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Everything posted by Squid

  1. By request (read that as bitch), - Adjustable time before hovering will display anything (Change in settings -> defaults to 1 second). Clicks will always be instaneous Additionally, - Fix compatibility with IE (but Edge always worked!?!?) and Opera - Fix buttons when interacting with apps having branches - Misc.
  2. Post your diagnostics (tools - diagnostics). If the web UI isn't working because you've attempted to reboot, then from the command prompt, type diagnostics and then upload the file. There are far more files in there than simply the last syslog (and yours as posted has rotated) Most common cause of this is a ssh session open with the current directory pointed to a mount point (ie: /mnt/user)
  3. Not sure then. Seeing as how I don't use Rclone, I would guess you've got a mounting issue with it...
  4. Squid

    VM FAQ

    Getting Started How do I get started using unRAID VMs? I don't have onboard graphics. Can I pass through my GPU in the primary slot 1? I want to install Windows 10 on unRAID - how do I start? Is there anything I should do post install? How do I pass through a USB controller so i can hotswap in my VM? How can I pass through a physical Network controller to a VM? Ok, I have made a few VMs but how do I back them up? General Questions What kind of performance can I expect from a VM? Can I convert my existing physical computer to an unRAID VM? Can I convert my VMWare virtual machine to run on unRAID? There is not a template for OS X. Can I create an OS X VM? I have a VM with custom XML edits. Is there a way to use the GUI to make changes without losing the custom edits? How do I create a vdisk snapshot on a BTRFS device? Maintenance and Troubleshooting While installing a Windows 7 VM I'm getting stuck at the "Starting Windows" screen? Why can't I update my Windows 10 VM? Why can't I get a network connection in my VM? Why am I getting the wrong IP in my VM? I passed through my graphics card to a VM but now I can't see the unRAID console on my monitor. Why is this? How do I keep my sparse vdisk as small as possible? NEW How do enable trim on my Windows8/10 VM? NEW Why do my remote share mappings fail after I updated UD? VERY NEW Why is my vdisk being detected as a HDD inside windows, when the file is on a SSD?
  5. Maybe it's a logging anomaly, but I'm curious why the path is No such file or directory: u'/config/cache/book/530965.jpg' Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. Ultimately, you're going to have to post the logs from both transmission and sonarr (available within Sonarr's UI -> don't use torrents, so not sure about Transmission)
  7. Should be (2017.04.18 was never released publicly and was a work in progress) cd /boot wget https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2017.04.09.txz installpkg community.applications-2017.04.09.txz And what you're going to want to do is overwrite /config/plugins/community.applications/commmunity.applications-2017.04.xxxx.txz with that particular file (rename the download to match) This will reinstall that every reboot. BUT, to be honest, I don't recommend doing this. The new UI took me some getting used to, but I believe its far better and more in tune with how people actually use CA (Its also far closer to how I originally envisioned CA looking). Additionally, any / all fixes to CA that may be caused by errors caused by the template maintainers only are included in later releases.
  8. Using both bait shares and the bait files is ideal. However, when using the bait files (within your existing shares), then the odds of false trips increases significantly. (Personally, I only use the bait shares. But, I've set the system to call them zzz-SquidBait so that there're at the bottom of any list and for the most part I don't even notice that they are there) Hidden Bait Files won't lower the security. However, hidden bait shares will effectively disable them, so I don't allow you to do that (at least easily)
  9. The two competing code bases were quickly becoming a nightmare to maintain. So I decided to ditch the old too many buttons UI Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. No, the plugin doesn't have an option to create hashes with paths. I'm not 100% sure if I programmed it to recognize paths in the hash files on scheduled verifications either....
  11. Apr 24 04:51:03 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 32774) failed Apr 24 04:51:03 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 32775) failed Apr 24 04:51:03 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 32776) failed Your flash drive dropped off line... Could be either a flash problem or controller (if in USB3, try it in USB2 and vice versa), or you pulled the stick. You will have to reboot, and the system will want to do a parity check...
  12. As have I (actually 2 weeks) as you can tell from this quick snap of my workspace: - Removed the legacy UI. Now instead of it looking like it was from the 80's, we're up to it looking like its from the 90's - New UI will now work on pre 6.3.3. Introduced my very first dependency for pre-6.3.3 - Lost track of the minor little changes/fixes, so I'm unable to iterate them here. (or in CA's changelog itself) UI Changes: Sections Navigate the sections via hovering over or clicking on the "briefcase" icon (ie: Available apps, Installed Apps, Previously Installed, Pinned, CA Modules) Views Change the view modes available by hovering over or clicking on the "binoculars" icon. Categories Change the category displayed by hovering over or clicking on the "Folder" icon SubCategories Change the subcategory displayed by hovering over or clicking on the "Sub Folders" icon Installing / Editing / Settings / etc Table mode is largely unaffected, and still has the separate buttons for Add / Install / Edit (don't want to annoy @sparklyballs too much ) Icon / Icon Details (default) mode, the Add / Install / Edit / Settings / Changelog Icons are now completely removed. To install / edit / go to the plugin settings (or newly added, go to a docker app's webUI), simply hover over the app's icon (or click on it if you're on a mobile device) and icons will appear within the popup that will allow you to do everything you want to do. All Icons everywhere are dynamic, and will either be disabled (grey background) or not appear depending upon what section you are in. Change logs are now incorporated automatically when displaying the full details (ie: hovering or clicking on the app's icon) I'll get around to updating the help file / manual / OP for CA later today / tomorrow for these changes (no update to CA required for this) Thanks go out to @gfjardim for spearheading getting tooltipster included in unRaid 6.3.3+ (which is my dependency on pre 6.3.3) which makes all of the UI changes possible, and @bonienl for creating the CSS for it.... Personally, I think the new UI is more intuitive, and is largely language agnostic, but since it is a departure from what you're used to, it may take some getting used to.
  13. Best guess is this: Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower emhttp: err: get_limetech_time: -2 (7) 0 Followed by Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower kernel: mdcmd (28): import 27 Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower kernel: mdcmd (29): import 28 Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower kernel: mdcmd (30): import 29 Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower kernel: md: import_slot: 29 empty Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower emhttp: import flash device: sda Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower emhttp: shcmd (13): /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd start |& logger Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower root: Starting NFS server daemons: Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower root: /usr/sbin/exportfs -r Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower root: /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 8 Apr 24 22:18:51 Tower dhcpcd[1669]: br0: offered from your server didn't get a valid IP until after emhttp started...., and internet access is required for Trial. Since it didn't have it when emhttp loaded, emhttp wouldn't autostart the array. Won't be an issue if/when you purchase. (But, setting a static IP either in unRaid or in your router would probably fix that) No real good answer as to the continual usb hubs being found. A work around would be to disable one at a time the ports in your bios until your find the offending controller and then disable it. As an aside, I had a KVM that also did the exact same thing... While by itself the continual disconnects / reconnects won't cause any issue, the logging spam will...
  14. Try escaping the spaces. Use Folder\ 1 instead of "Folder 1"
  15. All of Needo's apps have been deprecated within CA (ie: the will never show up for new installs, but will let you reinstall them if you've already had them installed). Limetech still updates their container to more or less keep up with the latest stable releases of Plex. (Check the changelog within CA on LT's template) But, in this day and age, I believe the two best options for a plex install remain Binhex or LinuxServer as they both offer incredible support here, with a possibility of the Official Plex Template (I haven't seen what kind of support they actually offer on their own forums for unRaid installs)
  16. Just FYI, CA doesn't actually check for updates for any app. What it does is report if unRaid shows that an update is available after it checks. Those checks can either be run manually via the Plugin Tab (or Docker Tab) Check For Updates) or on a schedule via Settings - Notification Settings.
  17. Cause is probably from a docker mapping: one container is referencing a share named music, and another container is referencing a share named Music Easiest solution would be to install and set up the Krusader app, then navigate to /UNRAID/user on both display panes, then cut and paste from one to the other to combine the files all into the same share. Then double check your mappings in your various docker apps and make sure they are all using the same one (otherwise it will just get created again) Set up Krusader something like this:
  18. Nope you can't. Hence the name. It was designed purely for appdata. Flash drive and VM XML's got added in per user request and were both single line codes. (That being said, TBH I never considered that anyone would want it purely for USB) Not exactly sure what you mean by that... Pressing Help and following the link shows exactly what all the available options are, Its a backup utility. Pretty much nothing to it other than a ton of settings. Set once and forget about it. That being said, from looking at what my wife buys for dog food, the dogs eat better than I do (Filet Mignon every night). But, yeah HTML is not my forte, and in terms of function vs style, I'd rather have function... If that's all you want and on a schedule, then use the user.scripts plugin. The script will be: cp /boot/* /mnt/user/DestinationShare -R -v
  19. Personally then I wouldn't bother. My system has 2.4M total available file handles, with 4096 currently allocated (cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr). Which seems way more than necessary. Maybe the user's problem I was trying to solve was simply they were out of inodes available....
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