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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Any reason you have not set Unraid up so access is via a VPN to provide security? Unraid has the WireGuard VPN server built in.
  2. Not a comment on your diagnostics, but you want to make sure your UPS is NOT set to run Unraid as long as it can, but is set to initiate a shutdown with plenty of power left. You also do not want the Unraid server set to automatically power on as soon as power is supplied as it means it can come on before the UPS has a chance to recharge.
  3. That speed sounds like the network might be running at 100 Mbps. This can happen if any port and/or cable does not have all connection working. You might want to do iperf3 tests to check the network speeds between the systems. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so we can see what is going on.
  4. This means you want files moved TO the flash drive - is this what you want? you might want to check that you have a sensible value for the Minimum Free Space setting for the cache drive and the User Shares
  5. They may not accept it as CRC errors are connection errors and rarely indicate a disk problem. As long as the value is not constantly increasing then you can ignore it. The value never resets to 0 so being steady is fine.
  6. There have been previous reports of this space sometimes not being correctly zeroed when the parity is initially built, but I do not think anyone knows why. I would let it complete this time and not get worried unless it continues to happen in future checks.
  7. Mine all migrated fine. If there is a bug somewhere I would expect it to be in the User Scripts plugin.
  8. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  9. If that is the case maybe it is an inherent problem when ZFS is used on a single drive file system? I cannot see why Limetech would have done anything special about ZFS being used in the array? Be nice to be proved wrong though.
  10. I don’t use Proxmox but I do run Unraid under KVM hosted on Unraid and VirtualBox and VMware hosted on Windows and in all cases get nothing excessive in terms of used space with vdisks of the size you mention. If there is a problem it looks like it must be ProxMox specific.
  11. You can check that the file /etc/cron.d/root contains entries for those. If not trying making a change on the User Scripts settings page and apply it to try and regenerate the entries.
  12. I have a feeling that ZFS may have inherent performance issues when in the main array because of the way Unraid parity is handled. I would love to be proved wrong but I think users should be aware there may be no easy solution.
  13. Unraid has to format its disks to get them correctly partitioned and formatted (which wipes any existing contents). you need at least 1 drive with no content to get started. This can then be added and formatted as the first disk in the Unraid array. If you then install the Unassigned Devices plugin this will allow you to mount NTFS drives so that you can copy the content off onto the array drive. The Dynamix File Manager plugin can help with this. Once the drive has all its content removed the drive can then be added to the Unraid array to give additional space. Repeat as many times as needed.
  14. I suggest you follow the procedure documented here in the online documentation to rewrite the system files.
  15. @rocketeer55 Just pushed an update 2023-09-03 that should fix both of your notification issues. Let me know if there is anything still mis-behaving. It was a quick turn-around so it is possible I missed something.
  16. You might want to delete (or rename) the config/vfio.cfg file on the flash drive. There is a good chance that with a new motherboard the device ID's for passed through devices are different.
  17. I was reading the space used as a bit less than 2% Did you format the disk in Unraid? Normally an empty file system occupies ~1% of the disk. Was there any chance the disk had previously been been formatted by Unraid - if so it would have been added and its data left intact.
  18. Once you format a drive it is no longer 'empty' as the format process uses space to create the directory structure for the empty file system on the drive. This is exactly what happens on a physical drive.
  19. If you run a xfs file system repair via the GUI this will update parity as it is doing any repair. Having said that it is possible that a parity check may find a small number of errors that need correcting after an unclean shuitdown as some writes at the unclean shutdown stage did not make it to the parity drive as well.
  20. In nearly all cases of this it is due to how the system is configured rather than SMB itself. For instance those speeds are typical of writing to the main array if you do not have Turbo Write enabled as documented here in the online documentation. I agree this is not as fast as we would wish but it is not SMB that is the limiting factor
  21. Something strange going on as once a disk is shown as emulated it should not leave this state until you have rebuilt it or taken some other action to force it to no longer be emulated.
  22. You could use the Dynamic File Manager plogin on the Unraid side to do this I believe as it can mount remote shares.
  23. OK - I will look at the not resumed message - it is meant to only occur once . I also need to work out why you are getting the notifications at all if you have them turned off in the plugin settings. I will look at getting a fix out for this ASAP as I suspect it will be obvious when I look into it. EDIT: I think I see the cause for both issues, and am currently testing it so expect a fix soon.
  24. You can try the Manual upgrade process.
  25. Not using standard features as Unraid only supports top level shares Should be able to do it if you are prepared to five under the covers to do manual configuration but this would be error prone.
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