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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This topic: The applicable modifications to an OS file will be listed in there. But much easier to simply upgrade the OS to 6.11 and then install the plugin instead.
  2. Don't think it's CA. You need to have him look at page source and see what function is in that line (2510) Check Plugin (built into the OS) seems like it's not the cause since it succeeds for plugins and returns the response.
  3. What other plugins did you try to install? "Pending" comes from the underlying plugin system and means that another plugin has not finished installing (or there's a bug in the system). To clear it out, as you won't be able to handle any plugin related operation you need to either reboot or rm /tmp/plugins/pluginPending/*
  4. Flash drive read only??? Also any weird punctuation etc in the script names?
  5. Not your complete problem, but you've got two SSDs (disk 1 & 2) and a spinner (parity) Reads are going to be fast, but writes will be slow. The docker image and appdata are effectively read and written to constantly, so the write penalty will be huge. You're going to be better off setting up the SSDs as a cache pool (trim isn't supported in the array). This will significantly increase your speed / response (orders of magnitude) You've got tons of "invalid opcodes" being logged. Could be simple program errors, but also could be bad memory. Run memtest for at least a couple of passes.
  6. There is a new plugin to also tweak the AD settings to try and come up with the solution(s)
  7. Anything in the System Event Log in the BIOS? Enable the syslog server (mirror to flash) and upload the resulting file (logs folder of flash drive) after the next crash
  8. ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2022.10.21 (Up to date) Running clean up appdata (if you have) effectively deletes the appdata for anything not installed, so if you did this for calibre (as an example), it would indeed be a new install.
  9. You have a bunch of shares like that appdata shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache, disk1 d------d shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache, disk1 t-------e shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache, disk1 And the same steps need to be done for all of them. Set them to "Prefer" and run mover. Should be noted that mover cannot move any opened files so that's why Docker and VMs need to be disabled in Settings for it to move those related files. If you're still having issues, then post the output of ls -ail /mnt/disk1/appdata
  10. Stop overclocking your memory via the XMP profile. Run it instead at the speed you actually bought. 2133 not 3600 (ie: run at SPD speed not XMP), and also run memtest for minimum of a pass or 2
  11. First thing to do is to ensure that your TDW is set correctly within the BIOS. And NOT Auto. In your case it should be set to 125W. "Auto" will usually run your CPU in an inherent overclock situation where it will completely ignore the TDP limits of your processor.
  12. You need to post your diagnostics. MCE's are specific to your hardware and the cause of one on somebody else's system is unlikely to be the cause of yours.
  13. I suspect that the system got confused on what it displayed because you had started one, cancelled it and then immediately started another one. The second one did finish properly with zero errors (6.12 has improvements to the notification system, so perhaps this wouldn't happen on it)
  14. Possibly a container trying to gather some info. Netdata is infamous for this and the error logged is harmless
  15. Tools - Registration. If you just upgraded / purchased, the top right could be out of sync with it. Tools - Registration is always 100% accurate
  16. Can you delete network.cfg from /config on the flash drive, reboot and try setting up again (your system will revert back to DHCP)
  17. Is the network type set to "Bridge"? Anything other than bridge and by definition all port mappings are ignored as port mappings only make sense in bridge mode
  18. Actually, the GitHub repo linked (https://github.com/memtest86plus/memtest86plus) is GPL2.0 and could be included ( @limetech) Would solve at least one major issue with the current version where it won't work with UEFI booting...
  19. It's marked as being incompatible with 6.12 (although I have no trouble with it). There is a manual install link in the support thread for the plugin for a replacement beta version) You can install the deprecated one in 6.12 by enabling show incompatible and deprecated apps in CA's settings
  20. If you're mapping /tmp to /temp, you should use a subdirectory. /tmp/Plex to /temp
  21. You might want to try running the memory at its true speed of 2133 instead of its overclocked profile of 3200 (ie: disable xmp and instead use spd) and see if theres any difference.
  22. Are you running a script or something that is changing the ownership of /tmp? Alternatively, mapping /tmp to a docker container?
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