares to certain disks. But, in and by itself gaps won't cause any problems. But, if you do rearrange, you will have to rebuild parity
  18. Not the expert (very far from it), but it looks like you've got in Network settings "bond0" set to include eth0, 1, 2, & 3 and br1 including eth1 to my way of thinking that's a conflict. But I could be completely wrong. Bond0 though isn't getting an IP address. This is all 100% network related.
  19. You would enable the syslog server in Settings to mirror the logs to flash. After a reboot, maybe something will be logged. Beyond that, post your diagnostics
  20. There's no guarantee that any given container will have any given nix command installed. You could try docker exec -it vestacp sh as a fall back.
  21. BTW, always post diagnostics. Much easier for us to look things up. It's probably coming from dynamix file integrity where it's looking for a disk 5, but since you don't have one, it's failing (Probably wasn't written to support gaps in the installed drives)
  22. Yeah, it would depend upon whether the filesystem hit a section that had corruption https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems against disk2 . May also have to run it against the cache drive
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