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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Because there is no TTY input (keyboard) on the popup maybe you'll have to cd into the appropriate directory in your script.
  2. Yeah. Anything and everything that I've ever done in my life ever is fair game to her. But god forbid I bring up something from yesterday without her losing it and complaining that it was in the past.
  3. What planet do you live on? No benefits that I can think of, other than the brain exercise in trying to figure out what the hell actually happened 10 years ago... (and we're way past "make up s...x");
  4. I don't know about you, but my wife does this all the time (usually in anger) and expects me to remember everything...
  5. PSA: It is currently impossible to pin the App "CSSource" (once pinned, it will display CSGo in the pinned apps section). This will take some thought on how to solve due to how this particular template and possibly 1 or two others are handled (without losing the user's currently pinned apps)
  6. Try checking for updates. Does today's change fix this?
  7. Happens intermittently, especially if the filename is obfuscated
  8. Any new errors? Is the file seeding and can't be moved because its in use? Sent via telekinesis
  9. Sure. So long as the host path matches exactly on /data between the two apps
  10. Certainly doesn't appear to be ^^^ Your download client is mapping /data, but sonarr is mapping /downloads https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566086
  11. And what is the error that sonarr is saying?
  12. Assuming that the URL that was set up in the xml template is identical to the URL you manually entered in, then there is no reason for what you describe If the URLs do not match, then@SlrG needs to update the xml Sent via telekinesis
  13. It's a new API change that happened sometime in 6.7-rcX Fix released
  14. Yeah, a change happened on the API. (Found it yesterday). Already have it fixed, but not releasing until tomorrow (ish), as there's ton's of other under the hood changes that are still being tested
  15. I blame my keyboard Sent via telekinesis
  16. I would think that 6.8 rc series (when begun) would include the 5.x kernels
  17. Hidden Shares? But, looks like if you don't enter in a share name then UD doesn't do anything. But, if you enter in a space for the share name, then the exact same logging takes place...
  18. You would know best, but on my logs, there's always a sharename listed on that line...
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