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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I wonder if clouds ever look down at us and say "Hey Look! That one is shaped like an idiot!" - Fix: PHP exception when only a single Config entry is present - Fix: Date application updated when in Legacy mode Required Update
  2. For whatever reason, the dockerMan routines refuse to get the information for that particular repository. But, everything else works perfectly. EDIT: Known issue, and is with the routines contained within dockerMan (I utilize them for my own purposes, and not necessarily the purposes they were designed for ) Probably it timeouts on the download of that particular repository, but since it only ever utilizes those routines under emergency circumstances (appFeed problem - of which the above issue is related to), I'm not particularily worried about it.
  3. Yeah, Update Applications should fix the problem. This is because of the change to utilizing attributes in 6.2's templates. It was working perfectly with gfjardim's 6.2 compliant templates, but somehow once ballooob updated his templates something's not quite right. There will be an update at some point today, once I figure out exactly what the hell is going on here
  4. Don't you just add the tag to the repository . balloob/homeassist:dev Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. Try setting static dns addresses of and Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  6. It means that you have to restart the array in maintenance mode and run xfs_repair against the drive (by clicking on the drive in the main tab)
  7. I seem to recall (but too lazy to search - Sorry @trurl) that during the initial discussions about turbo write that Tom mentioned about making auto where if all the drives were already spinning it would switch to turbo mode. No idea if it came to fruition.
  8. I'm sorry for your loss :'( What is a pet rock by the way? Missed this post... A pet rock is the greatest friend you can ever have... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pet_Rock But, they can be rather finicky pets to care for (mine died ), hence why you need the instruction manual for them https://www.scribd.com/doc/252772385/The-Care-and-Training-of-Your-Pet-Rock-Manual-by-Gary-Dahl I just thought it was too early to talk about it since you didn't answer... Is it too early to ask why it died? I have to convince my girlfriend to sell Pet Rocks in the Pet shop she works in! We were practicing the various "attack" commands, and he just fell apart. Damn coward!
  9. I'm sorry for your loss :'( What is a pet rock by the way? Missed this post... A pet rock is the greatest friend you can ever have... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pet_Rock But, they can be rather finicky pets to care for (mine died ), hence why you need the instruction manual for them https://www.scribd.com/doc/252772385/The-Care-and-Training-of-Your-Pet-Rock-Manual-by-Gary-Dahl
  10. Odds on it was storing the backups within the docker.img. Check to make sure the destination (I don't use crashplan, so don't know the wording) is set to /backup
  11. Maybe I'm not following you... The message is with regards to your cachebackup share, and it is showing on your disk 1 You've got disk 1 excluded in the share settings for cachebackup. You'll have to move the files off of disk 1 somewhere else then move them back to cachebackup.
  12. And I believe that message just means that the file(s) are existing somewhere on your disks beyond the disks that your included disks has listed. Possibly you set the included disks after you had created the share and had files on it. [img width=200] http://my.jetscreenshot.com/12412/20160412-xxvz-137kb.jpg[/img]
  13. I *believe* (could be wrong) that you would have to passthrough an entire controller to accomplish this.
  14. Don't use this particular app, but it seems to me you should download to /data/Incomplete, move completed to /data/Complete, and watch /data/Watch
  15. Initially, on some of those (deluge?) it would appear that you've got them storing data within the docker.omg file instead of outside it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Then it feels pretty darn good! The man was a king! Also feel like taking donations to quit updating CA
  17. Common complaint around the web regarding the disk usage of docker as a whole. Definitely not LT's issue. Instead of manually going through and deleting subvolumes, your best course of action is to completely delete the docker.img and then re-add the apps either through CA's previous apps section or the my* templates. Everything will be back exactly the same way it was before, but your usage will be lower. As far as those two logs are concerned, you're probably ok to delete them, but you might want to check the debugging settings (or log verbosity settings) within those containers to see if its logging everything or just what you're interested in. Realistically, I think the functional size of anyone's docker.img file should be 20G at the minimum. LT's default of 5G is way too small, and at 10G you're pushing your luck
  18. If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the looting started. - Enhanced: Further security improvements - Enhanced: cAdvisor template is now 6.2 compliant - Fix: Suppress error if no docker applications running when in resource monitor - Added: Ability to install updates for docker applications * - Enhanced: Better determination of appFeed failure - Added: Confirmation on Update Applications button - Updated: Manual, Credits * If an update is available, the Installed Apps tab should show you an update is available for the app. Works on 6.2, am unable to test this on 6.1.x (as the data structure from dockerMan is different), but it should work. If it doesn't (ie: if dockerMan shows an update but CA doesn't, let me know).
  19. Advanced Settings (top right) (after adding homegenie from within CA)
  20. Change the repository from jshridha/docker-homegenie to jshridha/homegenie If Bungy doesn't update the template to reflect this, then I'll make a decision whether to override the repository entry within CA or blacklist the template.
  21. Gotta love how depending upon the error, unRaid will tell you that the command was successful when in truth it wasn't
  22. Try using a new one. The version from needo's app might be completely incompatible with the new versions of Sonarr (or the internal organization chosen within appdata might be signifantly different)
  23. Since you're trying it from your phone / tablet (looks like both wifi and 3G enabled), are you sure that your phone / tablet is on the same network? Can you connect to other app's gui's from the same device? Might also want to post the logs from the app as lsio's containers all autoupdate at startup, and the updates may be taking awhile. Beyond that, nuking your docker.img file is also another option
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