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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. That change will only affect new files for the share. Existing files will be left where they are and still show up when trying to read from the share.
  2. Still no sign of the problem drive. That suggests it really has failed and needs replacing. if your parity is valid then at this point Unraid should show that it is ‘emulating’ the missing drive (using the combination of the other drives plus the parity drive) and acting as if the disk were still present. At the moment the array is in an unprotected state but if/when you get a replacement drive then Unraid will be able to rebuild the contents of the ‘emulated’ drive onto it and get the array back into a protected state. Do you have notifications enabled so that Unraid can let you know immediately any problem is spotted?
  3. You should post new diagnostics to see if it now shows up in the SMART reports. If Not then it is likely the drive has failed.
  4. It appears to be offline in those diagnostics as there is no SMART report for it. You should probably try power-cycling the server to see if then comes back online.
  5. In which case exactly what command did you use? the symptoms are not unusual if you get the command slightly wrong.
  6. You should never get errors on a memory test if you want the system to be stable.
  7. I believe it the /dev/sdd Toshiba drive. Looks like it is a 3TB drive but has an existing 2TB DOS partition allocated. I would guess that deleting that partition would solve the issue.
  8. Have you installed the base Unassigned Disks plugin? This is needed before you can install the Preclear add on.
  9. A split level of 2 is highly likely to cause problems - you want it set to split as needed if you are using the Fill-Up allocation method. Was the 50GB Minimum Free Space setting always there or was that added when you started encountering problems? Are any of the files you are trying to copy larger than 50GB - if so you need to increase the value for this setting. You might want to check the "Full" disk to see if there are any incomplete files there from a previously failed attempt to copy files - if so they should be deleted as they would stop the allocation method being used as existing files are always over-written in-situ. It might be a good idea at this point to manually move files to another drive to free up space on the full drive and see if things then start behaving better. Since you are on a 6.10.x release the Dynamix File Manager plugin is the best way to do this.
  10. In which case it will be your Split Level setting as that over-rides Allocation method if they contend for which drive to use.
  11. Anything other than 0 errors is a problem
  12. in which case I would try a different USB port in case it is that acting up
  13. What do you have set for Minimum Free Space for the share? That tells Unraid when to consider another disk. It should be larger than the biggest file you expect to send to the share - normally twice as big is the recommended value.
  14. That error indicates a problem reading a file from the USB stick (typically one of the bz* type files). Making a backup and then rewriting the stick with contents from the backup frequently fixes this issue.
  15. You do not want to attempt a preclear with a parity check running as they will BADLY affect each others performance.
  16. I saw in the syslog the message Aug 19 22:33:48 Unraid emhttpd: Error: disk8: already assigned Since the disk is not a new one maybe there is something that is confusing Unraid? Not sure what is causing this but have you deleted any existing partitions, or running a preclear on it?
  17. Are you saying you do not get an IP address displayed when you go to whatismyip.com in your browser when attached to your local LAN?
  18. You should never directly open up your Unraid server to the internet - doing so is almost certain to lead to you getting hacked. If you want secure remote access to your server then you should use a VPN - Unraid has the WireGuard VPN built in. You also have the My Servers plugin as an alternative way to get secure remote access to your server. Going back to your original question if you do not get a login prompt then that is almost certainly because the browser you are using has cached the credentials.
  19. You can use the WireGuard VPN support built into Unraid to allow for secure remote access. When you have the VPN connection active on your iOS device then it will act as if it would when locally connected on your,LAN which is I think what you want?
  20. That shows the extended test failed, so the disk should be replaced.
  21. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread after you have attempted to add it and failed. just a thought - do you have an ad-blocker installed in your browser? This can cause problems with the Unraid GUI unless the Unraid server is where-listed, but I must admit I have not heard of it causing the symptoms you describe.
  22. No - I have a mix of speeds in my system without it causing any problems. I do not have any other ideas to suggest I am afraid
  23. This strongly suggests something at the hardware level. Culprit I would first look for would be inadequate cooling causing a thermal related shutdown or problems with the power supply.
  24. It might also be worth clearing your browser's cache in case an incomplete file has been cached.
  25. That is not how parity for the main array works - you may find it useful to read this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
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