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Everything posted by Squid

  1. OT. Yeah, I could personally never understand the reluctance of people to use php files with an appropriate header instead of pure css. Allows CA for instance to use a single file that effectively only has minor changes for each of the 4 built-in themes.
  2. Lol I know I looked at it quickly, saw that the function did exist and just threw it into your hands
  3. @bonienl can help with the routing configuration The update always available though if unRaid can't reach dockerHub has been rectified under 6.8.1-rc1
  4. Probably a network glitch or some other transient event. With 6.8.0, if unRaid can't communicate with dockerHub, it does show update available. Try again later
  5. Yeah, that would definitely be it. Zero reason to have unRaid run through PiHole, because There's no ads within it that need to be blocked in the first place If PiHole crashes or doesn't start or similar, there's no way to get access to the internet without doing what you just did.
  6. Directly executing scripts stored on the flash drive is no longer allowed due to security changes The easy workaround though is to change your go file to something akin to bash /boot/path/To/myScript.sh
  7. Note: this thread is locked. Any questions, please post in the unRaid FAQ Feedback Thread. Community Applications - Application Policies Community Applications has one fundamental goal: Ensuring that the end-user experience with the various add-ons to your server is consistent and trouble free. The application lists contained within CA are moderated and vetted. Every attempt is made to ensure that only safe and compatible applications are present. As the unRaid community gets larger, and more applications become available within Community Applications, the following should be noted: All applications are subject to approval for inclusion. Closed source plugins are not accepted into CA. (Note that a plugin may include closed-source binaries which in certain circumstances do not violate this rule - Moderator's discretion). In certain exceptional cases an exemption to this rule may be granted. Closed source applications within an docker application are generally not accepted within CA unless they are from a reputable source or are a well known application (eg: Crashplan, Plex et al). In other words, an application created by the template maintainer MUST be open source and subject to code examination. All GitHub repositories / dockerHub repositories must have 2 Factor Authentication enabled, and an acknowledgement of this must be given to the authors/maintainers of Community Applications or Limetech. Plugins which are better suited as a docker application are not eligible for inclusion in CA. "Proof Of Concept" applications are generally not accepted into CA. If it is accepted into CA, then such applications must include an appropriate notice within its description. Any application that contains malicious software or intent is subject to immediate removal with no notification being given. This also includes any other software included within the application such as crypto mining unless the application itself is for crypto mining. No Exceptions. Bugs within applications can (and do) happen. This is outside of the control of the moderators of CA. Depending upon the circumstances, the application may be subject to moderation due to the bug. This moderation may be mild or in the cases where the bug could cause data-loss severe resulting in the possible blacklisting of the application. In most cases, the author is given time to rectify the bug before moderation happens. Minor issues with any application will tend to not have any moderation applied. As a general rule, it is recommended to always keep your applications (especially plugins and unRaid itself) up to date. In the case of egregious software errors, the moderators of CA will err on the side of the user instead of the side of the author. Plugins may on occasion (this is an exception, rather than the rule) have problems / bugs when run on a release candidate of unRaid. More leeway is given to authors of the plugin in this situation than if the issue occurs on a stable release of unRaid. Any application listed within CA is subject to at any time various means of moderation. This includes but is not limited to fixing template errors, assigning minimum / maximum versions of unRaid the application is compatible with, notifying users of any issues with their installed applications via the Fix Common Problems plugin, deprecating an abandoned application,etc. Notification to the template maintainers may or may not be given. So called abandoned applications (where the author / maintainer) has completely abandoned support for the application may or may not be removed from CA. This primarily depends upon whether or not the application works for its designed purpose. However, should another template be published within CA that supersedes the abandoned template, then the abandoned one may be removed with no notice being given. Any application template not meeting certain minimum standards results in automatic removal of that application until such time as the template is revised to meet those standards. (As an example, all applications must include a reasonable description.) In certain circumstances, it may be more appropriate to utilize "branches" in templates than to submit multiple templates. This is discretionary of the moderators. See here. Any violation of the security policies enforced by CA and the associated application feed results in automatic blacklisting of an author's entire template repository. No warnings and no exceptions. The case of any submitted application which refers to the exact same dockerHub repository as an existing application will not be accepted. In certain circumstances though the pre-existing application template may be removed and the new one accepted in its place - Moderator's discretion. All templates within a specific repository must have different application names. In case of a conflict within the same repository, one of the templates is automatically removed Donation links are allowed and encouraged but only show up for installed apps and on your "Repository" section in Community Applications. All descriptions, icons etc must not be "offensive" and should adhere to "good taste". Furthermore, animated icons are not allowed. In the situations where there is already a multitude of certain applications available (ie: Plex, nzbGet, Radarr, etc) new submissions of those applications will not be accepted. An exception may however be made if the new submission brings something unique to the application. This is at the discretion of the moderators of CA. A further explanation of the last point is in order (In this example, I am referring to Plex Media Center itself, not the various add-ons available for Plex, eg Plex Connect, plpp, gaps, etc) Utilizing Plex as an example, there are already applications within CA from Binhex, LinuxServer along with the official Plex Container. All of these are extremely well supported and maintained, and fundamentally there is absolutely no difference between any of them. It is extremely unlikely that any new submission of a Plex application will bring any tangible benefits to the unRaid community, and will more than likely only cause confusion for the end-user as to "which one do I install?" The end-user experience is of utmost importance to the authors of Community Applications, it's moderators, and Limetech themselves. This however does NOT mean that no new Plex will be accepted. If a new Plex application is submitted and it does bring something new / unique to the application / container it may be accepted at the moderator's discretion. Should any user wish to run a version of Plex that is not available within CA, there are multiple options available. ( Performing a dockerHub search for the application, having CA manage so-called "private applications", or utilizing the template repository system of unRaid itself. ) See here. The intent here is to not stifle any innovation from any given author, but rather to ensure that the end-user experience remains consistently high. If the circumstances regarding an already present Plex application change ( no longer maintained / supported, or is deemed to be extraneous and not benefiting the unRaid community, etc ) then that existing application may be removed and new submissions for Plex may be accepted. CA does allow installations of deprecated / incompatible applications by visiting it's Settings Page. (Although it is not recommended to do this.) Any plugin or docker application which is classified as being Beta from the author is identified within CA. This classification does not however mean that there will be problems with the application. The ability to install applications that are outside of CA's control (plugin or docker) will never be impeded. (Although it isn't recommended to install any plugin that is not available within CA) All actions taken by a moderator of CA (or via the associated application feed) is publicly viewable either within CA under it's Statistics section, or via a GitHub Repository. In the rare case of a controversial decision taken by the moderators of CA, the decisions are reviewed by a larger select group of trusted unRaid users and the staff members of Limetech. If as a maintainer / author you disagree with any actions taken by the moderators of CA you should bring your concerns in a PM to @Squid. If the decision made by Squid does not satisfy you, then the final decision will be made by @SpencerJ (Note: The moderators of CA @pluginCop and @dockerPolice do not read or reply to any PM) On the other side of the coin, if as a user you feel that some application should be moderated in some way, then feel free to PM @Squid who will then delegate appropriately to one of the moderators of CA. Note: this document may be amended at any time, and any new policies added (or policies changed) will be retroactive to any / all applications within CA. Further note: All download counts listed within CA are based upon dockerHub. In the case of ghcr containers, the stats will be gathered from the dockerHub version instead. If an equivalent dockerHub container does not exist, then no download stats will be listed. Also, not all dockerHub containers have the ability to discern the download counts. To get your apps added to CA, see HERE.
  8. Top of my head, your flash drive is corrupted. Can you post your diagnostics
  9. With which boot mode? Normal or GUI mode? Try the other one
  10. Not really sure. Just to rule it out, assign static DNS addresses in Network - Settings of and
  11. Post your diagnostics -> Tools, Diagnostics
  12. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-566095
  13. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    How can I use private template repositories with unRaid? Private Repositories would be template repositories that are not available within Community Applications for one reason or another. (NOTE: a template repository is NOT the same thing as a dockerHub repository - For a dockerHub repository, there are other entries within the FAQ on how to utilize them) There are 2 ways to use them: Old School: Copy the URL of the repository and paste it into the box on Docker, Template Repositories tab. After that, you can add the container(s) within that repository by clicking "Add Container" and then selecting the appropriate xml template in the drop down. Preferred Way: Create a folder on the flash drive called /config/plugins/community.applications/private/NameOfRepository Place any and all applicable xml files into that folder. The Apps tab will now be able to manage those applications (a new Category named Private will appear)
  14. The one listed in CA isn't from cheesemarathon.. You can use it. The question came about because cheese deleted his entry in CA. Does that mean that he's recommending everyone to switch to the new one. Simply trying to understand whats going on so that other users can be informed appropriately
  15. Enable dockerhub searches in ca settings. Theres one that was updated 6 days go. You will however have to add the appropriate entries to the template. Having an outdated and abandoned app within CA doesn't help anyone
  16. Since community applications isn't officially part of the OS, even though its the defacto app store, it may not be appropriate to that checkbox to be included at this time For other private repsositories, my preference would be put the applicable xml files in this folder on the flash drive /config/plugins/community.applications/private/yourNameHere so that CA can mange your templates the same way as any other.
  17. The css file you're looking for though is .../plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/styles/*.css
  18. Settings - Docker - Disable the service. Enable Docker Authoring Mode. Re-enable the Service Docker, edit any container and hit advanced view in top right.
  19. One minor issue. The drop down list when editing a docker container in template authoring mode (Settings - Docker), advanced for the categories is barely readable It's the color of .ui-dropdownchecklist-text needs to be changed There *may* be other places in the UI where that class is also used
  20. I think dockerPolice was confused as to why cheesemarathon was providing support on an application which he deleted from his repository.
  21. First things The unRAIDServer.plg (assuming you typoed when you said Plexupdate) that you place into /config/plugins on your flash drive should be the absolutely ONLY .plg within there Delete any all all other .plgs which are present. Any and all files within /extra or /packages on the flash drive should be deleted Your "go" file should be reverted to be stock. Did you read the upgrading to v6 Notes that were linked in the OP?
  22. Mew CX Installed in your browser? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/114/?tab=comments#comment-806431
  23. user is root If you haven't assigned a password to root yet, there is no password and just press enter For the problems with the registration key, it would be best to contact Limetech directly https://unraid.net/contact
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