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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. When you ran the previous correcting check then all sectors 'fixed' are added to the error count even though they should perhaps not be considered as errors so in that sense the count at the end is normally the number of sectors 'fixed'. You should now run a non-correcting check to confirm that all errors have been corrected. You could run another correcting check, but if so this to time expect the count to be 0 unless new sectors needing correcting were found.
  2. Please post the diagnostics that are downloaded as a single zip file. If you are not seeing this then you probably have your browser automatically opening that zip file and showing its contents. You will find that virtually nobody will bother to look at them when the contents are posted as separate files.
  3. You do NOT want an Unraid server to be in the DMZ as it is not hardened against attacks from the web. Doing so almost inevitably leads to your server being hacked. For remote access to the Unraid GUI from the web you should use either the MyServers plugin or use a VPN (Unraid has the WireGuard VPN Server built in). If you want to run a web site then open just the ports for that through your router and make sure the web site is secured.
  4. By exposed I mean inbound connections from the internet being possible. This can happen if the server is in the routers DMZ. There has to be something trying to make connections to your server to be triggering the emails. You should be able to get an idea from the syslog what the source address of the potential hack attempts is which might help pin down the culprit.
  5. Do you have your server exposed to the internet? Do you have parts forwarded to your server?
  6. If a disk fails a write then Unraid does NOT unmount it - instead it disables the physical drive (I.e. stops writing to it because it no longer matches parity) and starts emulating it. If bad file system data was written the file system is corrupted and you need to run a file system repair (which can be run on the emulated drive). Parity is not about protecting files - it is about protecting against a disk failure. The dialog that Unraid pops up when you select format is by no means a standard format warning - it explicitly warns you that running it will prejudice any data recovery and will update parity so that the data is no longer recoverable.
  7. Install the User Scripts plugin to give an easy way to run scripts. @aglyons gave you what needs to be in a script to achieve what you want.
  8. I think that is all but I could be wrong. If you have any passwords specified elsewhere then they would also need setting again as the backup process deliberately does not store passwords.
  9. That file is definitely corrupt. You can get the default one from a zip download of the relevant Unraid release. However the fact it is corrupt in the first place makes me wonder about other files on the flash drive and whether the flash drive is having problems. Do you have a recent backup of your flash drive?
  10. It can be worth running php -l filename on the page file to check that does not throw out any errors. I also use on any php script files before trying to use them.
  11. Have you checked this actually works as expected? I see a potential problem? You have the same drive in source and destination list. Copying a file to itself can.end up truncating the file to zero length.
  12. This suggests to me that the config/go file on the flash drive may be corrupt. It should be a human readable text file so you may want to plug the flash drive into another system to have a look at it.
  13. For item 4) I think you ARE going to have to modify standard Unraid pages and/or scripts to add the extra item. The only thing I can suggest is once you work out what change you want you should see if you can insert it dynamically into pages/scripts during plugin install rather than replacing the pages/scripts in their entirety. An appropriate ‘sed’ edit or something similar could be used if you can find an appropriate search term to tell you where to insert it into the relevant files. That might then work across multiple Unraid releases if the anchor point is invariant, but would need checking for each release in case it changes.
  14. Then that suggests you really DID get an unclean shutdown as it is Unraid that starts that check, not the plugin. The plugin notification was just something I added because it seemed informative and since I was detecting whether an unclean shutdown had occurred for other reasons it was easy to generate the notification. I will be interested in scenarios where you get that notification and a parity check does NOT start so the notification is incorrect. You probably need therefore to investigate why you might be getting unclean shutdowns. You may find this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page to be of use to give you some ideas on troubleshooting this.
  15. I personally still do not see any reason why you want you would want such large pools. The amount of data that you could potentially lose if something goes wrong with a pool increases with the size of the pool. This can be mitigated if you have a comprehensive backup strategy but many users only back up critical stuff regularly. I also still do not see why a single unified view via the User Share system covering several pools is not a better solution than gigantic pools.
  16. Which of the following are you trying to achieve: A new top level page (that appears on the main menu). A new section within a current top level page Replace standard Unraid pages Add a new button/field to an existing section in a top level page Add a new panel to the Dashboard. The first 2 are relatively easy to achieve, but the next two are much harder. Option 2) is by far the easiest and least likely to have undesirable side-effects. Option 3 should be avoided I would think as it is likely to break any time there is a new Unraid release. Option 5) will require you to take specific action to make it compatible with the 6.12 release.
  17. It is in the 'logs' folder on the flash drive. You may have to remove the flash drive from your Unraid server (shutting it down first) and read that in another system.
  18. It should not if the plugin code for detecting the fact that Unraid is intending to start a parity check is working correctly. Is the parity check actually starting (the plugin does not do this itself). If not then the message is incorrect so I need to work out why it is being displayed when it should not be. I need to accurately detect whether a shutdown is clean or not as this affects the option to restart array operations on reboot from point previously reached which is only done if the shutdown is clean.
  19. I am not sure that having such a large number of drives in a single pool makes sense as if something goes wrong you would lose a very large amount of data. What I m hoping will happen is that the User Share system will be enhanced in a multi-pool scenario so that you can use that to get a unified view across multiple pools in a more powerful way than is currently the case. I must admit I do not know how this would work but it seems a more useful way forward. You could then still have a unified view of the whole system but structure each pool/array arround its own needs for performance and resilience. In fact when I think about it I can see a new tier being introduced that is below the Pro licence once the need for the main array is removed and it simply becomes another pool type. After all with the current existing multi-pool support it is already possible to get something of the order of 1000 drives being managed by Unraid so maybe a licence that limits the total drives in all pools put together would make more sense.
  20. Just that it takes a long time to run. Typically something like 1-2 hours per TB of the disk size.
  21. Why were you doing this? XMP is an overclock (albeit normally a relatively safe one).
  22. Your screen shot shows you have the SMB Security Export option set to No which means it is not available via the network.
  23. Have you checked that you do not have Settings->Unassigned Devices->SMB Security set to No? If so that will stop the share being visible over SMB despite setting the Share option on the drive itself.
  24. @rsbuc I just uploaded a version of the plugin that should now run the temperature detection code correctly again. Took me ages to track down what turned out to be a simple typo that had crept into the code somehow (had '&' when it needed to be '&&').
  25. I see where you are coming from, but I was assuming that only the top part of the Release Notes would initially be visible in the dialog box? My concern would be that the moment anyone has to click elsewhere to get more detail that they need then they are less likely to do it, but I guess the alert could contain the link to them? I did not get an Alert when I installed 6.12 rc1 - should I have? This would at least have given a feel for how it might work. BTW: Any idea about the other part - whether vfio ids change with the new kernel.
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