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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Post your diagnostics And by "won't display anything" do you mean the page is actually completely white? Is the browser's spinner in the tab still showing that the page is loading?
  2. By deleting Theme Engine and rebooting do you mean that you uninstalled it and then rebooted? Try in safe mode. Also try using incognito mode in the browser if an extension is interfering
  3. Interesting page also on that linked site that would raise further red flags Average rating of 4 stars based on 3 reviews Except that further down, There's been a total of 0 reviews which gives it an overall rating of 5
  4. docker inspect nameOfContainer Will tell you ever path, every Env, every port that you've got. If you didn't set up environment variables, then easiest to work out the paths and ports from the Docker Tab (Advanced view)
  5. Bad / loose sata cabling to the drive that's ata2 (you can click the drive's log from Main to determine which drive is which) Reseat / replace
  6. If this is what your PSU actually looks like from that link Then you were quite literrally ripped off. That is a picture of a (for lack of a better word) piece of shit generic PS from 15 years ago. This is what they are supposed to look like General rule: Any PS that looks like what is in the link is garbage, old, not reliable etc and should never be purchased, or used even if it's free
  7. The MyServers plugin does a "mirror" of the flash drive (optional), but mirrors it to the cloud for easy recovery from any browser on any device
  8. You can create a feature request if you like as @dlandon suggested, but it is unobtrusive (but noticeable), dismissible, and doesn't generate any other notifications unless you're in the page (and UD shares real-estate with Main)
  9. It appears that you have a container running which is continually restarting. I can see this affecting power usage
  10. The whole point behind the update banner (which you can easily dismiss for UD if you like) is to let the user know that there is an update available to the plugin whenever you are on the plugin's page. This is handled outside of the "check for updates" settings, and no notifications are ever sent out by the banner appearing. This is because as a general rule, the only versions of any random plugin that are actually supported is the latest version. Otherwise, the first thing on any support question for any plugin the author is immediately going to state "Update the plugin". If you do decide to dismiss the banner, then the next update to the plugin will trigger another banner to appear. This is by design.
  11. Nothing super obvious, but based on the tasks currently running, see if restarting Shinobi before you go to bed makes a difference. root 12317 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Zs 16:05 0:00 | \_ [ffmpeg] <defunct>
  12. If it ever happens again, post diagnostics before rebooting if possible.
  13. If a share is public, everyone has RW access. "Secure", and everyone has read access, and selected users have RW "Private", and guests have no access, selected users have read only and selected users have RW
  14. You have to enable and initialize the flash backup in Settings - Management Settings, MyServers
  15. IDK. You just had a weird error, and that was my first guess on what the cause was, and what you were seeing is technically impossible to happen
  16. You mount the other server's TV Shares via Unassigned Devices (SMB), and then add another mapping to Sonarr of say /mnt/remotes/OtherServer mapped to /TVSHOWS2 Then you have Sonarr import /TVSHOWS2
  17. There's MANY ports in use on any given random server. This isn't an "error" It's simply telling you that one of the ports in the template interferes with a port that's already in use on the server. Could simply be the template's default wants to use port 80 and you will need to adjust it on the template This is simply a tool CA is showing you to try and lessen errors and support requests to the various maintainers by pointing out that you have to adjust one or more of the host ports listed in the template.
  18. IOMMU groupings do not take into consideration any empty slots. It only considers hardware that is actually installed. Depending upon your hardware, populating the empty slot may put that hardware into its own grouping, or may rearrange any existing groupings.
  19. This is my first guess /tmp total 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 nobody users 60 Apr 19 12:54 Transcode You have (plex I imagine) transcoding to RAM. No problems with that. My thought is that in the Plex template you've got /transcode mapped to /tmp and within Plex you're telling it to transcode to /transcode/transcode. Shouldn't be an issue per se (that I can think of), but I can see tons of very weird things happening if /tmp ever gets deleted by an App. Your only solution right now is a reboot. Yeah, it's a not very well known feature that even if the GUI crashes during diagnostics collection that the file still gets generated and stored on the flash.
  20. Not the answer to the problem, but the MyServers plugin makes that painless to accomplish.
  21. Did the diagnostic collection ever complete? Did a file get created on the flash drive (logs folder) of the diagnostics? Upload it if it exists. (It's date & time stamped) Otherwise, your recourse pretty much is a reboot. For that directory "state" or var.ini to not exist really implies that something went through and really trashed the OS folders. I have never seen anything ever do that.
  22. It's not supported. The OS itself runs completely from RAM, so there is basically zero benefit to booting from a device other than a USB flash device. (And as a plus it frees up a SATA / nvme slot for storage)
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