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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Navigate on your computer to /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user from the flash share on Unraid and then attach that file to your next post. Would also be great if your post your docker run command (follow the link) and pretty much would mean that you wouldn't have to post the above forementioned file
  2. You need to contact support in order to change the email address. Ideally email them from the original address you want to change. Due to security considerations etc if this isn't possible, be prepared to "prove" that it is you requesting the change....
  3. Docker Tab, top right, advanced view My problem is that sure I could've set the patch to work with Unraid 6.0+ (or more realistically 6.8+) But, if things went sideways and/or it didn't actually work on those versions then I'd have to actually go and install / set up that particular version and adjust accordingly. Basically though, you want to add in the applicable command to the "go" script (/config/go on the flash drive) to handle the adjustments if/when you reboot. But, you're better off updating as any script that you have adjusting base OS files might actually cause problems if / when you update to an OS version that already has the fixes in place. This is the reasoning behind the script and the codicil of "Highly advised NOT to run a script..." Devil's advocate in me though has to question the rationale behind the OS is a set it and forget it, but you're updating the containers because of new features, security enhancements etc...
  4. Nope. Switch the UPS's and then set it back up if the communication method / protocol has changed.
  5. Can you contact support and include your diagnostics (And you should now have access to post within MyServers)
  6. Can you get into the HBA's BIOS? Is it in a slot that is disabled?
  7. I think it's just a result of microcode updates and safe to ignore
  8. Works for me. Make sure there is no weird punctuation etc in the naming
  9. Nope 6.11.x only I have no way (nor the inclination) to set up another test server to run a very outdated version of the OS. Use the method of the manual patch, or simply Force Updates on the containers.
  10. If it exact same, then it looks to be a docker container that's continually stopping but is set to restart unless shut down. Uptime on each container might help
  11. Are you sure you did that? The image was initially set at 500G (and mounted as such) and then you changed it to a much more reasonable 50G, but simply lowering it doesn't actually resize it and it needs to have the service stopped, advance view and then delete the image and re-enable it then reinstall
  12. It's seeing a folder named "path" what is the output of ls /mnt -ail
  13. @dlandon? tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /mnt/addons tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /mnt/rootshare /dev/md1 19T 18T 324G 99% /mnt/disk1 /dev/md2 3.7T 3.7T 29G 100% /mnt/disk2 /dev/md3 9.1T 377G 8.8T 5% /mnt/disk3 /dev/md4 9.1T 65G 9.1T 1% /mnt/disk4 /dev/md5 9.1T 65G 9.1T 1% /mnt/disk5 /dev/md6 9.1T 65G 9.1T 1% /mnt/disk6 /dev/sdb1 2.1T 58G 1.8T 4% /mnt/cache shfs 59T 23T 37T 38% /mnt/user0 shfs 59T 23T 37T 38% /mnt/user /dev/loop2 20G 13G 6.9G 64% /var/lib/docker /dev/loop3 1.0G 4.5M 905M 1% /etc/libvirt Dropbox: 12G 3.1G 8.5G 27% /mnt/addons/Dropbox /mnt/addons is in there twice??
  14. Errors like that are usually caused by poor connections (sata or power). Reseat them. To rebuild onto itself, stop the array. Unassign the drive. Start the array, stop the array. Reassign the drive. Start the array and it'll rebuild onto itself.
  15. You can always attach the file directly to the post (preferred). But, what share do the downloads go to?
  16. Post your diagnostics
  17. Or switch to using a docker folder instead of image
  18. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling MyServers plugin?
  19. You have mover logging enabled (Settings, Schedules, Mover Settings) so everything that gets moved gets logged, and obviously a ton of lines that urbackup is logging and then mover logs it, and it all needs to get anonymized
  20. When running the diagnostics from the GUI, does the popup hang? What does it show when it hangs?
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