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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Sorry I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean add a mapping to Sonarr as follows /downloads --> /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd/config/Downloads/Complete/ yes Thank You again! That worked. So before I post another similar question - let me ask in advance. If I switch my Couchpotato to a docker as well - should I point the downloads in CP to : /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd/config/Downloads/Complete/Movies/ - the MOvies folder under SAB where all completed movie downloads goto. or just /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd/config/Downloads/Complete/ See here for a simple explanation. My explanation in the FAQ IS better IMHO. [emoji14] Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. A tad misleading since you don't outright say to copy the data off of the disk prior to formatting. Although you do say in the main body that formatting erases everything, I'm worried that people will ignore the body (who reads nowadays?) and go straight to the step by step.
  3. Sorry I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean add a mapping to Sonarr as follows /downloads --> /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd/config/Downloads/Complete/ yes
  4. only option: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=53731.0
  5. Add a mapping for sonarr with the exact same[/i] volume mapping (both sides) for /downloads
  6. Been in there on all displays forever...
  7. Simple solution: Don't remove it I'll check it out...
  8. I can expand the entry field, but entering all the shares that way seems tedious. Let me do some research and try to find a way to exclude all the shares of the Ransom Ware plugin. I'd be surprised if there were that many individual shares. Can you post a screen shot of the Recycle Bin->Shares page so I can see how the Ransom Ware plugin sets up its shares? Scroll the page to show the Ransom Ware shares. Best way to exclude is to allow a regex / wildcard to be in the field (or a drop down). Depending upon options, the folder names can be regenerated every boot and are completely random. But I don't see how recyclebin would affect the moniitoring
  9. Change the /downloads mapping to match, both /mnt/user/Downloads/. Specify the complete folder in the CP GUI Renamer settings as /downloads/complete/ That did it, mind explaining why? Explanation in the docker FAQ - linking containers Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Hadn't noticed. The scripts however still seem to work as they've been generating hashes for me. I'll check it out Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. I've got this exact same problem. What would cause this error to appear? This error message is causing all my docker and plugin updates to fail yet I can get to github.com without a problem on my PC. Usually Going to network settings, and making sure the default gateway points to your router and setting static DNS addresses of and will fix you up
  12. Those 2 plugins don't have settings icons. You hit SSD Trim via Settings - Scheduler, and you already know how to hit the system buttons
  13. Have you tried setting up Date & Time via Control Panel in Windows not via Settings... In particular the Internet Time section... Everything in the VM is going to trump unRaid settings....
  14. Maybe a stupid question, but have you ever checked the date/time settings in the Windows VM?
  15. What version of unRaid and post diagnostics. Nothing has changed in the plugin since December
  16. If the plugin already got updated, then the autoupdate backup of the .plg is the only way to go back. The current .plg will reference the most recent .txz (not to mention that CA won't even display the plugin unless you enable Show Incompatible Apps within CA settings) The backup plg that AutoUpdate makes will reference an older dated txz (and md5) and will still install assuming that you haven't deleted old txz's from github Besides, its the first time I've had the chance to flog that little feature of AutoUpdate (and been thinking about getting rid of it)
  17. No guide, but just point the volume mappings for the appdata and transcode folders to the appropriate folder (presumably you're using Unassigned Devices to mount the drive, so it'll be /mnt/disks/whatever - when doing this set the access mode to be Read/Write,Slave
  18. If you happened to have had CA AutoUpdate ever update the plugin, then an old .plg will be saved on the flash drive (config/plugins-old-versions) that you might be able to get away with by copying back to the plugins folder. YMMV (I can appreciate dlandon not wishing to support multiple versions of the plugin though)
  19. Delete the entire docker.img, recreate then reinstall from previous apps. And you won't lose the appdata
  20. Its buried in a thread somewhere, but the reverse of the process of what happened when you upgraded to 6.2 (and the docker.img re-jigged the containers) is that you pretty much have to delete the docker.img when downgrading from 6.2+ to 6.1.9
  21. Wow. That's esoteric. I'm rather proud of myself on that one
  22. On a thought experiment, a missing csrf could also be caused by having a browser open to say the Main Tab when running on 6.2.4 and then upgrading to 6.3.0 and rebooting via another browser / tab / device. The original still open tab would not have the csrf information and would also generate the error.
  23. USB Hot Plug for VM's with no passthrough TLDR: The instructions are a pain for me to try and explain, but this script does work. Don't be afraid to ask questions. But first and foremost when experimenting with this on a running VM, set the startup delay to 1-2 seconds so you're not waiting forever for it to get up and running. Also make sure that you're on the latest version of user.scripts prior to playing around. EDIT: it appears that some devices can get tossed into a different bus group when plugged in. For this reason, this plugin basically is going to require a USB hub to be monitored for changes, as in my testing anything plugged into a hub will always stay in the same group as the hub A simple little script to monitor a particular USB bus for changes and then automatically attach / detach the USB device to a particular VM. Useful if you cannot pass through a USB controller to a VM (not that I need this as I have a USB controller passed through to my main VM, but I was rather dismayed at the libvirt USB Hotplug plugin which didn't support true hotplugging without going back to the UI and manually attaching / detaching devices) This started out as being a potential plugin, but there are enough caveats with the initial setup to make this impractical. Couple of variables within the script need to be set: $vmName - Set to the name of the VM (must be exact) $pollingTime - Set to the number of seconds between looking for changes $startupDelay - Set to the number of seconds to wait after array start to begin monitoring And 2 variables of which one or the other should be set: (Comment out the one line that's not going to get set (ie: put a # in front of it) ) $hubName and $bus If you are using a particular USB bus (ie: 2 particular ports on the computer), the set the $bus to be the bus as listed by lsusb If you are using a USB Hub, I recommend that you set this to the exact name of the USB hub as determined by lsusb And now the caveats (which are workable IMHO) Bus: each USB bus is going to handle multiple ports on your computer. You want to make sure that those ports are going to be dedicated to the VM in question (ie: You can't use one of those ports for say Unassigned Devices) Also, on my system I found that when I plug a USB hub into a particular bus, then the hub gets moved into another bus which may or may not already have devices on it. TLDR: If you use the "bus" variable, don't plug a USB hub into it -> it won't work. hubName: If you want to use a usb Hub, then set this variable to be the exact name of the hub. Problem with this mode is that if the hub when plugged in gets moved from an isolated bus to one with other devices on it then everything on that particular bus either has to be permanently attached to unRaid itself (not the VM) otherwise the script will attempt to detach / attach those items from the VM. This is the recommended way of handling USB devices To illustrate, I have numerous empty USB busses on my system. If I plug in a USB Hub into one of those usb's, then the hub winds up being moved from the empty bus to another bus on my system which already has my unRaid flash drive and keyboard on it. Since those two devices are permanently attached to unRaid, this isn't a big deal to me. The best way to figure out how to set things is to plugin and unplug a device from every usb port on your system and type lsusb in between to see how it all reacts. Like I said, if you don't need a hub, find an unused bus and use it. If you need a hub, then make sure that everything else on that bus is permanent to unRaid itself an be aware that any other ports on your system that are on the same bus will also be passed through to the VM. Note that when I'm talking about USB Busses, I am not referring to USB 2 or USB 3. Each motherboard will have multiple busses on the system, each of which in general will control 2 ports connected to it. Additional caveat, do to how linux operates, I cannot guarantee that a particular port will always be on the same bus over resets of the system, but in my testing, it always was. One final caveat. Because this plugin monitors the bus for changes, upon startup (after the initial startup delay is finished), any device plugged into the bus or hub will not be attached to the VM. You must pull the device and reinsert it. Any pull and reinsert of the same device should take longer than the polling time (I'm defaulting that to 10 seconds) Pulls and inserts of different devices can be done as fast as you want. #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP #backgroundOnly=true #description=A script designed to monitor a USB hub or a particular USB bus for changes and then attach or detach devices to an applicable VM $vmName = "Windows 10"; # must be the exact name $pollingTime = 10; # the interval between checks in seconds $startupDelay = 300; # startup delay before monitoring for changes in seconds (set to enough time for the VM to get up and running) # only use one or the other of the following lines not both See thread for details #$hubName = "Texas Instruments, Inc. TUSB2046 Hub"; # must be exact as listed via lsusb $bus = "02"; # see thread for details function getDeviceList($bus) { exec("lsusb | grep 'Bus $bus'",$allDevicesOnBus); foreach ($allDevicesOnBus as $Devices) { $deviceLine = explode(" ",$Devices); $initialState[$deviceLine[5]] = $deviceLine[5]; } return $initialState; } function createXML($deviceID) { $usb = explode(":",$deviceID); $usbstr .= "<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb'> <source> <vendor id='0x".$usb[0]."'/> <product id='0x".$usb[1]."'/> </source> </hostdev>"; file_put_contents("/tmp/USBTempXML.xml",$usbstr); } function logger($string) { shell_exec("logger ".escapeshellarg($string)); } # Begin Main logger("Sleeping for $startupDelay before monitoring $bus for changes to passthrough to $vmName"); sleep($startupDelay); $hubBus = $bus; if ( ! $hubBus ) { $hub = explode(" ",exec("lsusb | grep '$hubName'")); $hubBus = $hub[1]; } logger("Monitoring $hubBus for changes"); $initialState = getDeviceList($hubBus); while (true) { $unRaidVars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ($unRaidVars['mdState'] != "STARTED") { break; } $currentDevices = getDeviceList($hubBus); foreach ($currentDevices as $Device) { if ( ! $initialState[$Device] ) { logger("$Device Added to bus $hubBus Attaching to $vmName"); createXML($Device); exec("/usr/sbin/virsh attach-device '$vmName' /tmp/USBTempXML.xml 2>&1"); $initialState[$Device] = $Device; } } foreach ($initialState as $Device) { if ( ! $currentDevices[$Device] ) { logger("$Device Removed from bus $hubBus Detaching from $vmName"); createXML($Device); exec("/usr/sbin/virsh detach-device '$vmName' /tmp/USBTempXML.xml 2>&1"); unset ($initialState[$Device]); } } sleep($pollingTime); } ?> Technie note: There is no way to monitor a particular port for changes, because every time you remove and insert a device, the device number associated with the bus increases. Also, this script does not use udev to automatically attach / detach the usb devices. This is because: the USB device in question may or may not be known prior to attaching (ie: a buddy brought over a USB stick for you to use), and secondly because in theory you could have multiple copies of this script running for different VMs and the same device may wind up being plugged into a different VM as you require, rather than the one udev dictated. IE: I went for flexibility at the expense of minimal processor time. USB_HotPlug.zip
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