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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Can you do a Force Update when the docker tab is showing the advanced view?
  2. Which tells you that its a plugin interfering (probably way out of date or something) What's the contents of /config/plugins on the flash drive? Tools - Upgrade OS will allow you to downgrade
  3. Maybe close all open browser sessions to the server. Things *might* get better after your preclear finishes in a couple hours. Really hard to say as we just don't know what else is going on in the system (like what "top" is reporting etc)
  4. You should post the entire diagnostics.zip file untouched. In this particular case, I'm not in the mood to install an app on my work computer to be able to open up a gz
  5. Fair enough, but IMO if booting into unRaid's GUI, then should be only using the built-in browser for accessing the GUI itself, and not for random web surfing. It's there only for that reason.
  6. You should post the entire diagnostics. Snips are hard to put into context without the other files
  7. Not directly addressing your req to have it built-in, but have you looked in the apps tab for FTP?
  8. Correct. post in the applicable support thread for owncloud. With luck you're using dlandon's build
  9. Best guess is this Jan 14 19:37:08 Adamantine emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected I'd reset it up with a new image Settings - Docker - Stop The Service Delete the image (can't remember if you need to hit advanced at top right) Then re-enable the service Apps Tab, Previous Apps. Check off everything you want and hit the Install X applications.
  10. Since it's a little ambiguous what you mean by You should post your diagnostics
  11. Yeah, known issue with that rev. Update community applications via the plugins tab and then we'll go from there. But, since you've got a new router, what is it's IP address? The server wasn't using DHCP and has a static IP of but if the new router doesn't have and IP of then you're going to have a ton of problems.
  12. Post the entire message, or is it an alert?
  13. It means that CA was unable to grab the application lists from it's primary server, and is now instead operating from it's backup server. The little warning is because every plugin author also hosts their plugins where the primary server is, and it may not be reacheable. Why its not reachable at the moment for you is anyone's guess. From my location there is no problem.
  14. Yup no problems You won't affect anything. If still doesn't work (and it right now appears to be limited to you) I would have to teamviewer in to see what's going on.
  15. The mce happens during initialization of the CPU. Happens on certain hardware combinations due to flux in the vortex / the house is built using pyramids instead of A-Frames / Gremlins (IE: no particular reason for it, and nothing to worry about at all)
  16. IDK. It works no problems for me under those same circumstances. Only suggestion I have is that an addon to your browser is interfering (ie: MEW CX)
  17. What version of CA is showing on the left? What browser are you using?
  18. SVM just enables the virtualization features of the CPU itself. You're looking for an IOMMU option probably buried somewhere within Advanced in the BIOS
  19. You'd probably want to use QoS in your router to handle this.
  20. Unless you get one that is wired backwards (which actually has happened to me once). After that expensive lesson I inspect every one when purchasing.
  21. If you really need to access your server remotely, you should be using a VPN. Either openVPN or wireguard.
  22. One possibility is that it appears that your downloads share (hard to tell exactly because of anonymizing) is set to use cache: yes (every moves from the cache drive to the array whenever mover runs), and files currently exist on all the drives except for disk 10. You would get far better performance from that share by relegating it exclusively to the cache drive (or use the array only for overflow [use cache: prefer]) Also, while you have dynamix ssd trim installed, in the period from Jan 1 - Jan 13, a trim never ran. Doesn't mean much by itself, but did you set a schedule for trim to run?
  23. Feature Requests section My opinion is that even if you have them, it doesn't do you any good. No different than the VIN number on your car. Can't get warranty work done on another car by giving them a vin number that doesn't belong with the physical car. But to each their own...
  24. The big thing is that when backing up to not send them to a cache enabled share. As to offsite, while ideal my opinion is that if the server ever has a major meltdown and I've actually lost data due, then a backup of the appdata will probably be useless anyways (not to mention that I'll have more important things to worry about than having Plex remember that such and such video has already been watched)
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