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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not a security kinda guy, but seems to me that since the originating IP address is your (presumably) router at, then the user in question first has gained access to your router (hopefully you did change the default password that they ship with), and is now launching attacks from within your router itself. Probably not a good situation to be in.
  2. if the pid file exists and the pid actually exists, then it exits The last line writes the pid of the script to the file that it checks since at that point, a previous instance of the script is no longer running. The double check handles if you forget to delete the pid file when you exit normally, or if the script crashes and exits abnormally without it deleting the pidfile EDIT: You don't care about what the current PID is until you verify that a previous instance isn't already running (which will have a different PID)
  3. copy the file(s) to say /tmp and execute it from there instead of executing "/boot/path/script.sh", execute "bash /boot/path/script.sh" This is all security related in tying down access rights to the boot device
  4. Taken from the mover script, PIDFILE="/var/run/mover.pid" if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then if ps h $(cat $PIDFILE) ; then exit 1 fi fi echo $$ >/var/run/mover.pid . . .
  5. What I usually do is See if /var/run/scriptName.pid exists If it doesn't, write the pid to that file and execute the script If it does, read the pid from the file and see if that pid is actually running. If its not then execute the script
  6. I'm a little confused. Your other thread posted before this stated that the logitech receiver was dead.
  7. It is also possible that the card itself is no good. Code 43 is a catch-all for unable to start. My first 1050 I couldn't get it to not do a code 43. RMA'd it and I got the replacement working within 30 seconds.
  8. It appears that your cache drive dropped offline (or dropped dead) which is resulting in havoc. Reseat the cabling to it
  9. You can also try the new plugin available in Apps which will do this for you
  10. One rack unit (1U) is 1.75″ IE: 4U = 7"
  11. Sorry, no. try asking in the relevant support threads
  12. The vnstat error is from networkstats - nothing to worry about The other 2 errors are from probably libvirtwol / vmbackup / wakeonlan plugins. More than likely nothing to worry about.
  13. Post your diagnostics, and why do you think they're lost?
  14. Also, to stave off another issue Jan 15 09:08:27 BigRig unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: '/sbin/mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,vers=2.0,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials' '//' '/mnt/disks/Synology-Software'' Jan 15 09:08:27 BigRig kernel: Status code returned 0xc000006d STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE See here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44104-unassigned-devices-managing-disk-drives-and-remote-shares-outside-of-the-unraid-array/page/149/?tab=comments#comment-810528
  15. You obviously don't remember then the original power supplies for the C64. Transformer that ran hot to begin with the CBM decided to completely enclose in an enclosure that had no vents and fill up the case with epoxy 🤔
  16. When installing it, you would have erased the "name" entry in which case the docker system applied its own name to the container.
  17. Following the "how to cross flash thread here", it's instructions and steps include removing the BIOS. Not having a BIOS simply speeds up the boot process. In my case though, I simply forgot to reinstall it after I removed it as part of the crossflashing, and have never gotten around to re-installing it. Either way, the BIOS is more or less pointless in IT mode, as there's no RAID sets to make, and unRaid will simply enumerate the drives itself. Since every flashing operation entails a slight risk of bricking, I'd just leave well enough alone and not worry about it..
  18. Just to get it out of the way, is the Windows VM set to sleep / hibernate in its power management?
  19. They are completely different. There are circumstances because of that environment difference where the odd script will not operate via user scripts but will at the command prompt. Whether this affects you or not, I cannot say. (The usage of this plugin has significantly diverged from its original design goal of doing something like simple like creating a symlink)
  20. If I understand it correctly, there's no fundamental reason to upgrade the BIOS of the card. It's really only used to make RAID sets or enumerate the drives at POST. (As a matter of fact, neither of my LSI cards flashed to IT mode have a BIOS installed at all in them)
  21. While not a problem in your particular case, there is no reason ever to specify both included and excluded disks. They are mutually exclusive. Now, you say that you're using sonarr to move the files (presumably from a downloads share) What are the share settings for the downloads share What are the path mappings for sonarr
  22. If unRaid can't determine if an update is available, then it will always show up to date in order to limit support problems. It's a bit of a toss up though if this is a bug report or a feature request to support private repositories via the GUI.
  23. You *can* also have a cache pool composed of 24 drives in addition to the 30 drives in the array.
  24. Squid

    FTP Server

    Not that I use FTP to access my server, but have you looked at any of the FTP apps available?
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