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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You could try setting the RAM to a slower clock speed to see if that helps. If you have multiple RAM sticks you could try testing them individually. Even 1 error is too many when testing the RAM.
  2. Suggests this as it indicates that blocks on the flash drive are failing when trying to read them. Sometimes manually rewriting all the bz* type files on the flash drive from a zip of the release works to help with reading borderline sectors but not if the drive is really going bad.
  3. Difficult to tell based on the information supplied. You are likely to get informed feedback if you post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see how you have Unraid set up.
  4. You need to first unlock the screen (leftmost icon at top right).
  5. You set it to listen waiting for log entries to be sent to it! As mentioned in the link you need to get entries from the server hosting the Syslog Server you need to either put the servers address into the remote syslog field or set mirror to flash.
  6. I actually do NOT want them there indefinitely - as I said I was looking for something like 5 minutes. That means that even if I am working on something else at the same time they will probably be there to give me time to notice them. I find that if I am concentrating on something else that 1 minute often means they disappear before I get around to reading them.
  7. Yes Why you would think this needed? Parity has just been used as part of the rebuild process so by definition it is correct.
  8. If it asks for it (which is normally the case) then there is not much choice. It will not have any downside except that it is possible the last change to the disk gets lost.
  9. What type of partitions are these if you look in Disk Manager on Windows?
  10. You should contact support to get this resolved. They tend to be quite responsive.
  11. Not as far as I know. I think this is a feature that has been 'promised' for some time but has not yet made into general release.
  12. The md3 part indicates it is the disk configured as disk3
  13. Worth checking to see if you now have a lost+found folder where the repair process would put any files for which it could not locate the directory entry giving the correct name.
  14. Did you set the USB flash drive to boot in UEFI mode? If not then renaming the EFI~ folder to remove the trailing ~ will allow this and might solve your issue.
  15. Since loop3 referers to where the docker image is mounted you may also have a corrupt docker.img file so in that case you should recreate and reinstall your docker apps.
  16. OK - I think I have finally cracked getting the pause/resume to work correctly in all the cases around mover running. I have reworked my test environment so I can do tests more rapidly going forward which should help with turnaround. Before I make this release public I am interested if there on any feedback on the changes to notifications from the plugin I am making if the notifications option is enabled in the plugin as follows: Pause/Resume are going to be displayed as warning (orange) notifications from the plugin instead of normal (green) as they are at the moment. This is consistent with the core Unraid approach for notifications about array operations. Finished message will be displayed as normal (green) if no errors were found during an array operation and alert (red) if they were. Any other error I detect will be displayed as alert (red) notifications. Not sure at the moment if there are any other conditions that I want to treat as warnings (orange) but there may be. Pure information notifications will be displayed as normal (green) ones. I will display the mover/backup running/finishing messages as normal (green) notifications if I detect them during a parity operation regardless of whether the option to pause/resume the operation is set for these cases. I thought that even for those not using the plugin to handle pause/resume this is useful information. The pause/resume will only happen if it is set and the notification about this will be warning (orange) as indicated earlier for pause/resume. Any thoughts on this?
  17. I believe that is part of getting ready for later releases when Unraid will not be restricted to using partition 1 on a drive.
  18. You are on a 6.12.x release so the correct device name would be /dev/md1p1
  19. A rebuild does not clear an unmountable state. Handling of unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  20. Have you set the server to use a fixed IP address either at the server or the router? The default would be DHCP which means addresses are allocated dynamically.
  21. Is there a reason that the maximum delay for notifications seems to be 60 seconds? I would like to be able to set something like 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  22. Why not set FCP to NOT tell you that an outstanding update is a problem.
  23. It should make no difference whether devices are connected via WiFi or a wired connection unless your router has a setting that stops WiFi connected devices accessing wired devices (in which case change that setting).
  24. I would disagree. The SMART information for the drive shows: 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 061 061 010 - 7864 and 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--C- 001 001 000 - 63632 198 Offline_Uncorrectable ----C- 001 001 000 - 63632 On a ‘healthy’ disk these should ideally be 0’s.
  25. This only happens if a write to the drive fails. It is independent of whether a sector is reallocated. passing the extended SMART test is not definitive (although suggestive), whereas failing it is definitely a problem. Not also that the overall SMART assessment based on the SMART attributes is almost meaningless unless it indicates a failure.
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