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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It would be useful if you could point to where it says this as it is a mistake that needs correcting it should say a Parity drive cannot be smaller that the biggest data drive.
  2. You might find this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page useful in at least identifying the parity drives. It will not give you the order of the data drives but that will only matter if you have restricted shares to particular drives (and in such a case you can probably work out the original order by examining their contents once they are back online).
  3. That speed sounds like you would expect if the Ethernet is running at 100Mbps. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  4. The obvious question is are you sure you have the right sort of breakout cables? Forward and Reverse breakout cables look identical but only the correct type would work.
  5. This is not going to happen in the 6.12 release.
  6. @marco_yang Does it work if you boot in Safe mode? If so then you almost certainly have a plugin installed that is incompatible with the dashboard changes in 6.12. Have you checked to see if you have any of those mentioned in the Release Notes? One that is definitely not compatible is NerdPack (use NerdTools instead).
  7. Did you disable the docker service before running mover? This will be needed or some files will not be moved.
  8. The advantage of the Prefer setting is that if the pool fills up it can overflow to the array whereas the Only setting will give an error. On the other hand the Only setting might be more performant.
  9. To get mover to transfer the files set Use Cache=Prefer. Mover ignores shares with the Only setting.
  10. The pool (cache) also has a Minimum Free Space setting. At the moment if the setting on a share is higher than that on the cache pool it takes precedence. I personally think this is wrong and only the setting on the cache pool should be taken into account when writing to the cache, and that for the share to apply when writing to the array drives.
  11. Have you rebooted since changing the pools around? If not then that could mean that the /mnt/cache folder is left over from before you had things reconfigured. If it re-appears after a reboot then there is still something set with that as the start of the configured path.
  12. Thanks for that. I am reasonably certain I have tracked down the issue (1 line of code in the wrong place) but I need to do testing to confirm. While checking I think on examination the logic is also slightly flawed in that if the parity check is legitimately paused because mover is running, but mover then completes after the scheduled time for the increment to end the plugin will resume the check not taking into account it is past the end of the current increment. I will need to fix that as well.
  13. @binaryrefinery Just a FYI the documentation says which DOES mention the need to set the Minimum Free Space value. Maybe the Help needs that extra bit adding as well.
  14. That means you have something (probably a docker container) configured to use a path starting with ‘/mnt/cache’. You need to find it and correct the path to its new value.
  15. It is normal for the Parity sync to slow down as the drives get to their inner tracks which is where the drive performance is worst,
  16. @henris Interesting - I will look into that. It might be helpful if you could post (or PM me) a copy of the parity.tuning.cfg file from the plugins folder on the flash drive so I can see if any other setting might be relevant as I am checking this out.
  17. 10GB would work. Click on the text name of the field to see the help built into the GUI that gives allowed options
  18. It looks like the wording of this setting and its associated values is going to be completely redone for the 6.12 release. The underlying functionality will be the same but hopefully the reworked presentation will be much clearer and less likely to be misunderstood by new users.
  19. You need to set the Minimum Free Space settings to be larger than the biggest file you expect to cache (we normally suggest 2x this value to give some headway). This tells Unraid when to stop using the pool for caching or when to switch to another drive on the arrsy. this setting exists in the settings both for any pool, and also for each share. This is covered here and here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  20. It looks as though a lot of the drives dropped offline as there is no SMART information for them in the diagnostics. It might be worth power-cycling the server to see if that brings them back. Also carefully check any power cabling, and anything else common to multiple drives. Post new diagnostics after that so we can see what (if anything) has changed.
  21. The licence is tied to the flash drive. Do you have the MyServers plugin installed to make automatic backups of the flash drive - if so you can get back everything including the licence file from there. If not then you can email Limetech support explaining what happened and giving them the GUID of the flash drive and they then should be able to re-issue you the licence file for that particular flash drive.
  22. Restart the array in normal mode.
  23. The symptoms suggest that the flash drive might have some sort of problems, although the only symptoms I see in the diagnostics is repeated occurrences in the syslog of Apr 3 05:07:06 Tower emhttpd: error: get_key_info, 583: Invalid argument (22): get_message: /boot/config/Trial.key (-3)
  24. The other possibility is to NOT run the ONT in pass-through mode, but set up the Dlink to accept port forwards from the ONT for those ports that are of interest.
  25. Shares that are automatically generated because a top level folder was created will have default settings. The config information for shares is stored as .cfg files in the config/shares folder on the flash drive. It is a good idea to delete any that do not correspond to shares you actually have to keep the diagnostics cleaner.
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