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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You could try enabling the syslog server with the mirror to flash option set to get a syslog that survives a reboot.
  2. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. Drives do not go unmountable for no reason.
  3. Have you checked that the number of slots for the cache pool is set to 2 and that the file system is set to be btrfs (or ZFS if using the 6.12.x release). What happens when you try to assign the second drive? FYI: The sdX type designations are irrelevant as Unraid recognises disks by their serial number.
  4. As was mentioned, Unraid requires a wired connection, and does not include any WiFi drivers.
  5. As far as I know this problem tends to occur when the fuse process managing User Shares crashes and is not directly linked to docker. Your diagnostics might enable us to determine if this is the case for you.
  6. It is not certain from your description if it is the new drive you have just added or not, At this point I would suggest running a correcting parity check (which should report the same 2 errors as it corrects them), and then run another non-correcting check which should now report 0 errors. if you still have errors reported then please post your diagnostics.
  7. Reallocated sectors are not something that is normally caused by something like cabling. On a new drive then I would suspect that either there was a manufacturing defect or that the drive got damaged in transit.
  8. It all depends on whether is playing around with the way it displays the geometry of the drive would be compatible with the way it is displayed when plugged in via SATA. Unless someone can but in with experience of that particular enclosure it is going to be a case of trying a drive to see.
  9. In my experience if you start getting the reallocated sector count regularity increasing it is normally a sign that total failure of the drive is imminent and it should be replaced.
  10. Moving a disk to a different connection would not make it magically come online. If you had wanted to rebuild to the same drive the required process is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  11. The files will still be there! Unraid will have updated parity so that the emulated disk shows those files. Whenever you rebuild a disk whatever shows as on the emulated disk before the rebuild starts I s what you end up with (assuming the rebuild was successful).
  12. Formatting a drive is NEVER part of a data recovery process (you would have got a warning about this when you selected the format option). The format would have created an empty file system on the drive and updated parity to reflect this. You may be able to recover some (most) of the data off the drive using file recovery software such as UFS Explorer on Windows.
  13. you may find this section of the online documentation of interest in understanding what applies performance constraints in Unraid.
  14. Look for videos by SpaceInvaderOne who does regular videos on different aspects of Unraid.
  15. It does not - it creates the correct partition structure and then writes all zeroes to the Unraid partition so it can be added to the array without affecting parity. Note that pre-clear is only REQUIRED when adding new drives AND you want to first stress test them. A rebuild overwrites every sector on the drive so the fact it has been pre-cleared is irrelevant. FYI: The correct handling of unmountable drives is covered here in the Unraid online documentation.
  16. Yes. If you put in the 16TB drive Unraid will first rebuild the contents of the 8TB drive and after completing the rebuild expand the file system to fill the whole 16TB. If the full 16TB is not immediately made available after the rebuild you made need to reboot to get this to happen (although in theory this should not be required).
  17. Because as you said earlier disk1 is NOT physically present. Its contents are being emulated using the contents of the other data drives plus your parity2 drive. Why do you think the size is wrong? At this time you have no redundancy as parity1 is disabled. To get back redundancy you need to either rebuild the contents of parity1 or replace disk1. I strongly suggest you check back here saying what change you intend to make as any error now will lead to data loss.
  18. When you restart the array in normal mode that drives contents should now show up fine.
  19. You ran with the -n (no modify) option set and that needs to be removed if you want anything to be fixed. If it asks for -L then add that.
  20. Disks 2 to 5 appear to be empty - is this expected? If not is your server exposed to the internet? The diagnostics appear to be just after booting so cannot see what happened earlier.
  21. You can use the SSD for both purposes, but you cannot set explicit limits on how much space is used for each purpose. You can decide at the share level where each share can have its files located.
  22. Personally I think this is unlikely to happen as it provides marginal safety improvement as the chance of triple drive failure are so small that Limetech will probably not invest the development effort required. When Unraid 6.13 arrives you could split your current array into 2 smaller ones each of which could then have dual parity.
  23. The container does not know where the data is physically located as long as you are using a path mapped to a user share - it simply relies on Unraid to supply it on request. Note that in the steps I suggested mover is transferring files from array to pool, not the other way around.
  24. You do that first so that mover can transfer files off the array to the pool. When that has completed you remove the secondary storage and set exclusive mode.
  25. No. Exclusive mode is restricted to pools that have no secondary storage set. You can only set it when all files for the pool have been moved off the array.
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