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Everything posted by Squid

  1. In that mount's settings, is it set to be shared?
  2. Can you reply back with your diagnostics if possible?
  3. macvlan Are you assigning dedicated IP addresses to one or more containers? Switching the network driver (settings - Docker with the service stopped) from macvlan to instead be ipvlan will probably fix you up
  4. Collapsing is gone, and now you remove items instead to set it up how you like
  5. Activation codes are single use only. If you don't have the keyfile then contact support and they'll get it right over to you
  6. just run a script on a schedule. /usr/local/sbin/newperms /mnt/user/nameOfShare alternatively you can also do chmod -r 0777 /mnt/user/nameOfShare
  7. Since the "Help" display hasn't been in CA for maybe 2 years now, I'd suggest to update CA to the latest version and try again. CA definitely works on 6.12
  8. Then the problem is with your router / other system / piHole. Your system isn't going to use anything other than the gateway for its DNS Server
  9. You don't have any DNS servers set up in the config # Generated settings: IFNAME[0]="br0" BRNAME[0]="br0" BRSTP[0]="no" BRFD[0]="0" DESCRIPTION[0]="10G" BRNICS[0]="eth0" PROTOCOL[0]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[0]="yes" DHCP_KEEPRESOLV="no" USE_DHCP6[0]="yes" DHCP6_KEEPRESOLV="no" SYSNICS="1"
  10. NOTE Any plugin which has been hacking its way into the dashboard has now been marked as being incompatible. These plugins: GPU Stats, Corsair Power Supply, Disk Location and Plex Streams now actually crash the dashboard and it is highly recommended to uninstall them. They will not be available again via Apps until such time as the respective authors update their plugins to be compatible and notify me of this. Also ensure that all other plugins are up to date. Notably, NUT and IPMI (versions from dmacias) will also crash the dashboard, but replacements for these are available within CA (from SimonF)
  11. While the plugin used to simply have the display aberrations with 6.12.0-rc1, under the next rev of the OS (currently private testing) having it installed will prevent the dashboard from even loading. It is now marked as being incompatible until such time as the author lets me know it has been fixed https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-6120-rc1-available-r2297/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-22546
  12. Thanks. I had thought that this had already been handled. Since the current release crashes the dashboard now, it is also being marked as incompatible. Once the PR is merged and released and I'm notified of this then the incompatibility will be lifted.
  13. By definition, all overclocks introduce instability. Whether or not you ever notice it or it has an effect, the instability factor is there.
  14. Update is now available for Docker Folder. Note that this only fixes the issues on the docker tab and the VMs tab. Folders are not currently available on the dashboard. (ie: Interim compatibility fix for 6.12)
  15. To be expected. Since the next rev of the OS is imminent I'd reapply the change manually rather than automatically which may cause you issues if you forget about it
  16. Most likely, without an update to the plugin, simply having it installed will prevent the dashboard from loading. Since it is outside of CA's control (author could never be bothered to publish) there's no warnings etc I can give regarding this short of this post and the usual warning from FCP about "Unknown plugin installed"
  17. Further note: While the plugin used to simply have the display aberrations, under the next rev of the OS (currently private testing) having it installed will prevent the dashboard from even loading. It is now marked as being incompatible until such time as the author lets me know it has been fixed https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-6120-rc1-available-r2297/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-22546
  18. Further note: While the plugin used to simply have the display aberrations, under the next rev of the OS (currently private testing) having it installed will prevent the dashboard from even loading. It is now marked as being incompatible until such time as the author lets me know it has been fixed https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-6120-rc1-available-r2297/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-22546
  19. Further note: While the plugin used to simply have the display aberrations, under the next rev of the OS (currently private testing) having it installed will prevent the dashboard from even loading. It is now marked as being incompatible until such time as the author lets me know it has been fixed https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-6120-rc1-available-r2297/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-22546
  20. PSA The next revision of 6.12 (currently private testing) has further refinements to the dashboard. Plugins which have NOT been updated to support the new style method of adding tiles to the dashboard are now going to be marked as being incompatible with the OS if they cause issues. Notably, Plex Streams, Corsair PSU, disk location, GPU Stats if installed will now completely prevent the dashboard from loading at all. These are now marked as being incompatible with the OS. Further testing might find more plugins having the same result. Any affected authors will need to contact me via PM to inform me that the problems have been fixed so that I can retest and then drop the incompatible flag While I try and give authors time to fix their problems during RC stage, simply having the plugins installed prevent the dashboard from loading at all, and this cannot be ignored. Previously the plugins while they had issues (notably major display aberrations on the dashboard) would not actually impede the operation or management of the server. Now they are.
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