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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Standard CYA popup I'm just trying to see if we can't restore your backup of the appdata....
  2. Where do you want the appdata to be stored now? That's where you set it. ie: /mnt/disk1/appdata
  3. The more interesting thing though @bonienl is that if you move the docker section to the bottom, when clicking on a context menu, the window contents will be expanded vertically to make space for the docker menu (allowing you to scroll down). But the contexts on the thumb's are not.
  4. Your "source" is where you want it to go on the restore (or in the context of the backup page, its the appdata share you're backing up). Without a "source" on that page, presumably the restore section isn't populating any results because as far as it's concerned you've never set up the plugin in the first place.
  5. You would need to verify the source and destination on the Backup Section of the plugin.
  6. You should run a memtest. A bus error is when a program (any program) attempts to access a memory location that isn't divisible by 4. For an interpreted language such as PHP, a bus error from an executing script is impossible unless it came from the originating interpreter (ie: PHP itself)
  7. Because the settings in backup aren't there... Without reading through the thread, did you redo your flash drive? If there were settings already, they would be listed in that screenshot next to source / destination
  8. In my opinion, about as much as you worry about getting hit by a meteorite on any given day. Yes, these are all security vulnerabilities. Are they likely? Probably not. They are proof of concepts. Are they even likely on a home server? Really doubtful. Sure, in *theory* a piece of malicious software that manages somehow to get itself and installed on your server (very remote odds to begin with) would technically be able to discern through very careful timings the contents of memory (not hard drives, but RAM). But would that information actually be useful? Once again extremely unlikely. These mitigations when push comes to shove are most for data centers because it would allow (in theory) someone to rent out time on a VM running on a server and be able to discern the data that another company has on their VM running on that same server. Intel's recommendation to completely disable hyperthreading is to render yourself safe is ignored by everyone. Personally, I disable all the mitigations for these security concerns that aren't handled via micro-code. I'd rather have the speed of my processor back to what it's supposed to be. But, if you are a member of ISIS, the Black Panthers, or (god forbid) the Mickey Mouse Club then it might not be a bad idea to use all the mitigations and also disable hyperthreading as the NSA obviously has their fingers on you. They are the ones after all who are responsible for the most malicious piece of software ever (Stuxnet)
  9. What slow plex problem? Par for the course. People very rarely post "all is good", and only ever post problems. How often do people post good reviews vs bad reviews on any given product in the world? Probably close to 99.99% of the upgrades went uneventful. Of the 81 replies to this thread, 17 were "all is good". Probably a reasonably safe bet that everyone who had a problem with their upgrade would have posted. So, excluding the replies to help etc say roughly 10 people had problems. I'm fairly confident that more than 27 people have installed the upgrade, and just can't be bothered to post "yeah it's good".
  10. kinda sorta. Not the easiest, but possible. Of the top of my head You would have to create a .page file on unRaid that would actually wind up executing the script You would then point your webpage to that .page file One initial showstopper is that without basic authorization being enabled on 6.8+ you can't actually hit that .page file without also logging in (which you can't do). There is a hack available to re-enable basic authorization though IIRC All in all, it's a big PITA because you're running head on into cross-site vulnerability issues which are being hardened by both unRaid and browsers constantly. On the other hand, if by some miracle you still have unRaid version 6.0.x running then you can do this quite easily without any special tricks...
  11. Yes it is. And unfortunately all the manufacturers downplay the fact that it's an overclock Not saying this is the case, but it is rather curious how many times people wind up rebooting a Windows box because "various weird things" happen that aren't necessary fatal. And yet Windows is a rock solid platform that doesn't actually crash.
  12. I don't see any place where anything happened. But, a reboot is your only recourse at this point. Curious though about how you Since the /mnt/user doesn't exist at all (which is very strange, and it was created at array start)
  13. You would delete the corresponding .plg from /config/plugins on the flash drive. I would however be surprised if it was UD causing this. What do you mean exactly by "I can't boot my system"?
  14. You have VMs enabled, and the domain dir in VM Settings is set to the domains share. Disable the VM service and problem solved. And it's probably also recreating the ISOs share at every reboot also
  15. Not built-in. You can probably use the unbalance plugin though A drive can be 100% full, or 0% full. It still needs to rebuild, and will still take the exact same amount of time. Rebuilds are bit for bit of what is supposed to be on the drive, with no concept of filesystem, etc.
  16. What errors are from listed in radarr/sonarr's logs? How are they set up within radarr/sonarr to communicate with sab?
  17. No, since there isn't an adequate docker run command listed in the docker page, you'd want to use these instructions instead https://forums.unraid.net/topic/36057-noobie-docker-setup-guide/#comment-345882
  18. Doesn't look like you can without creating some javascript yourself
  19. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095
  20. You can still use private repositories without CA by entering in the applicable URL into Template Repositories (Docker Tab) and then working with Add Container The template repository tab has been removed from the OS as of 6.10.0-rc1 Use the CA method
  21. I blame limetech, as the code is lifted from their mover script... (I do the same thing on my stuff, but use PHP -> never could wrap my head around bash scripts, variables, if / then etc
  22. Possibly because of and your solution was to which didn't actually address the issue
  23. You can set the number of invalid per day allowed. (Default is 10) IMO to ignore say an attempt from anything on the local network is a mistake even if its the router, as the originating IP could itself be compromised.
  24. Huh. Yeah I don't think so. Having a piece of electronic equipment that is your first line of defense against hackers, that is actually manufactured and programmed in China actively trying to hack my network, and by its very nature also has the ability to transmit its results anywhere in the world.
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